Well this is embarrassing! Don't think models are priests or seminarians:
Zwiedzający mogli zobaczyć oryginalne projekty ornatów ks. Marka Wójcika, oraz te bardzi tradycyjne - firmy Haftina. W rolę modeli wcielili się zawodnicy MKS Piotrkowianin z Piotrkowa Trybunalskiego.
I like the fluorescent green and red . . . for directing traffic in the parking lot after mass. Whoa.......
I'd like to see someone try to vest a Russian Orthodox priest in a phelonian that looks like that as that church uses blue without an insult. Absurd. Shouldn't even be a consideration. Childish and silly. This image completely and thoroughly depicts the vocations problem. Instead of time being spent learning the word and applying that to good, sound liturgy, time is spent and wasted on this. To me, this silliness serves to emasculated the priesthood and serves no other purpose.
I'm also not a big fan of all the lace etc and there's nothing that requires it for the EF. That aside, EF ornamentation and elaborateness,to me, leads to an entirely different end than this for the NO; that being the altar of God who gives joy to my youth! I'm therefore grateful for it and it's devoted stewards, the SSFP, and, hopefully, the SSPX!
Fruity beyond belief!!
Looks like Fellini's Roma. Exactly like it, actually.
Here's the clip of Roma, so you can compare. Link.
*indult, not insult. Upgraded my cell phone and my custom dictionary didn't move over. Darn auto correct!!
What do do you expect when the designer is Howie Mandel.
Something tells me that Fr. Martin SJ would LOVE this show!
This is not gay or crazy - watch fashion shows (Dior, Chanel, etc.) and you will begin to understand what its really about. The designer is showing themes, as well as what he can do with materials of various kinds. Of course the real vestments will be different for the most part from what is shown.
Anon 2:57 - Agreed - it's not gay or crazy. And Anon 4:16 snarky comment about Fr. James Martin is a telling commentary on THAT Anon's unredeemed mental state.
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