
Saturday, December 16, 2023


 I did not expect prison time! Will Pope Francis grant a Gaudete pardon!

Cardinal Becciu guilty

At the end of the Vatican financial trial, Cardinal Angelo Becciu was sentenced to five years and six months in prison.

The long-running Vatican finance trial ended Saturday with a guilty verdict for Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu along with convictions for several other former Vatican officials, along with businessmen who worked with the Vatican.


rcg said...

This is a good thing and maybe a big deal if they don’t just make Cardinal Becciu the fall guy but pick up the lot of them. And would be nice to do the same for sex predators and traffickers at the same level.

Mark Thomas said...

In 2020 A.D., Cardinal Pell had granted a television interview to Andrew Bolt. In regard to Pope Francis: Andrew Bolt has long trafficked in negativity.

From the interview in question:

Andrew Bolt, in regard to Vatican financial corruption: "I have described it as running right to the very feet of the Pope. Would I be wrong?"

Cardinal Pell: "Yes."


2020 A.D.

"Pope Francis accepts Cardinal Becciu's resignation as Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, and to rights connected with the cardinalate."

From: The Catholic Herald:

-- Cardinal Pell thanks Pope Francis after Cardinal Becciu resigns

"Cardinal George Pell thanked Pope Francis Friday following the dramatic resignation of Vatican Cardinal Angelo Becciu. "In a statement sent to CNA on September 25, the former prefect of the Vatican Secretariat for the Economy said:

“The Holy Father was elected to clean up Vatican finances. He plays a long game and is to be thanked and congratulated on recent developments.”


April 28, 2022 A.D.

-- Cardinal Pell praises Pope Francis’ Curia reforms after financial scandals: ‘Disaster has been avoided’

Religion News Service

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — Speaking at a Catholic event in Rome on Thursday (April 28), the Vatican’s former finance czar, Cardinal George Pell, praised Pope Francis’ reforms to improve transparency in the institution while addressing questions raised by recent financial scandals in the Catholic Church.

Francis’ reforms of the Vatican’s Curia, outlined in his long-awaited apostolic constitution, “Praedicate Evangelium,” released last month, are in need of a bit more “polishing,” but “even the most critical observers say disaster has been avoided,” Pell said at “Real Estate and the New Evangelization,” an event organized by Notre Dame University in Rome.

Financial scandals have plagued the Catholic institution at least since the 1980s...

But the pope’s reforms and those put in place by his predecessors “have stopped the money laundering,” he added, praising the new constitution for removing barriers for lay men and women wishing to occupy important roles at the Vatican, especially concerning finances.



Mark Thomas

Anonymous said...

rcg, nine other individuals were found guilty and given a fine/sentence of some sort along with damages, according to the Pillar. Surely there are more, but this trial did not let the other defendants off.


rcg said...

Thanks for that update, Nick. Maybe they could have Cardinal Becciu put in house arrest in that now vacant apartment in the Vatican. The punishment would be that he must share it with the other nine convicts.