
Wednesday, March 31, 2021


 As Francis shows, this Easter triduum there's no room for complacency

by Michael Sean Winters

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Pope Francis carries palm fronds in procession as he celebrates Palm Sunday Mass in St. Peter's Basilica March 28 at the Vatican. (CNS/Paul Haring)
Pope Francis carries palm fronds in procession as he celebrates Palm Sunday Mass in St. Peter's Basilica March 28 at the Vatican. (CNS/Paul Haring)

Press the title above for Sean’s article. Of course I don’t think he would agree with me in the examples I use.

Here a money quote from Sean, in which, as my heart palpitates, I agree!

The ressourcement theology that so inspired the Second Vatican Council tried to recapture the amazement the early church fathers had expressed about the wondrous claims of our religion. They did not reduce religion to ethics. They believed in miracles. They did not confuse theology with faith: Simple people may not know much theology but they have a privileged position in accessing the faith. Where did that ressourcement impulse go?

There are many reasons, but here is one. In the post-conciliar era, our theology has been greatly affected by being brought into dialogue with the social sciences. Many insights have been gained by applying to the life of the church the insights gained from psychology and political science and sociology.

But was there a largely hidden price? If we analyze the church as a political institution, do we not tend to forget that the Holy Spirit is at work in the church? Psychology can explain many things, but its categories are not those of the Decalogue nor of the beatitudes. Sociology can tell us that millions of Catholics do not abide by a particular teaching of the magisterium, but it can tell us nothing about the veracity of that teaching.

Understanding is a good thing and we Catholics always embrace faith and reason. Luther was wrong, fideism is not the answer and ignorance is its own sad reward. Still, we should guard against any loss of wonderment that our rigorous intellectual journeys occasion, and the Easter triduum, which begins tomorrow, is the time to bolster that sense of amazement.

The pope adds: "Admiration can be worldly. … Amazement, on the other hand, remains open to others and to the newness they bring." Let us remind ourselves during this Holy Week that worldliness is a problem, perhaps the problem.

My Comments:

I bitterly complained about Praytell reducing the liturgy to the worship of Vatican II, ecclesiology, sociology, lat participation, noble simplicity and the like and making no reference to liturgy bringing about what Sean says Pope Francis preached on Palm Sunday, amazement at Jesus. What Praytell and I presume Sean would do too, is to deify the liturgy based upon the god that is Vatican II, meaning Vatican II is worship, preached, loved and followed. There is a personal relationship with Vatican II, active participation, ecclesiology, reform and the like.

Where is Amazement at Jesus? Where is the personal and not just communal relationship with Jesus?

What the Requiem Mass in Denver in the Extraordinary Form showed is how this liturgy leads to AMAZEMENT and a reverence that leads amazed Catholics to a profoundly personal faith in Jesus Christ.  Let us not talk the talking points of Praytell and other liturgical progressives, let us talk about the beauty of God revealed in this liturgy, its language, its chants that leads us to be AMAZED BY JESUS, NOT VATICAN II.

Let us not dwell on the god of sociology that progressives deify, lay participation, women included, language understood, and ecclesiology exalted leading to idolatry and focus not on God but self congratulatory horizontal worship of man made actions.

No let us dwell upon the amazement of Jesus and how the liturgy leads us to be amazed by God and His omnipotence. Let us worship God, not the form of the liturgy of Vatican II or Vatican II as some kind of god. That indeed is idolatry and admiration of what man does with the spirit of Vatican II.


Anonymous said...

The sad part about the contemporary Church is that Vatican 2 created (the impression of) a Church that began 60-years ago rather than the existence of a Church that began 2500 years ago.

Richard M. Sawicki said...

There is an old expression, perhaps applicable to Sean’s narrative?

“A stopped clock IS right twice a day”!


Gaudete in Domino Semper!

Anonymous said...

Totally unrelated past the header, but, I should like to see this, 9mins of slow motion masterpiece bringing a masterpiece to life, accurate to the smallest detail. WOW.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the cinema art, the creator, Acosta, is also known as Siddha Meditation Master Baba Ganapati, showing even pagans or confused Christians can do good Christian art.

Anonymous said...

Psychology, sociology, and political science are utterly worthless when it comes to experiencing the Living God, and are only an outsider's view of something forever outside those fields ability to experience or understand.

They are only eggheads who have never driven a car or flown an aircraft, giving specious advice to those who drive and fly daily. Why anyone listens to them is utterly beyond me, except in illustrating where people's REAL faith lies, which is in modern science and which has only existed for a few hundred years while rejecting each prior generation's paradigms.

Anonymous said...

Gee, I've never taken heroin but I give advice to ANYONE who will listen. It's BAD for you.

I've never robbed a bank but I advise against it regularly.

I've never set my hair on fire but . . . well, you get my drift.

Yeah, it is entirely possible for someone who has never (fill in the blank) to give sound advice.

And, yes, I am SURE this notion is utterly beyond you...

Anonymous said...

You mistake common sense which most of those fields lack entirely. Look at what they have done in the last 20yrs...activities and ideas which were seen as deviant and illness is now accespted. They have gone from advising to not robbing banks, to advising robbing banks WHILE on heroin as a method of self expression. But you run right along after the very latest fad, as I am sure you will find them most fulfilling as you lay dying.

Anonymous said...

Hey, here's something Pope Francis should address, but won't, since this nonsense is coming from a fellow lefty:

President Joe Biden on Wednesday issued the first presidential proclamation recognizing Transgender Day of Visibility.

The day is dedicated to celebrating transgender people and bringing awareness to the discrimination and violence they face everyday.

In his proclamation, Biden said Trans Day of Visibility recognizes the generations of activism by transgender and nonbinary people.

Just another anti-Catholic position from fake Catholic Biden and will be accepted by corrupt bishops and priests

Anonymous said...

It is interesting that the defenders of Biden never show up when I point out another example of his faithlessness to the Catholic Faith, or is it because they agree with him.

Not A Ruff said...

Can you give examples to illustrate your unsubstantiated claim that Praytellblog idolatries Vatican II please?

Of course they do nothing of the sort and your hyperbole is nothing more than sour grapes for being banned as a repetitive and boring disrupter, but let’s see what nonsense you come up with.

Anonymous said...

Not a Ruff,

You have Father McDonald confused with Father K (my bad, fellow lefties don’t get banned from PraySniff)