
Friday, March 26, 2021



Schism Looms: Pope Francis and the Willfully Rebellious Church in Germany

COMMENTARY: The Holy Father’s German gamble failed. He led with an open hand and got a clenched fist in return.

Pope Francis meets the German Bishops' Conference, 2019.


Pierre said...

I think it is long past time for the Pope to begin excommunicating rebellious bishops (and priests) and make them earn an honest living, like coding, or something. If he did it to one, the rest of the mewing cowards would fall in line. After all, where can they get a cushy job like this with all of the perks?

Anonymous said...

This is the Vatican which played conciliatory games with the Soviet Union and satellites, and is playing nice with Red China today.

The Vatican likely will play 4-5 generations with the German churches trying to keep/bring them back into the fold, and will likely do anything BUT formally break with them, even if the Germans break with the Vatican. We a talking a pope who cannot even rule out intercommunion with protestants.

Even if the Germans burn the pope in effigy, and dynamite a model of the Vatican, the Vatican will say, "schism? what schism?", especially under this papacy which will do ANYthing to not go down in history as the one who let a formal schism happen.

Victor said...

I wonder if such discipline using excommunication would work in the long run in this epoch since the Church is replete with neo-modernism. Since LEO XIII, the infiltration of Modernism in the Church Herself was kept at bay with party-line discipline, but the infiltration continued underhood throughout the years leading to, and perhaps actually forcing a Council. But look at what happened when St. John XXIII called a Council that would have no anathemas, a tap on the wrist with a carrot attitude popular after WW2. All the Modernists, and there were very many by that time, came out of the woodwork and an elan towards apostasy ensued following the Council, leading to the situation we have today. St Paul VI did not see it until too late, and was unable to control it when he did realise it, even with encyclicals. The Catholic Faith is now quite relative, depending as to which church you attend, which priest you speak with, and which country you are in, it seems. The Novus Ordo, for instance is a magnificent contrivance of Modernism, allowing the wildest dreams of active participation to be realised, clown Masses and half naked dancers and all, in the guise of highlighting tid bits of orthodoxy in it. The way I see it, the liturgical movement from its beginning with Beauduin concealed its Modernist foundation very well, by never defining yet promoting at all costs "active participation."

Pierre said...


Unless a bishop or cleric has private financial resources I think excommunication would be effective. Getting cut off from the trough would be very traumatic for them

qwikness said...

If this stuff had been nipped in the bud this wouldn't have been a problem. Now these guys have confidence and power. It's going to get messy.