The link is from LifeSite News, press title for the article:
Activist Milo Yiannopoulos is now ‘Ex-Gay,’ consecrating his life to St. Joseph
LifeSite: Was there any event, or series of events, that triggered your decision to become “sodomy free,” and to do so publicly? Did God knock you off your horse as he did Saul; or did it come about some other way? Please explain.
Milo: Four years ago, I gave an interview to America magazine which they declined to print. It’s taken me a long time to live up to the claims I made in that interview, but I am finally doing it.
Anyone who’s read me closely over the past decade must surely have seen this coming. I wasn’t shy about dropping hints. In my New York Times-bestselling book Dangerous, I heavily hinted I might be “coming out” as straight in the future. And in my recent stream-of-consciousness Telegram feed, I’ve been even more explicit — stomach-churningly so, if the comments under my “x days without sodomy” posts are anything to go by.
Salvation does not depend on being gay or straight - both do not necessarily sin and can get into heaven.
Being gay in itself is not sinful.
His sexual morality in life might be a factor though.
Although doubt it would mean an eternity in hell, a few more years in purgatory maybe.
He’s a con.
Conversion therapies do not work and can be psychologically damaging - scientific fact.
Almost all the high profile “converted straight” guys, get caught with their trousers down sooner or later.
God Bless him - he will need all of the spiritual fortification available
Uk, the lgbtqetc say you can identify as anything you want and thus Milo in this politically correct “truth” can identify as straight even if he is not. He calls himself a sodomite, engaging promiscuously in that act daily. Fornication and sodomy are the mortal sins, not what sexuality he identifies. Unrepentant of any mortal sin lifestyle where you love your actual sin more than God does not earn you a stint in purgatory but the eternal fires of hell. 🔥
After pursuing the comments on "life slight" all I can say is the uncharitable of us should be ashamed, he needs our prayers not the condemnation I saw there.
After all St Augustine wasn't in a rush to be saved if I remember correctly, And just look at the early life of many saints, old testament and new. God didn't seen to recruit the perfect but worked with the flawed.
It's the only hope I have!!
Praying for Milo. Appears courageous and genuine.
Off topic but concerning and wondering if anyone can provide apologetics to respond to this nonsense:
Thank you.
Anonymous at 6:41 PM,
You sound very judgmental and like someone who gets their “reasoning” from The New York Slimes which believes killing the unborn is “healthcare.” You are a berk
Anonymous at 6:41 PM,
One last comment. You sound like you are engaging in projection.
Sophia here: Anonymous @ 6:41 PM reminds me of Transgender Activists who claim that Transgenders are "born that way" and cannot ever accept their Biological sex despite many, many examples of people who do just that! They "detransition" once they realize - with appropriate Psychological help that focuses on their core problems- that living as the opposite sex did not solve these mental problems and likely added to them. Such persons, similar to same sex attracted persons who walk away from that lifestyle- often after a Religious conversion- are despised and rejected by their respective former groups because their change is an affront to the "Born that way; it's not a choice" narrative!
Walt Hyer is one of the most well-known Detransitioners:
Anonymous at 6:41 PM,
This is what you voted for:
The Biden White House announced on Monday, which happened to be International Women’s Day, that the US military is focusing on “maternity flight suits” for pregant women.
Because it’s important that pregnant women are able to drop into enemy territory during wartime.
Biden made the statement right before he forgot where the hell he was and the name of the general standing behind him.
Joe’s handler for the day, Kamala Harris, was standing behind him but failed in her daily duties.
If Mr Yiannopoulos is earnest in his need to change then it doesn’t matter if he fails many times as long as he confesses it is wrong and sincerely tries to overcome it and, most specifically, does not give up. Homosexual attraction appears to be as strong as drug addiction. Humans are generally not able to end it as much as to forego it a day at a time. He deserves our prayers. The risk in this situation is that his public profession adds to the pressure he already faces.
It seems to me that he had a troubled childhood and experienced sexual abuse and possible as a teenager from a priest. I pray too that he is finding solace in God's grace and his attempt to live a chaste life. Yes, he may fall, but God will pick him up again and set him on the right path. Indeed let us pray for him.
Very fine statement. I am certain it will be hard for him, but it can be done, with support and God's grace
"Me"lo has spent his life as a self-indulgent self-promoter, one of the earliest wanna-be "influencers."
He "writes" books, but they are shown to be ghost-written.
He says he's Catholic, but also says he's Jewish.
He founded the "Kernel" but it was shut down for failing to pay its employees.
He embezzled a quarter of a million from a scholarship fund he established. The fund was disbanded.
The list goes on.
Fact is, he broke and in deep debt to, among others Cartier.
If you think he in this for anything but the cash, think again.
There are plenty of reasons to be skeptical about Mr. Yiannopoulos, but beware, beware, beware the temptation to be poised to pounce and say, "Told ya so!" if and when he manifests some failure in resolve or even sincerity.
I have no idea how many conversions we celebrate began with little perceptible sincerity. Do you?
C.S. Lewis, in his autobiography, referred to his own conversion by saying there was no more reluctant convert in all England that night. How many people make death-bed confessions and conversions for the worst of possible reasons; can you judge their integrity?
Haven't you ever wondered just how sincere the "Good Thief" was? If not, why not?
Fr. Fox,
"Haven't you ever wondered just how sincere the "Good Thief" was? If not, why not?"
No. Why Not? DIVINE REVELATION tells us he was sincere. "Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise."
I'll take the words of Sacred Scripture as the BEST reason to judge the Good Thief to be sincere. Give me the same for Me-Lo, and I'll no longer have the slightest doubt...
I have always been a fan of Milo potty mouth and all, yet highly articulate and straight forward Conservative, he is an ardent foe of Islamism, feminism, Communism, he has many good friends in the Conservative circle including Roger Stone, Dave Rubin, Glen Beck, Ann Coulter among others. He has always struggled with his sexuality and has told of his love for the Roman Catholic Church and only the "Traditional Latin Mass" according to Milo.
Romulus Augustus here, I too like Milo, give the man a break he may or may not be serious but he is a great voice against Socialism, feminism, and NOT radical Islam but ISLAM because as Milo tells it and its true, Islam is Islam.
I said:
"Haven't you ever wondered just how sincere the "Good Thief" was? If not, why not?"
Anonymous said...
No. Why Not? DIVINE REVELATION tells us he was sincere. "Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise."
I'll take the words of Sacred Scripture as the BEST reason to judge the Good Thief to be sincere. Give me the same for Me-Lo, and I'll no longer have the slightest doubt...
Actually, Anonymous, Sacred Scripture does not tell us the confession of the "Good Thief" was entirely sincere. I suggest you re-read the passage you quote, and search elsewhere if you like: all that Divine Revelation tells us is that it was accepted.
Wait, I hear you say: you mean God will accept a confession that is not perfectly sincere? Absolutely! Did you not ever read what St. Thomas Aquinas taught about "attrition" which is imperfect contrition, motived not simply by love of God, but my other, lesser motives?
We do not know what was going on in the heart of the "Good Thief," nor do we know the precise assessment the Lord made of the situation. All we know is that God accepted the thief's sorrow as sufficient.
I think we can trust the judgment of the Good Lord regarding the Good Thief, don't you?
In your last post you ADD "perfectly" to the mix - "Wait, I hear you say: you mean God will accept a confession that is not PERFECTLY (caps mine) sincere?"
No, you did not hear that, since "perfectly" is your recent addition.
I am entirely aware of God's willingness to accept whatever God accepts, but that's not the question.
The question is whether or not "Me-Lo" to be trusted with ANY claim he makes. I think the clear answer is "No."
Anonymous said...
I think we can trust the judgment of the Good Lord regarding the Good Thief, don't you?
In your last post you ADD "perfectly" to the mix - "Wait, I hear you say: you mean God will accept a confession that is not PERFECTLY (caps mine) sincere?"
No, you did not hear that, since "perfectly" is your recent addition.
I am entirely aware of God's willingness to accept whatever God accepts, but that's not the question.
The question is whether or not "Me-Lo" to be trusted with ANY claim he makes. I think the clear answer is "No."
No, "Anonymous," the question became your attack on me, because you chose to suggest I was contradicting Divine Revelation and the will and words of our Savior Jesus Christ, when no such attack on me was at all necessary. Indeed, you continue this aggressiveness in your recent answer, implying that someone -- me? -- is declining to "trust the judgment of the Good Lord," when in fact I have in no way cast doubt on his judgment at all!
But since you choose to be so aggressively disagreeable, and make such nasty attacks, I defended myself by pointing out two things:
- That Scripture does not say what you claim it does and,
- That as trusted a source as St. Thomas Aquinas supports the point I was making.
At no time did I say or even suggest that Mr. Yiannopoulos' conversion must be "trusted with ANY claims he makes." On the contrary, I was acknowledging the basis for lack of trust -- THAT WAS MY WHOLE POINT!
Anonymous, whoever you are, you strike me as a very unpleasant person who seems to look to pick fights. Maybe that is not accurate, but it is the impression you've given here. Of course, if you weren't hiding your identity, it would be possible to evaluate your comments more fully and perhaps reach a different conclusion; but you choose -- for whatever reason -- to hide and lob attacks from concealment. You could, after all, simply include a pen-name in your posts at the end, like "Publius" or something, but you don't.
So rather than continuing to besmirch me -- who never did you any harm -- perhaps you might consider your own, chosen manner?
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