
Thursday, December 7, 2023


This whole thing is such a head-scratcher and now the Pope is raising the anti.

Although His Holiness is the pope of todos, he has his limits and now is ready to excommunicate priests who will not celebrate the Sacred Liturgy ad orientem for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Yes, facing excommunication for those not celebrating ad orientem.

I wonder if the pope is going to establish a standard direction for the Mass in the Latin Rite Mass of Paul VI and make that universal under the pain of excommunication?

Certainly the Holy Father’s demand for ad orientem for the Syro Malabar Divine Liturgy will be consistent for the irreformable Mass of Paul VI!

Pope gives Syro-Malabar Catholics Christmas deadline to end dispute, Or be EXCOMMUNICATED FOR NOT CELEBRATING MASS AD ORIENTEM!!!!

Money bytes:

Unity of the Body of Christ

Describing what happens when a person excommunicates themselves, the pope told them: “Don’t force the competent church authority to acknowledge that you have left the church because you are no longer in communion with your pastors and with the successor of the Apostle Peter, who is called to confirm all the brothers and sisters in the faith and keep them in the unity of the church.”

“With great sadness,” he said, the bishops would have to do so, and “I don’t want to reach that point.”

“May the Eucharist be the model of your unity,” he said. “Do not shatter the Body of Christ, which is the church, lest you eat and drink your condemnation.”


Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald said..."Certainly the Holy Father’s demand for ad orientem for the Syro Malabar Divine Liturgy will be consistent for the irreformable Mass of Paul VI!"

During Pope Saint John Paul II's reign, Rome exhorted Eastern Catholics to maintain the ad orientem tradition. However, Pope Saint John Paul II did not apply that to the Latin Church.


1996 A.D.

-- Instruction for Applying the Liturgical Prescriptions of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches

107. Prayer facing the east

"Such practice, threatened in numerous Eastern Catholic Churches by a new and recent Latin influence, is thus of profound value and should be safeguarded as truly coherent with the Eastern liturgical spirituality."


Mark Thomas

Anonymous said...

Fr. AJM,

I just realized today, based on the Pillar's recent report updating this issue, that the real sin of the renegade Syro-malabars is that they have rejected the decision of a synod, which surely is excommunicable!!!!!


TJM said...

What a nasty, tyrannical old man. The Holy Spirit needs to retire him.

Here is another boob, the Archbishop of Washington DC who also needs to go. A McCarrick protege who hates the TLM:

TJM said...

C.J. Doyle, executive director of the Catholic Action League of Massachusetts and a historian on Catholicism, told The Epoch Times that he thinks the pope is out out of line with traditional Catholic doctrines, that it's time for him to resign.

"The hypocrisy of this pontificate is astonishing," he said. "The pope speaks of 'mercy' and 'accompaniment,' but removes or punishes anyone who disagrees with his novel and heterodox initiatives."

Jerome Merwick said...


The brazen audacity is even more (sickeningly) breathtaking.