
Thursday, October 12, 2017


As I was driving to my subdivision, I saw the changing sign on one of Richmond Hill's non-denominational churches with this message:


I wish I could hear it.

MotherTeresa 094.jpg
Mother Teresa at a pro-life meeting
in 1986 


ByzRus said...

I doubt it. The sermon is about a Catholic Saint. The Saint will be lauded, the Church criticized even if the criticism is subtle to where most wouldn't notice. Personally, I would rather hear this type of sermon from an Orthodox priest. While we have our differences and, are mutually not shy about highlighting those differences, at least it would be sincere, historical and is delivered by a church with recognized apostolic succession and sacraments. A non-denominational minister will highlight differences in the form of a perceived teaching moment - similar to the unsolicited feedback provided so often by Anonymous laying in wait for the regulars to comment.

Briefly, years ago, I had a colleague who was non-denominational Christian and belonged to a mega-church. Regularly, she would bring myself and other colleagues tapes of sermons (this was in the early '90s, no on-demand yet) until she was told to stop. My tapes always had a very subtle anti-Catholic slight. Like Anonymous, these teaching moments never changed my faith outlook and never motivated me to visit her church despite numerous invitations.

Sully said...

So, no reason for us to talk to, or listen to, anybody who's not an "Orthodox" Christian, because ByzRC had a bad experience in the early '90s. Yes, this about covers it all, doesn't it?

ByzRus said...

Sully -

No, that doesn't about cover it. Make one comment and automatically we conclude an extreme? Who said don't talk/listen? We can talk/listen as often as we choose however, I doubt that any sort of unity will be achieved as a result. Supporting this assertion are the differences in the way we understand the bible, sacraments, the eucharist, the church, the priesthood, papal authority etc. in addition to the non-existence of certain dogmas on the Protestant side. Also, the veneration of saints is contrary to Protestant practice. Last, I have had many non-Catholic/Orthodox encounters since the 1990s and with a degree of consistency, I have found the viewpoint regarding the Catholic Church to be consistently held. Perhaps your experience has been different. If so, instead of broad-brushing a conclusion that no one suggested, perhaps you would kindly share your viewpoint and/or experiences.