
Saturday, July 4, 2015


Hot off the press, bombshell statements on the Liturgy by Pope Benedict XVI and printed on the Vatican Radio Website this morning:

Pope-emeritus Benedict XVI receives honorary doctorates

Pope-emeritus Benedict XVI - ANSA
04/07/2015 10:36
(Vatican Radio) Pope-emeritus Benedict XVI received Doctorates honoris causa on Saturday from the Pontifical John Paul II University of Krakow and the Krakow Academy of Music. The motivation for the honors issued by the University’s Academic Senate specifies five contributions Pope Benedict has made to knowledge and culture: his great respect for the musical tradition of the Church and remarkable sensitivity to the music of faith; the life-long and constant demonstration of a special concern for the noble beauty of sacred music and its proper place in the celebration of the sacred liturgical rites of the Church; his constant insistence on the didactic importance of the via pulchritudinis – the way of beauty – which can become a way of knowing and worshiping God for the modern man; his lifelong commitment to Truth, which strengthens the Christian faith in times of spiritual confusion caused by liberalism, postmodernism and relativism, and his tireless efforts to restore the spiritual dimension of Europe; his kind support for the work of transforming the schools of the Pontifical Academy of Theology into the Pontifical John Paul II University.

In remarks prepared for the occasion, and delivered on July 4th at Castel Gandolfo, Pope-emeritus Benedict XVI said, “In the Constitution on the Liturgy of the II Vatican Council, [Sacrosanctum Concilium], it is very clearly written: ‘The treasure of sacred music is to be preserved and fostered with great care. (114)’ On the other hand, the text highlights the actuosa participatio of the faithful in the sacred action as a fundamental liturgical category. Those two things, which in the text of the Constitution remain together and at peace with each other, were in the implementation of the Council, often in a relationship of dramatic tension. Significant areas of the Liturgical Movement believed that, in the future, there would be room for the great choral works and even for orchestral Masses only in concert halls, not in the liturgy. [In the liturgy], there could be space only for the singing and common prayer of the faithful. On the other hand, there was shock at the cultural impoverishment of the Church that would necessarily result from this. How to reconcile the two? How to implement the Council in its entirety? These were the questions that were particularly striking to me and to many other believers, to simple people, no less than to persons in possession of a theological education.”

The Pope-emeritus went on to say, “At this point, it is perhaps fitting that we ask the deeper question: what is music really? Whence does it come and toward what does it tend?” He posited three loci from which music arises: the experience of love; the experience of sorrow, of being touched by death, by pain, and by the abysses of existence; the encounter with the divine, who from the beginning is part of that which defines man.

“We do not know what will be the future of sacred music,” concluded Pope-emeritus Benedict XVI, “but one thing is clear: wherever the encounter with the Living God, who in Christ comes close to us really occurs, there is born anew and there again grows the answer, the beauty of which arises out of truth itself.”


Angry Augustinian said...

For everyone's info, Fr. has banned me from the blog. So, stop talking about me if I am not allowed to respond. Also, Gene, Angry Augustinian, and Jolly Jansenist are all me. Bye, ya'll.

Servimus Unum Deum said...

Fr. AJM, thanks for doing this. I guess you let the comment through as a message. The best thing we can do online to restore the good name of Traditonal Catholicism is to fight against these radicals, local or international, and to police our blogs to prevent their bike from being spwn and promoting the wrong kind of Latin mass affiliated efforts (bad leadership and divorced from Holy Mother Church.) thank you!

Anonymous said...

No doubt, banning non-Catholics from commenting also helps 'fight against these radicals, local or international, and to police our blogs to prevent their bike from being spwn and promoting the wrong kind of Latin mass affiliated efforts'.

Anonymous said...

Anon at noon....are you OK? The thing you just wrote is garbled...doesn't make sense

Anonymous said...

Oh...I were quoting JB. Are you OK Julian?

Anonymous said...

Indeed, Anonymous at 130. I'm not sure how to 'prevent their bike from being spwn'... But, you know, it must be possible somehow.

Servimus Unum Deum said...

Sorry phone typing is bad at times and that auto-correct, ugh. I meant to say "to prevent their bile from being spewed ..."

Anonymous said...

Julian, I just figured you were speaking some form of English intelligible to Canadians only. Much like the Québécois and their 'dialect' of French.

rcg said...

Personally, I found most of Genes tirades informative. I also found Fr McDonald's admonishments instructive as to how a good priest should deal with someone who has crossed a line. I wish A bishop would deal with a senator that way.

Servimus Unum Deum said...

Oh anon at 745pm, you mean like pronouncing about like "a boot" lol! I guess I can't blame you for thinking that when you all down south have been educated about Canada via Bob and Doug McKenzie.

Anonymous said...

Father, is it true that Angry Augustinian has been banned from this blog? I haven't seen anything untoward that he has written. I think a blog needs all views to make it interesting.


Paul said...

While there can be much beauty in music, I lament that so much of today's "music" is filthy and vile. Most music (and accompanying video) would appear to be messages on how *not* to behave. Unfortunately, it glorifies it.

God bless Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

Anonymous said...

As blog owner, Father may ban any one. Gene was blunt but but he was speaking truth. It is the lukewarm that will be vomited out not the blunt.


gob said...

Gene will be back.

gob said...

Gene will be back.

Catholic Mission said...

No mercy for the old ecclesiology

Fr.Serafina Lanzetta to offer the old Mass with the new ecclesiology

No conditions placed for the SSPX's entry into the Church: except, avoid the old ecclesiology

Traditionalists only say they are traditionalists while they accept the new ecclesiology which is not traditional

Poor Fr.Joseph Kramer FSSP
-Lionel Andrades