The Most Rev. Father, Gregory John Hartmayer, Bishop of Savannah, threatening the confirmandi with his Good Shepherd's staff. You will remain a good practicing Catholic, going every Sunday to Mass and going to confession frequently and you will like it! (that could be a loose translation of that on my part through my filters)
The group photo, please notice how nice everyone looks with the symbolic white of the baptismal garment! These are confirmandi from St. Joseph, St. Peter Claver and Holy Spirit Churches.
And St. Joseph's First Communion group from two weeks ago!
Great pics. But what's a Most Reverend Father?
And let's play where's waldo. Find Fr. M in the second picture! Looks creepy!
And that's great, a bishop in Franciscan sandals!
Have you asked the Bishop about ad orientem for one Mass? Just curious.
The priest is formally addressed in liturgy as "Reverend Father" and the bishop is "Most Reverend Father."
Note: The ordinary of the diocese is The Most Rev'd Gregory Hartmayer, OFMConv. A Franciscan bishop wearing Franciscan sandals is, indeed, great.
I was not aware that a bishop is titled "Most Reverend Father." I was only aware:
1. That his written/spoken honorifics are "The Most Reverend" and "His Excellency."
2. That his spoken title of address is either "Your Excellency" or the more prosaic "Bishop ___."
In the Eastern Churches it is the practice for a bishop to be called "Father Bishop," a priest to be called "Father," and a deacon to be called "Father Deacon." However I was not aware that this was also present in the Latin Church.
Love It! Franciscan Bishop in Sandals!!!!
I liked those questions the his XLNC asked. Some were tuff. Some on the other hand, well, not so tuff. "How many disciples were there?" "5?" "Uh, Try again" "3?" "Uh, No..." and "Oh, so you chose Saint Michael. What do you know about Saint Michael?" "Nothing?" "Go home and Google Saint Michael" How many kids didn;t know anything about their saint? Then, some of the names chosen weren't saints at all. What's that about?
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