
Tuesday, May 15, 2012


James Joyce’s defined the Roman Catholic Church as "here comes everybody." Indeed the Church is universal and is meant for everyone but not all accept what it means to be Catholic thus placing themselves outside of the full communion of the Church.

I can't say that I know of any truly sinless people in my congregation. I think all of them in one way or the other break all 10 Commandments. Yet, for the most part, they acknowledge their sins, unlike the unrepentant thief, and like the woman caught in adultery, they accept Jesus' including them, instead of condemning them, and try to go and sin no more, making recourse to the Sacrament of Penance if they do.

This is a laundry list of my parishioner's sins:

1. They worship false gods, such as materialism, horoscopes and the like.
2. Many of them take the Lord's name in vain.
3. I hate to admit it, but a goodly number don't go to Mass every Sunday and sometimes do work rather than rest.
4. All of them at one time or another dishonored their parents.
5. I've known of only a few killers but a number have been pro-choice, had abortions or been complicit in it.
6. I think sexual sins and thoughts, alone or with others, is rather common
7. Almost everyone has taken something that doesn't belong to them, like reputations, paperclips and the like
8. Most of us in our lives have lied, gossiped and belittled people.
9. How many of my parishioners have wanted the spouse of someone else and idealized them from a distance?
10. And wow, keeping up with the Jones' is a biggy and we all want what others have

I don't think anyone is excluded from the Church when they sin by breaking any of the Ten Commandments. Jesus just says, go and sin no more. If the sin, though, is a mortal sin in the classical way of understanding what constitutes mortal sin, they have broken Communion with Christ and the Church and must repent, go to Confession, do penance before they can "worthily" receive or Lord in Holy Communion, the ultimate sign of being in full communion with Him and His Church.

I think where the problem with "here comes everybody" as it concerns the Church is when some of the everybody start lobbying to change the 10 Commandments so that everybody doesn't feel guilty for being human, that is, born in Original Sin and prone to sin and experiences of shame and embarrassment because of it.

I think where the other problem with "here comes everybody" is when some of the everybody want to change the Church even in areas of doctrine and dogma that cannot be changed, such as who get ordained, who gets married and what sexual sins constitute mortal sin. In fact when it comes to sex, they want to eliminate any thing that is sexual from the list of sins because these go to the core of who we are and what we want, whether good or evil.

So, if everyone in a parish or region of the country advocates the following, what should be done?

1. False gods, no problem, to each his own.
2. Taking the Lord's name in vain, no problem, cuss up a storm in Church and without guilt.
3. Missing Mass on Sunday and make it an ordinary day--cool!
4. Treat your mom and dad in their old age as though they are truly a burden and let them know how burdensome they are--great!
5. Be pro-choice and work at Planned Parenthood, how progressive is that in helping women and the men who cause women to need it.
6. Sex is always good, no matter what the Bible teaches and no matter the context, no guilt, no shame, shamelessness is a virtue!
7. If no one knows you're taking it, why not, Robin Hood had it right!
8. It is no one's business what things I tell to others true or not, God made me a liar as I have an orientation toward it.
9. Steal someone's spouse, no problem, let the thief beware of what he has taken.
10. I'll just borrowed what doesn't belong to me and forget to give it back--this is morally acceptable.

Answer from the following choices:

A. God should smite those people using a whip of cords and turning over their materialistic tables
B. The bishop should place an interdict against those people
C. The bishop should excommunicate those people
D. These people should found their own church
E. These people aren't Catholic and haven't come to the Church except in their own minds
G. All of the above

Jesus did not bend over backwards to keep His followers in the fold, in fact He let them go when His followers found Him altogether to much for them--these were prideful sinners who saw no need for repentance and wanted Jesus to change His teachings to make it more appealing to them! Jesus gave His answer with out a word that in a non verbal way said, "Hell no!"

However, He welcomed everyone who was a humble sinner, who recognized their state in life and that the only way out of their sin was to admit it, confess it and sin no more and the only one who could invite them into the Kingdom of Heaven is Jesus who gladly does so for the humble, miserable sinner who knows his/her state in life. These were the tax collectors, public sinners, prostitutes and the man at the back of the temple who simply said, O God, have mercy on me a sinner. The proud and haughty of heart who feel no need for Jesus or personal conversion in their lives were the ones most derided by Jesus.

"Many are called, few are chosen!" Matthew 22:14

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." Matthew 7:21

"You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way." Matthew 7:13

I suspect that those who want to change everything about the Catholic Church and the exclusivity it teaches in terms of accepting Christ and His teachings would like to eliminate the Gospel of Matthew from the Canon of the New Testament because it really is quite exclusive.

Just as not everyone can be included in the Church, protest as they may, not everyone will be included in the Kingdom of God, especially if they actively pervert the Church's and God's teachings in the most prideful ways possible. When Jesus told the adulterer that He did not condemn her, he did condemn her sin when He told her to go and sin no more. How much clearer does Jesus have to be about loving the sinner and hating the sin? Those who love their sins and hate the Church's teaching to "go and sin no more" have a big lesson to learn about God and redemption!


Gene said...


ytc said...

You're on a roll, Father! Keep it up!

Carol H. said...


Bless you, Father; this should be an encyclical.

rcg said...

Very cool. Fr, your hits may exceed the Dow.

Anonymous said...

great post!

I wonder what got your dander up today?


Introibo said...

Why dont Bishops say such things.