
Thursday, June 23, 2011


This was the first and only time that I've participated in an outdoor Corpus Christi Procession. It was Corpus Christi Sunday, 2009. It was also 102 degrees outside, but no one fainted, sun stroked or died, thank God. Because Easter has been late last year and this year the latest ever, so too is Corpus Christi, which means the scorching, life-threatening sun and humidity put a damper on our desire to be out after high noon in the sun that can kill. This year we had anticipated a Corpus Christi Procession, however, as fate would have it, our parochial Vicar who would have organized it is celebrating his last Sunday Mass with us as he is being transferred to Augusta. So in place of the Corpus Christi Procession, we'll have a farewell reception for him in our cool, air conditioned social hall. Maybe next year?
Click on photo once or twice to enlarge:
Nice cobblestone streets, no? And notice our grand spires in the background!

Our ecumenical nod to First Baptist Church next door to us! Notice departing Fr. Justin in the Beretta!


Templar said...

I loved that Procession. I have been eagerly anticipating Corpus Christi last year and this year in hopes of another, hopefully longer Procession. Oh well.

Speaking of Birettas Father, have you ever considered the use of one for the EF Mass?

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

It would mess up what little hair I have!

Templar said...

Hehe....Vanity. Not going to instruct the Priest on sin, LOL.

Althea Gardner said...

I loved that procession as well!! It was nice watching all the stares we got just going ONE block. "There go those crazy Catholics again" was surely said by many on High St! Thanks for the pictures. I enjoyed seeing my baby boy alter serving for this. Wish he would do it again!

Gene said...

It was, indeed, a wonderful procession. I hope we can do it again on some appropriate occasion. We should take it by the Unitarian church and city hall next time...heh, heh.

Pater Ignotus Is My Pastor said...

How sad that the Corpus Christi procession was cancelled because of a farewell reception. Couldn't the reception be held immediately after the procession or move the procession to after the vigil of Corpus Sunday or have it on the actual universal feast day, Thursday, June 24.

It's quite depressing that the worship of the cult of personality in "We've got to have a farewell reception" overrides worship and acknowledgement of the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord, Jesus Christ when we process with Him on the Feast of Corpus Christi.

Sloth and pride are still two of the seven deadly sins.