
Saturday, June 4, 2011


What is it with malcontented Catholics and puppets anyway? The picture below is a Call to Action Mass of discontent Catholics singing a new Church into being! Yikes. They can have it! Below it are two pictures of German discontented Catholics singing a new Church into being, but their puppets are smaller and they've gather around them like a circle of wagons. I wonder why? These discontented Catholics hate scandal, but don't believe in original or mortal sin. They want to sing a new church into being that is as perfect as their puppets I guess. Will they manipulate their newly sung church with strings or with their hands in a very inauspicious place? Just wondering?

With the American Call to Action group above at "Mass" and the German "let's re-imagine" the Church below, what do the two groups have in common? Gray haired men and women who were at the forefront of the "spirit of Vatican II" during the 1960's and 70's and just can't believe that they've failed, so they are trying one last valiant effort before their cause is put on life support, normal palliative care that should be given to anyone dying to make their last days comfortable, but not to extend their time unnecessarily. We entrust them to God's mercy and eternal rest!

In some parts of Germany and for some Catholics, mortal sin is too much for them. They want to sing a new Church into being and their song is one of discontent. Their song of discontent is born from the scandal of sex abuse which includes members of the clergy who abused children, bishops who mismanaged their mortal sinning clergy and what these progressive malcontents perceive as a Church in need of radical "re-imagining."

In the Macon Telegraph this morning, a wire service article on the German Catholics Song of Discontent states the following in the first paragraph:

Germany -- A year after a widespread sex scandal rocked Roman Catholics in Pope Benedict XVI’s homeland, German intellectuals and the faithful alike are turning their backs on the church, urging change or simply leaving the congregation.

German theologians and others have aired their discontent in a series of petitions to church leaders demanding changes to include more transparency, an end to celibacy and women’s ordination.

Did you catch these liberal, discontented, angry, song singing Catholic's drift and the language they use: TRANSPARENCY, AND END TO CELIBACY AND WOMEN'S ORDINATION!

This article might have also included the other demands of discontented Catholics: same sex marriage, living together prior to marriage with the Church's blessing, congregationalism, clericalizing the laity, laicization of the clergy and a protestant model of hiring and firing clergy, adjunct staff and the like.

It really is about power and control and wrestling it away from those who have it and giving it to those who don't. Their song of discontent is one that they pray will lead to a new Church. It might, but it won't be the Catholic Church, it will be a breakaway group. Germany knows about that--think Father Martin Luther. And remember, his re-imagined Church was born of a song of discontent over the mortal sins of the clergy and hierarchy.

Do you want to be a puppet? Do you want puppets at Mass? Evidently, puppets are the symbol of discontent Catholics and their songs and liturgies and devotions include them for some very strange and odd reason.

Maybe they feel as puppets or they want to make the clergy into puppets. Who knows?

I'm in favor of transparency but not if confidentiality is demanded. But I'm in favor of the "Deposit of Faith" (a term discontent Catholics hate because it is so narrow and confining). So I won't embrace an end to celibacy, women priests, same sex marriage and a multiplicity of other types of unions or transparency that sacrifices confidentiality and is a catch word for singing a new Church into being. Call me a fundamentalist who likes the old songs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is only logical to desire the ordination of women and the end to celibacy because everyone know women never have sexual issues and married people don't cheat on their spouses. If, buy some miracle the sex scandal is successfully dealt with by the current system then we can support the ordination of women and the end to celibacy as a way to end world hunger because women are such good cooks.

The first indication that the situation in Germany is manufactured is that German Intellectuals are involved. It takes a great deal of effort to contrive a connection between an event and your preexisting goal. It's a shame the organic farmers aren't involved to establish the link with poor diet. At least everyone would reap some benefit from the effort.

This morning over coffee my wife and I discussed the latest strategic committee in our parish. I smell Congregationalists in the woodwork. Yet, like Easter, I am hopeful the Holy Father is leading us toward a dignified resolution of this crisis. And like you Father, I think this is the final gasps of the mad uncle who we love and pray for.
