
Sunday, April 30, 2023


 This is a modest proposal to make the Modern Vernacular Mass better, new and improved, without changing anything except its rubrics and looks.

1. Clear rubrics for the traditional look of the altar (Benedictine Arrangement) either facing the nave or away.

2. Reform of the rubrics:

A.    The Introit is spoken or chanted and never omitted, even if spoken. 

B.    The Introductory Rite is prayed at the Foot of the Altar

C.    The Gloria and Collect is prayed either at the chair or the altar

D.    There is to be no ad libbing or insertions of welcome, acknowledgement of others, or whatever at any point in the Mass except preceding the homily, if the bishop or priest has a compulsion to do it.

E.    The Offertory and Communion antiphons are to be chanted or spoken and never omitted. 

F.    Anthems or hymns that are not an official part of the Mass must be theologically and doctrinally orthodox and the musical setting consistent with Catholic liturgical sensibilities. 

The Vatican needs to enforce this style of Mass in the most authoritarian way as it is trying to enforce the suppression of the TLM. 

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. I have no idea what a gander is. 


 There is an obsession with the small number of Catholics worldwide who prefer the TLM because of its dignity, reverence and, most importantly, predictability. They know what to expect at a TLM and there won’t be any unpleasant surprises. 

Yet, in any parish throughout the world, there is no telling what you will get at the Modern Vernacular Mass. Every priest celebrates this Mass in his own way and usually reflects his personality be it introverted or extraverted. 

Sometimes you will get something like this by way of Irish clergy recently celebrating Mass at the outdoor shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in Lourdes, France:

No matter how relevant this must have been for this particular pilgrimage and its members, it is, nonetheless, sacrilegious. Yet, this like Saint Sabina’s in Chicago, and others too numerous to name, is given a pass, encouraged or ignored by the Vatican.

But this is to be stamped out for being backwards and nostalgic:

So problematic is the image above, that the Vatican has taken very authoritarian steps to crush it, push them out, marginalize them. I truly think they want these people to go to the SSPX. I don’t blame those who want to go if they go. They’ve been encouraged to do so by the highest authority of the Church.

Yet the stuff above the TLM photo, no concern whatsoever and you’ll never see an authoritarian means by which to rid the Church of that kind of nonsense. 

Saturday, April 29, 2023


 These 10 points are good. I would add an 11th: Don’t clip your nails during the priest’s homily. Yes, when I was stationed at the cathedral someone did that as I preached my, stunning as usual, homily!

Today’s rule on fasting prior to Mass is truly infantile and absurd. Back in the day, when we children were men, our fast was three hours before Mass and no water as my parched memory recalls. My parents, truly giants, had to fast from midnight until Mass. Those were the days of heroes and saints who no longer exist. Today we are all snowflakes.

Should we post this in the narthex of our churches? Do those communities that celebrate the TLM need such reminders?

Friday, April 28, 2023


 In Hungary, Pope Francis spoke about some very orthodox teachings of the Church. The National Catholic Register reports the following:

Pope Francis spoke out strongly against abortion and gender ideology Friday, citing both as examples of “ideological colonization” during a speech in Budapest.

The Pope’s denunciation came during an address to civil authorities and other dignitaries at a former Carmelite monastery in Hungary’s capital in which he lamented “self-referential forms of populism” and “supranationalism” gaining traction in Europe.

“This is the baneful path taken by those forms of ‘ideological colonization’ that would cancel differences, as in the case of the so-called gender theory, or that would place before the reality of life reductive concepts of freedom, for example by vaunting as progress a senseless ‘right to abortion,’ which is always a tragic defeat,” said the Pope, who is in Budapest for a three-day visit.

“How much better it would be to build a Europe centered on the human person and on its peoples, with effective policies for natality and the family — policies that are pursued attentively in this country — a Europe whose different nations would form a single family that protects the growth and uniqueness of each of its members,” the Holy Father said.

My comments: He has said these things before, but from the Catholic point of view, why are these things unhealthy for individuals and cultures? Because these are sins that separate us from God which is always harmful. The pope seldom speaks of these things within the context of sin. He uses secular categories which are not really convincing to me.  

Then at another venue the Holy Father spoke on sexuality and artificial birth control which I don't think I have often heard him speak about, although I could be wrong:

Pope Francis upholds "Billings Revolution"

In a message to participants in the WOOMB International Congress Rome on the Billings Method, Pope Francis highlights its ongoing contribution to the understanding of human sexuality and to a fuller appreciation of the relational and procreative dimensions of the couple, saying that use of methods based on the natural rhythms of fertility should be encouraged.

By Lisa Zengarini

Pope Francis has called for a “new revolution” in today’s way of thinking human sexuality, after the so-called sexual revolution and the breakdown of taboos in the Sixties, by refocusing on its strict connection with the fundamental vocation of each person which is the “gift of self”.

The beauty of human sexuality

“We need to discover the beauty of human sexuality by once again turning to the great book of nature, learning to respect the value of the body and the generation of life, with a view to authentic experiences of conjugal love”, the Pope wrote in a message addressed to participants in the WOOMB International Congress hosted from 28-29 April by the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome.

WOOMB is a U.S. based organization founded in the 1970’s to help spread the Billings Ovulation Method for natural family planning, which was pioneered in 1953  by Australian physician John Billings and his wife Evelyn as an alternative  to artificial contraception. As such this method is endorsed by the Catholic Church, as well as being approved by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The relational and procreative dimensions of human sexuality

In his message to the Congress, titled “The ‘Billings revolution’ 70 years later: From Fertility Knowledge to Personalized Medicine”, Pope Francis notes that over the past seven decades the Billings Method has continued to prove “timely and challenging, since it has led to serious reflection on a number of essential areas”. 

These include “the need for education in the value of the human body, an integrated and integral vision of human sexuality, an ability to cherish the fruitfulness of love even when not fertile, the building up of a culture that welcomes life and ways to confront the problem of demographic collapse”.

“The original momentum of what has been called the “Billings revolution” has not diminished, but continues to contribute to the understanding of human sexuality and a fuller appreciation of the relational and procreative dimensions of the couple.”

Citing  Pope St. Paul’s Encyclical “Humanae Vitae (1968), Pope Francis goes on to reiterate the need to keep in mind “the inseparable connection the unitive and procreative meanings of the conjugal act”, against the “relativistic and trivialized view of human sexuality” prevailing today.

Sexuality as the gift of self

“Lacking this”, he says, “the experience of sexuality is impoverished, reduced to sensations that soon become self-referential, and its dimensions of humanity and responsibility are lost”, resulting, amongst other things, in gender violence.

“We are tending to lose sight of the connection between sexuality and the fundamental vocation of each person, the gift of self, which finds particular fulfilment in conjugal and family love.”

Hence the importance of educating young people on the truth of human sexuality as a genuine expression of self-giving.

Artificial procreation, trade in gametes and surrogate parenthood are wrong

Reflecting further on the relationship between sexuality and procreation, Pope Francis remarked that the Billings Method, together with other similar natural methods, represents “one of the most suitable means for realizing responsibly the desire to be parents”,  also for addressing infertility problems avoiding the ethical issues related to the modern artificial methods which separate procreation from sexual relationship.

“Today the ideological and practical separation of the sexual relationship from its generative potential has resulted in the quest for alternative forms of having a child, no longer through marital relations but through the use of artificial processes. While it is appropriate to assist and support a legitimate desire to conceive with the most advanced scientific knowledge and technologies that can enhance fertility, it is wrong to create test tube embryos and then suppress them, to trade in gametes and to resort to the practice of surrogate parenthood.”

In this regard, the message remarks the fundamental contribution of Catholic universities, and Faculties of Medicine in particular, to advancing research in this field.

The pastoral value of promoting knowledge of fertility and natural methods

Bringing his message to a close, Pope Francis also underscores the “pastoral value” of promoting knowledge of fertility and natural methods in that they help "couples to be more conscious of their marital vocation and to bear witness to the Gospel values of human sexuality”.  

Therefore, he concludes, “the use of methods based on the natural rhythms of fertility should be encouraged”.



Before I answer my question above, let me be clear. The institutional Church needs to have clear moral teachings and clear teachings on what is venial and mortal sins and how to determine what causes any sin to be mortal. Catholics need to know that they should not present themselves for Holy Communion if they are in a state of unforgiven mortal sin.

Not all serious matter considered a mortal sin is a mortal sin for the person acting out. If they don’t know it is a mortal sin or a sin at all, it is still a venial sin but not a mortal sin. If they commit the serious sin without full consent of the will, it is a venial sin. 

But should Ministers of Holy Communion act as policemen at Communion time? No. Just think of every Mass where people receive Holy Communion who are not in a state of grace. Maybe they never go to Confession. They’re racists, sexists, xenophobic, adulterers, fornicators, in illicit sexual unions, have killed people, born and unborn, and are members of crime syndicates.   Normally most at Mass if not everyone doesn’t know the facts of their personal lives and if they know, they don’t care. 

Are we to be flexible with only mortal sins of the flesh or should we be flexible with all mortal sins and give people a pass since Holy Communion isn’t a prize for the innocent but medicine for the guilty? 

Personally, I think it should be very rare that someone be refused Holy Communion. Clearly, those who are publicly making an ideological statement and using our Lord to do it should be denied. I would say that a man, clearly a man, both in looks and in science (DNA proof) who dresses in drag should be denied Holy Communion. Couples of whatever sexual delight who are legally married but that isn’t recognized as a Sacrament by the Church, should be denied. They should be told by their pastor that they should not present themselves for Holy Communion prior to denying them. 

If one is a public racist, crime family member, and belongs to hate groups, like the satanic church, they should be denied. 

If one group is given flexibility, meaning exclusively the LGBTQ+++++ ideologues, then everyone should be given a pass. That is why this current discussion is so pernicious. It is only about narcissistic LGBTQ+++ people, or whatever noun they choose to describe themselves, and not about everyone in general. 

Here’s a good article from “Where Peter Is”:

At the Intersection of Culpability and Inclusivity

The synodal process and the recent remarks of Cardinal McElroy in America Magazine have generated a lot of good discussion within the Church about a critical and vital issue at the heart of pastoral care. His Eminence followed his original piece with a clarification of his previous remarks to which I would like...


This will happen to most of the once storied religious orders in the world. At least this one is pro-active in bringing about its demise or completion which is a more positive term. 

I wonder what would be the case today if these “going out of business” religious orders had changed course earlier on and followed the lead of religious orders who are growing and attracting vocations, like the two major orders of Dominican Sisters in Nashville and Michigan or the Sisters of Mercy of Alma or the others that are traditional but growing? Instead of criticizing them, following them might have saved their religious orders and returned them to their storied days. 

This has been predicted since the late 1970’s when most sane people realized that the path of renewal that once storied religious orders were taking was suicide. This suicide took place within what was called “Chapters” in religious life, where in a synodal way, the sisters came together to listen to each other and then take steps to renew their life in light of the spirit of Vatican II. They listened to each sister and then followed the lowest common denominator. 

It is very much like what happened in Germany’s synodal way and now in the international one. 

I want to thank this group of Sisters of Charity for being honest and not dragging unsuspecting novices into their order coming to its completion. It is the moral thing to do.

Ireland, another Vatican II success story, all of Ireland, only has 29 seminarians. Should the Catholic Church there say to the minuscule number of seminarian applicants, don’t waste your time, the Catholic Church in Ireland is completing its mission and will no longer accept new seminarians? It just might be the moral thing to do.

Copied from the Deacon’s Bench: 

A sad and sobering moment for the order. The press release: 

After a long and prayerful discernment process leading up to The Sisters of Charity of New York’s 2023 General Assembly, delegates voted unanimously on April 13, 2023 to accept the following recommendations from our Congregation’s Executive Council:

  • The Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul of New York will no longer work toward finding nor accepting new members to our Congregation, in the United States. However, because we believe in the future of religious life, we will continue to promote vocations, and redirect inquiries to Federation congregations and/or to the Religious Formation Conference.
  • The Council asks the Assembly to affirm that we, Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul of New York, continue to live our mission to the fullest, while acknowledging that we are on a path to completion.

The decision was not an easy one.  Currently there are 154 Sisters of Charity of New York. We will continue to grow in love.  We will continue to deepen our relationships with each other, with our Associates and with our ministry partners. We will continue to deepen our relationship with our God.

After more than 200 years of service for the Church, the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul of New York will continue to pass the torch of charity. This is not the end of our ministries. Our mission will continue beyond our Sisters, through our Associates and partners in ministry, expanding what it means to live the charism of charity into the future.

This is the order, of course, founded by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Maryland, but their work has stretched far beyond that and touched countless lives. 

Thursday, April 27, 2023



Deacon Fritz Bauerschmit at Praytell has an opinion piece on good liturgy and what we are use to experiencing. You can read his commentary HERE.

Since I have the privilege of celebrating both forms of the one Roman Rite, the ancient and modern, I think I have a unique view on what is good liturgy.

As it concerns the TLM, I don’t think that discussing the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as good or bad is a part of a traditionalist’s lexicon. They might speak of valid or invalid, licit or illicit. Some prefer a Low Mass and think that is good enough for them. Others want a regular High Mass and still others would be thrilled with the Solemn High Mass with all the bells and whistles and would be spastic over a Pontifical Solemn Mass with capa Magna and all the bells and whistles. Other traditionalists might find that a bit off-putting. 

I think if a priest is incapable of reading and chanting Latin, that would be seen as bad. If a priest left out parts of the Mass, that would be seen as bad.

For me, a priest who wears sandals with or without socks, and with socks would be simply dreadful for me to see, that is horrible, distracting and to be condemned to the deep, hot fires of hell. 

I think a TLM Mass celebrated by a priest in a robotic and non-human way is bad. I think that if the laity aren’t engaged in what is happening during the Mass and prefer popular devotions during Mass that is bad. 

As it concerns the Modern Roman Mass, I simply find horrible priests who wear sandals to celebrate Mass with or without socks. Both should be consigned to the fires of Gehenna. I don’t like sandals with socks, but sandals with naked feet causes me to think I might throw up. It’s that bad for me. 

The antics of a priest or bishop that are improvised and self-referential, causes the liturgy to be bad.

The music selected for the Mass by the choir director or the priest or some committee can make the liturgy bad. My taste is excellent but everyone else’s, if not my taste, is bad for the Mass.

Not reading the black and doing the red makes the Mass bad.

Excluding one or so of the way too many options allowed makes the Mass bad. 

Irreverence, folksiness, banality, ordinariness, and everything else works against a good liturgy in the Modern Form.

Good liturgy in the Modern Form for me, and this is highly individualistic as is every evaluation of the Modern Mass, is a Mass that the Propers are chanted and the laity participate in their parts internally and externally and the priest doesn’t foist his looks or personality onto the Mass, thus it is ad orientem and there is reverence throughout especially when receiving Holy Communion kneeling, preferably. 

Wednesday, April 26, 2023


When I began to celebrate the TLM in 2007, I began to realize how enriching and rich this form of the Mass is for the personal faith of the priest and his own liturgical spirituality. Much of this came from the personal, quiet or private prayers of the priest prescribed by the 1962 Roman Missal.

The 1970 and its latter concoctions of the Modern Roman Missal expunged most of the private prayers of the priest at Mass. 

In my most humble opinion, I think that ridding the missal of prayers geared to enhance the faith of the priest in the sacred actions of the Mass has led to a virulent form of clericalism where during the Mass, the priest thinks it is all about him, his actions and ad libbing. 

This specifically refers to self-referential comments after the greeting of the Mass and non prescribed liturgical actions that draw attention to the priest rather than the sacred rites. There is a narcissistic need to be the priest who is the most friendly, inviting, inclusive by the things he does that aren't prescribed and other priests don't do. Thus this form of clericalism is truly pernicious and malforms the laity who either endure it or are entertained by it and thus like it based upon its entertainment value and that the priest in their eyes and ears is so personal with the such a human touch.  

These are the private, silently prayed prayers of the priest no longer included in any version of the Modern Roman Missal:

As the priest ascends the altar

Take away our sins, we pray you, O Lord, so that  with pure minds, we may worthily enter the holy of holies. Through Christ our Lord.

He kisses the altar and prays:

We beg you, O Lord, by the merits of your saints whose relics are here, and of all the saints to grant me forgiveness of all my sins. Amen.  

 Prayer before the Gospel

(This prayer is horribly shortened in its modern infestation.)

Cleanse my heart and my lips, almighty God, as you cleansed the lips of the prophet Isiah with a burning coal. In your mercy so cleanse me that I may worthily proclaim your holy Gospel. through Christ our Lord. Amen Bless me, O Lord. The lord be in my heart and on my lips, that I may worthily and fittingly proclaim His gospel Amen.

The Offertory Prayers 

(The lavabo prayer has been horribly truncated.)

I wash my hands in innocence, and I go around your altar, O Lord, giving voice to my thanks, and recounting all your wondrous deeds. O Lord, I love the house in which you dwell, the tenting-lace of your glory. Gather not my soul with those of sinners, nor with men of blood my life. On their hands are crimes, and their right hands are full of bribes. But I walk in integrity; redeem me, and have pity on me. My foot stands on level round; in the assemblies I will bless the Lord. Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and every shall be, world without end. Amen. 

The prayer to the Holy Trinity (Suscipiat) prior to the Orate Fratres

 (This prayer is removed in the Modern Missal)

Receive, O Holy Trinity, this offering which we make in remembrance of the passion, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, our Lord; and in honor of Blessed Mary, every Virgin, Blessed John the Baptist, the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, of these saints whose relics are on this altar and of all the saints; that it may add to their honor and aid our salvation; and may they be pleased to intercede in heaven for us who honor their memory here on earth. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

 Prior to consuming the Most Precious Blood.

What return shall I make to the Lord for all that he has given me? I will take the chalice of salvation and invoke the Name of the Lord. I will call upon the Lord in praise, and I shall be saved from my enemies.

The cleansing of the chalice, second prayer

(This prayer has been removed from the Modern Missal but is said after the second cleansing of the chalice with water and wine, also used to cleanse the priest's digits.)

May your Body, O Lord, which I have eaten, and your Blood which I have drunk, cleave to my very soul. Grant that no stain of sin may be left in me, now that I am refreshed by this pure and holy  Sacrament. You who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Trinity prior to the final blessing

(This prayer has been removed in the Modern Missal.)

May the homage of my service be pleasing to you, O Holy Trinity. Grant that the sacrifice which I, unworthy as I am, have offered in the sight of your majesty, may be acceptable to you, and through your mercy may it be an atonement for me and for all those for whom I have offered it. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Tuesday, April 25, 2023


 Such good friends, but enough to make a FOX jealous?



As everyone knows, I am bi-diocesan, meaning I am a priest of the Diocese of Savannah while at the same time having faculties in the Diocese of Charleston.

In the spirit of bi-inclusion, St. Sulpice in Paris, France, has a bi-altar, one where the Holy Mass in either form can be celebrated facing the nave or away from the nave. What a symbol for the Church in the Now!

Monday, April 24, 2023



 Not to be Tuckered out  by Fox, CNN fires Don Lemon. Cable ratings is a nasty business! How will we live without them? Oh, the humanity of it all!


 Yet, the insanity in Rome’s Vatican says that the TLM is the dangerous liturgy!

Please look at the spectators looking at this spectacle very recently in Italy. Look at their faces  Look at the close-up photographer. Do you think any of these people have any sense of Eucharistic Coherence or love and piety for the Real Presence of Christ in the Mass? Does this inspire reverence or simply shows an eccentric priest who wants to be the center of attention with his clown Mass? 

Yes, the TLM is the problem! It is sickening to see what is allowed and what is suppressed. 



Archbishop Paglia clarifies stance on assisted suicide

Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia reiterates his opposition to "euthanasia" and assisted suicide and clarifies remarks about the legal status of the practice in Italy.

By Christopher Wells

Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, the President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, has clarified earlier remarks concerning the legal status of medically assisted suicide in Italy, insisting that he fully adheres to the Church’s magisterially teaching opposing the practice. 

“Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, in full conformity with the Church’s Magisterium, reaffirms his ‘No’ to euthanasia and assisted suicide.”

The clarification, in a statement issued by the Pontifical Academy, comes in response to “incorrect interpretations” of the Archbishop’s thoughts following a speech given by the PAV president last week in Perugia, Italy. In a speech devoted to the entire subject of end-of-life care, the Archbishop referenced the specific legal situation of assisted suicide in Italy.

Assisted suicide in Italy a crime

In 2019, Italy’s Constitutional Court ruled that in some cases and under certain conditions it is possible to request the indirect help of doctors to end one’s own life. Effectively, while assisted suicide remains a crime, it would no longer be penalized if specific conditions are met.

In his address last week, Archbishop Paglia explained that it is important that assisted suicide remain a crime in Italian law, which the Constitutional Court sentence recognizes. However, because the Court has asked Parliament to legislate concerning the issue, the Archbishop gave his opinion that a “legislative initiative” along the lines proposed by the Senate – maintaining medically-assisted suicide as a crime while de-penalizing it in certain circumstances – might be a possible solution to the legal question.

The statement from the PAV insists that any legal compromise would in no way involve a change in the moral stance towards assisted suicide.

No one left alone

The statement goes on to say that “any further elaboration is uncalled for,” stating, “On the scientific and cultural level, Archbishop Paglia has always supported the need for accompaniment of the sick in the final phase of life, using palliative care and loving personal attention, to ensure that no one is left to face alone the illness and suffering, and difficult decisions, that the end of life brings on.”

Sunday, April 23, 2023


 A pilgrimage group from the SSPX's chapel in Noisy-le-Grand, France, had the privilege of attending Mass offered by their chaplain, Fr. Michel Sivry, at the altar of St. Pius X at St. Peter’s Basilica. Not only has it been reported that this occurred with the prior knowledge and consent of the basilica's "highest authority", but a video team even filmed the event for the French District's website,, where it may be watched.

There’s something fishy about the brouhaha in Rome about Anglo-Catholics with their bishop celebrating their “Eucharist” on our altar at the pope’s cathedral in Rome, St. John Lateran. It is said this group met with Pope Francis prior to this celebration. Would they have informed the Holy Father that they were looking forward to celebrating “their” “Eucharist” on his altar later in the day?

Then they did. But then there was a brouhaha, especially from Catholics in full communion with the pope who celebrate the TLM but would not be able to get the same permission to celebrate “our” valid Eucharist on a papal altar despite the fact they are in full communion with the pope and the Catholic Church!

Then we find out that the Coptic Orthodox Church in Rome will see their bishop and community allowed to celebrate the Divine Liturgy there. Before the Anglicans got there first, it was touted as the first time a non-Catholic liturgy would be celebrated at the pope’s cathedral. Now they will be the second.

But one codicil. Their Eucharist is valid as are all their sacraments including Holy Orders and Apostolic succession. So is the SSPX and even certain “Sedevacanists” groups still are more in full communion with the pope than Eastern Orthodoxy. Where’s the ecumenism with them???

But let’s face it, it is plausible for Italians to be a bit nonchalant in Rome about who celebrates Mass in all of the basilicas there. I know for a fact that Episcopalians and their priests simply ask to be allowed to celebrate at St. Peter’s and they can. The Italian who allowed it thought they were Catholic because their minister was dressed like a priest.

The same is true for the SSPX. A large pilgrim group was allowed to celebrate Mass at St. Peter’s a few years back.

In my diocese I recently celebrated Sunday Mass in a Methodist Church and on their “altar” on Jekyll Island, Georgia.

The parish from which I recently retired, allowed in the 1980’s an Episcopal Congregation to rent the church building for a Sunday after noon Episcopal Eucharist celebrated on our Catholic altar by an Episcopal priestess who was their pastor. Believe it or not, their congregation name was Saint Elizabeth of Hungry Episcopal Church. They now have their own building up the road from St. Anne’s.

So, what is valid ecumenism and what isn’t and shouldn’t we be more ecumenical with our own groups like the SSPX and TLM communities? Just wondering. 

Saturday, April 22, 2023


 Holy Mass with the Beatification of Henri Planchat, Ladislao Radigue and three companions, martyrs of the Paris Commune, from the Church of Saint-Sulpice, Paris. 

At the liturgy of the Eucharist, a bizarre arrangement for it to be facing the nave. Fooled me at first as I certainly thought it would be ad orientem. What do you think of that arrangement? Weird I say!



Pope Francis said this to a group visiting His Holiness:

"Sadly, we see also in our own day how the unity of the Church is wounded by division," he said, noting that this division "is often caused by the influence of ideologies and movements that while at times well-intentioned, end up fomenting parties and cliques, with each one developing a certain superiority complex when it comes to insight into the practice of the faith" This is compounded further, he said, "by the application of secular terminology, especially from the political realm, when speaking of the Church and the Faith itself. 

Which groups is Pope Francis excoriating? It would help, since there is an excoriation, that he name them. Certainly he must be referring to the German Church, becoming superior in its schismatic, heretical and apostasy ways! This superior church rejects not only the Second Vatican Council in its entirety, but also the corpus of Catholic doctrinal and moral teachings. And bishops are fomenting it in collusion with some superior laity and clergy and I put the laity first for the cause of equity. 

Certainly the Holy Father doesn't mean the Institute for Christ the King or the FSSP or those faithful Catholics who embraced Pope Benedict's liberal allowance to celebrate the TLM and other sacraments associated with it, including clarity of doctrine and moral teachings.  

Which movement is more political? The TLM? Or the Germans? Which one is more influenced by political ideologies such as climate change, LGBTQ+++ nonsense and cancel culture?  

Which papacy thinks it is most superior, most humble and most post-Vatican II compared to St. Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI? Which papacy has tried to cancel these past two papacies accelerating already latent polarization into all-out warfare? 

If the Church is wounded by division, perhaps the current Holy Father needs to look in the mirror to see who is causing it all rather than being the bridge between papacies and growth in continuity from the first century of the Church through all centuries? 

As it concerns the use of political or secular terminology applied to the Church, such as "progressive, conservative, pre-Vatican II, post-Vatican II, center left, center right, etc", I agree that these terms should be expunged from usage to describe the practice of the Catholic Faith. There should only be four terms that are used: orthodox and heterodox: orthopraxis and heteropraxis. 

Simple, no?

Friday, April 21, 2023


In some ways I am glad I am retired. I don’t have to contend with providing Mass for every major language group in my parishes.

Let me be clear. My formative years as a Catholic took place in a diocesan parish in Augusta that catered to active and retired Army families. We were very diverse because of war brides. We had Italians, the best country, then we had Germans, Filipinos, Puerto Ricans, Panamanians, French, Koreans, Japanese and Vietnamese. When the Mass was the TLM, we all were together. We didn’t go to different language Masses with those who only spoke our language. We were together! 

I am not opposed to inculturation. But that should take place in devotions and piety apart from Mass. Every country prior to Vatican II had culturally oriented devotions, either private or public. These were strong and satisfying as most devotions were prayed in the vernacular of the people and with their own pieties and ways of praying 

Mexicans, as we know, have a wonderful tradition of private and public devotions, especially surrounding Our Lady of Guadeloupe.

These don’t need to be dragged into the Mass. 

And this is really novel for the modern local parish. Let’s have Mass in a dead language, so no living language is given superiority over other languages spoken locally! And even more novel, let that language be Latin, with a small smattering of Greek and ancient Hebrew. 

But let private and public devotions, never dragged into the Mass, be inculturated and in the vernacular of those who celebrate it. 

How novel!

Thursday, April 20, 2023


The pre-Vatican II Church certainly did have excesses which needed some addressing. But extremes in either direction show a pathetic imbalance. See the extreme contrasts:



 Holy sharknado Batman! Sharks on falling from the sky onto people’s homes and yards on Hilton Head Island! In today’s newspaper there is a story of this baby shark falling from the sky with a thud on an islander’s home nearby me. It was dropped by an eagle who swooped down upon the ocean nearby for a meal for him and his family only to botch his splendid catch of the day!


 This is copied from a Google translation of the Italian blogpost:

I pray and hope that there are no divisions, the archbishop said.  Emphasizing that, from Rome, he is following developments in Germany "from a different perspective"

 “From this point of view – he underlined – I do not consider the synodal journey a useful response to the actual needs of the faithful.  If, as a canon lawyer, I have to judge the entire enterprise of the Synodal Path, I must say that it has no legally binding force under canon law.  It is not a question of proximity or geographical distance, it is an objective observation of the facts”.

“My future is in the hands of Pope Francis.  And I actually feel quite safe in his hands,” H.E.R.  Bishop Georg Gänswein.

 The prefect of the Papal Household, in an interview with Passauer Neue Presse, raised numerous perplexities regarding the synodal journey: “The loss of faith has indeed increased following the synodal journey.  The answer must be given from another angle, that is, from the deepening of faith and not from questions of structure".

 It is not an easy journey, he said, “this requires personal commitment and determination.  It's a fight and it will always be a fight."

 As known, the German bishops have used the excuse of "sexual abuse of minors" to bring, within the Synodal Path, numerous requests that have nothing to do with the theme.  On this point, Gänswein said: “I doubt that the Synodal Path, as it developed, was the right response to the abuse crisis.  The Way was 'invented' following the 2018 MHG report. However, the themes that were covered there go far beyond the necessary response to the abuse crisis.  Anyone who followed the discussions and decisions of the synod meetings with their eyes wide open could see that the focus was now on completely different goals.  The danger has grown that special paths lead out of the unity of the universal Church".

 Nothing but the Truth

 In the past few hours, the former personal secretary of Benedict XVI has also been a guest on the Austrian program ZiB2.  On the occasion, he reiterated that the book Nothing but the Truth was written in order to "offer another point of view on the pontificate of Benedict XVI, not for revenge against the current Pontiff".

 In recent years, in fact, there has clearly been a single voice that has characterized the narrative of the pontificate of Benedict XVI, of his teaching and of his person.  "Joseph Ratzinger had and must be destroyed so that he could not be a danger", reports a cardinal very close to the German pontiff.  The Church that Benedict XVI has proposed is a Church that many do not want to listen to because it is an uncomfortable institution that draws attention to Christ, to fundamental values ​​and certainly not to frivolous matters

 Archbishop Gänswein pointed out that, clearly, there are differences between Benedict XVI and Francis in terms of mentality, priorities and very specific skills.  “No pope is a decalcomania of his predecessor,” he said.

 The prefect then denied what was reported by Religion digital in March 2023, which indicated him as the new Apostolic Nuncio in Costa Rica: “I don't know anything.  My future is in the hands of Pope Francis.  And I actually feel quite safe in his hands ”.

 When asked if, in his opinion, Pope Francis could resign, he said: “I don't know.  Let's be surprised."

 Emanuela Orlandi

 Regarding the opening of a file within the Vatican City State concerning the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi, a guest on Mediaset, Archbishop Gänswein reported: "I hope a definitive answer will be found".  Then he underlined how Pietro Orlandi misrepresented the events several times: “Once – he said – I met Pietro Orlandi.  Following that meeting, I asked for a reminder [to the Secretariat of State].  They did so but nothing new emerged.  Pietro Orlandi reported that I have a dossier.  It is not true.  It was a note on the status quo but I have never made a dossier, it was not my competence".

Wednesday, April 19, 2023


 But first, I almost went to the Cathedral Basilica’s blessing of the Basilica Insignia like this.I went into the closet to put my nice dress shoes on for the clergy conference Mass and dinner at our Cathedral Basilica. Fortunately before I departed I looked down! Old age is just a state of mind! Can you imagine:

Then at the blessing of the Basilica Insignia, it was pointed out the our retired bishop was ordained our bishop exactly 28 years prior to this blessing.

On April 18, 1995 Bishop J. Kevin Boland was ordained as the Bishop of Savannah. I was the Master of Ceremonies for this Solemn Mass and yes, both shoes I wore that day matched! Last night, Tuesday, April 18, 2023 was Bishop Boland’s 28th anniversary of his ordination as bishop. Bishop Boland is on the right, Archbishop Hartmayer in the middle and Bishop Parkes on the left prior to last night’s Mass to bless the insignia of a minor basilica.


In 2020 our Savannah Cathedral was given a papal honor, approved by the Vatican and named a Minor Basilica. On Tuesday night, Archbishop Gregory Hartmayer, Archbishop of Atlanta and our former bishop, celebrated the Mass for the blessing of the insignia of a minor basilica. Our bishop, Bishop Stephen Parkes actually blessed the insignia. Bishop J. Kevin Boland our 88 year old retired bishop was also present. It was 28 years ago to the day that he was ordained our bishop in this same cathedral and I was the MC for it. One of the photos is the completely remodeled ”basement” social hall of the Cathedral Basilica where priests now vest for large celebrations. We also had our clergy conference banquet following the Mass. The renovation is magnificent. Prior to this it was very plain and ugly. 

 Photos in random order more than likely: