A Blast from the Past: When Affirmation of Vatican II Was a Given
Press the title above for the post from Praytell that led to these comments below. Of course, Tom is 100% correct and Rita and Fr. Tony are in denial since Tom destroys their blog and its premise with his innate common sense.
Think of religious orders that are on the verge of extinction compared to those prospering today. The dying ones still tout their elderly meme of so called renewal a success and a road from which they will not diverge. It really is not only sad but tragic.
Here are the Money comments:
Logical fallacy alert. It’s called “post hoc ergo propter hoc.” Because something happened after the Council does not mean it happened because of the Council. As I look back over the events that have diminished the numbers in church institutions in America, most are about sex. Humanae vitae distanced a whole generation. This was not the fruit of Vatican II. Priestly celibacy was not the fruit of Vatican II either, yet many men left the priesthood because of celibacy. Look at the number of married deacons. There are plenty of men who want to serve the church, they just don’t want to be celibate anymore. Another example: The sex abuse crisis. This was not the fruit of Vatican II at all, but it has been the cause of bleeding of institutions and diminished trust in the hierarchy. The role of women: many have left the church or don’t pursue involvement because they believe the church treats women as second class citizens. Nothing to do with Vatican II, it’s about sexism. The younger generation now spurns the Church as anti-gay. Again, not about Vatican II.
Of course Vatican II did no such thing, unless you use, as these wild clerics and religious did, the hermenuetic of rupture to interpret the Council rather than Pope Benedict's hermenuetic of renewal in continuity.