
Saturday, August 8, 2020


I can’t remember if I posted this or not. But about two years ago I found this YouTube video. Someone using Augusta, Georgia’s Glenn Hills High School’s first year book in the school’s first year of 1967-68 school year put pictures to a tape recording our 9th grade Science club did for a time capsule that would be buried and opened in the year 2000. I always looked forward to 2000 which seemed at the time to be eons away. But by 2000, even though I was in Augusta, I heard nothing about the capsule being opened and always wondered about it, thinking the tape recording more than likely was of no good quality. But somewhere along the line the capsule was opened, an antique tape recorder found to play it and a creative person made this video of the sound. You can hear me as a 14 year old at minute 8:35. I am in the photo with the sound of my voice and the girl, slightly in front of me to my right is Janelle Pizzutto who became my girl friend in college.  The adults and some of the children have the classic Augusta southern accent, which for the most part today, is gone with the wind. Even the principal, Mr. Ollerich wonders in 1968 if a tape recorder will be found to play the tape in the year 2000 as he felt there might be other means of recording voices that far in the future.

1 comment:

Citizen said...

Next thing we know, FRAJM will declare himself a science expert and be the savvy voice that drowns out another science priest who posts here! Common cup, you are banished herewith...