By the way, The new Bishop of Madison is scheduled to celebrate an EF Confirmation in his diocese.
Wouldn’t it be great for the Holy Father to do a procession like this in Rome as a militant approach to asking for deliverance from COVID-19 and if the Holy Father also celebrated an EF Confirmation?
A crowd estimated at 2,000 processes behind the Blessed Sacrament up State Street in Downtown Madison. (Photo by Joseph M. Hanneman)
MADISON, Wisconsin — The Second Person of the Holy Trinity was given a police escort up riot-scarred State Street to the Wisconsin Capitol building on Saturday, followed in procession by 2,000 Catholics who proclaimed in word and deed that Jesus Christ is the answer and antidote to our troubled times.
Madison police blocked off streets in a big section of Downtown Madison and a single squad car with emergency lights blazing cleared the path for Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison and Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki of Milwaukee to bring Jesus to one of the most troubled spots in America. The thousands who followed bore witness to the message that only Jesus can heal our wounds.
“What a blessing to carry Jesus Christ in His Eucharistic glory through the streets of Downtown Madison,” Hying said on the steps of the Capitol, the very spot where rioters rampaged just two months ago. “It was a sweet wait.”
“Every time the world has faced suffering, violence, every time the people are filled with fear, the Church has brought out the Eucharist and processed the Eucharist in the streets — in procession because we know it is the power of this Eucharistic Christ that can bring about the fullness of what each human heart seeks, and that is union with God.”
Bishop Donald J. Hying of the Diocese of Madison carries the monstrance with the Blessed Sacrament to the Wisconsin State Capitol on Aug. 15. (Photo by Joseph M. Hanneman)READ MORE OF IT THERE
Why would CNN and MSNBC think this was newsworthy and cover it?
They don't think it is newsworthy and that's my point. But protests that support their skewed political agenda, no matter how small, are reported. But 2000 peaceful, religious people during COVID-19 marching through the streets of a city with boarded up windows from riots, one would think should make national news.
Good morning to all here wonderful to see the procession in war torn Madison, as I have stated many times on this blog this whole narrative of Black Lives Matter has NEVER been about Black lives or Mr. Floyd who we all agree was just plain wrong and the guilty should be punished. Watching the total burning, looting, killing in our major cites such as Portland,Seattle,Los Angeles,Denver,Chicago,New York,Atlanta,and Washington D.C. on a nightly basis is well funded by George Soros who funds Antifa and BLM which by the way was founded by three Black Lesbian Marxist-Leninist's and their goal is to destroy the nuclear family and bring down the United States of America they are very open about this on their website. First it was ripping down Confederate statues honoring the dead Americans who died for the cause of states rights and when President Trump said two years ago "who" will they tear down next Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln and the media laughed at him. Well guess what YES they have torn down these statues as Trump predicted, it's about taking down Trump and the United States as we know it. This movement is being carried out by young WHITE radical Communists at least 70%, most Black Americans want nothing to do with this garbage. Trump has done more for Black Americans than any other President in United States history and it shows that he is getting at least 34% of the Black vote which will propel him to victory in November. My friends the warning is fair and you see it every nite on Fox news and Tucker Carlson, come November if for any reason Trump loses the United States as we know it is over and done! You have the power to stop the Communist takeover in November, the warning is fair.
As far as George Floyd, he was unjustly killed, guilty or not. In this country, he deserved a fair trial and surely he should have been charged with counterfeiting and resisting arrest. African Americans are targeted more so than white Americans. So we have to keep that in mind.
But what followed his "manslaughter" as I don't think the officer actually intended to kill him, is reprehensible and continues to be.
As far as confederate war monuments, some need to be removed and others not. Japan just honored their war dead yesterday at the anniversary of the ending of the World War II in the Pacific. They atoned for the wrongs they committed in bringing about war, but honored their war dead nonetheless. The manner in which they did so is an example for the south.
"They don't think it is newsworthy and that's my point."
What makes it newsworthy in your view? Newsworthy to the point that two NATIONAL networks would feature it on their broadcasts.
If this "procession" is newsworthy, will you say the same of Jewish Purim festivals, Islamic Eid-al-Fitr feasts, Holy Ghost Snake Handling Tent Revivals, etc?
I would suggest that there is a WORLD of difference between a religious procession and a large political protest. No, they don't report on all protests, "no matter how small."
CNN is a communist propaganda organization aiding and Abetting the Dem Party and its stormtroopers BLM and Antifa. It is beyond disgusting that “catholic” bishops snd priests vote for the destructors of the Catholic Church and the American people!
The scary thing is that the officers charged with Floyd's death were "overcharged" in a knee jerk reaction and some charges may be lifted and the results will be more burning, looting and killings. Everything that the Marxist BLM movement and Antifa Communists are doing in the name of Black people are in all honesty working against them. Americans of ALL colors and yes the majority of Blacks are cringing at what is happening on the streets why? Because it sets a narrative that African-American's are violent and destructive which is NOT the case. I work in a business that in which I have Black customers that I do business with daily and I have yet to encounter any anger or backlash from them, just the opposite I treat them as I do with all people with respect and I get the same respect back! It is the Leftwing media: CNN, MSNBC, Big Tech and the Democrat party that tell us all Black's are angry and are oppressed, that is absolutely false. Every city that I mentioned in my post above have one thing in common: All run by radical Leftwing Mayors, what have they done for African-Americans NOTHING, yet all these cities continue to vote Democrat and have nothing to show for it, how sad is that? The Democrat party has destroyed the Black family unit, 75% of Black children born out of wedlock, millions of Black babies aborted since Roe vs Wade, the facts are there and it is the Democrat party who is to blame for all of this happening in our country.
"CNN is a communist propaganda organization aiding and Abetting the Dem Party and its stormtroopers BLM and Antifa. It is beyond disgusting that “catholic” bishops snd priests vote for the destructors of the Catholic Church and the American people!"
We'll just add this to the new list of TJM's ad hominem attacks for the next time he tries to blame such behavior on others.
I am glad to see that Archbishop Listecki is in Madison praying the rosary. When he gets back to Milwaukee he should exorcise the Archdiocese of all the people from the time of Archbishop Weakland who are still running the diocese. And he should distance himself from the pro abortion governor of the state. He is a man who hates religion.
Also set to speak on Thursday are Sister Simone Campbell, executive director of the advocacy group NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice and a longtime Biden ally dating to the push to pass President Barack Obama's health care plan; the Rev. James Martin, a Jesuit priest and editor at large of the Jesuit magazine America;
I do not recall the Republican Party using Catholic clergy as props at a convention. I do recall Bill Clintoon using the Bible as a prop when he was caught doing inappropriate things in the Oval Office. Funny how the anti-Christian Party uses religion as a prop
I would suggest that there is a WORLD of difference between a religious procession and a large political protest. No, they don't report on all protests, "no matter how small."
Are you alluding that what occurred in Madison was some sort of protest? Protest? Ah...but what a protest! No burning, rioting, looting, and violence. Just a nice reverent procession. Could we have more of this please? Especially in those cities where all the civil disturbances and destruction are occurring.
Keep in mind that we are the Church Militant and prayer, processions and the like can be used for spiritual warfare and thus are weapons for such but never for violence, burning, looting and killing.
Again pray for that young man in Portland on Sunday night where was at a 7-11 and BLM terrorists were assaulting a trans person YES a trans person whom the Left say they embrace but once again this is just a Marxist-Leninist smokescreen set upon bringing down President Trump and our Democratic system. The poor man was only trying to help the trans woman who was being assaulted by these animals but was driven away by BLM and his female friend then chased him down in his truck and he crashed it and dragged him out and beat him to a pulp and at the same time came from behind his lady friend and knocked her down and began beating her senseless!
Why would CNN and MSNBC think this was newsworthy and cover it?
They don't think it is newsworthy and that's my point. But protests that support their skewed political agenda, no matter how small, are reported.
But 2000 peaceful, religious people during COVID-19 marching through the streets of a city with boarded up windows from riots, one would think should make national news.
Good morning to all here wonderful to see the procession in war torn Madison, as I have stated many times on this blog this whole narrative of Black Lives Matter has NEVER been about Black lives or Mr. Floyd who we all agree was just plain wrong and the guilty should be punished. Watching the total burning, looting, killing in our major cites such as Portland,Seattle,Los Angeles,Denver,Chicago,New York,Atlanta,and Washington D.C. on a nightly basis is well funded by George Soros who funds Antifa and BLM which by the way was founded by three Black Lesbian Marxist-Leninist's and their goal is to destroy the nuclear family and bring down the United States of America they are very open about this on their website. First it was ripping down Confederate statues honoring the dead Americans who died for the cause of states rights and when President Trump said two years ago "who" will they tear down next Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln and the media laughed at him. Well guess what YES they have torn down these statues as Trump predicted, it's about taking down Trump and the United States as we know it. This movement is being carried out by young WHITE radical Communists at least 70%, most Black Americans want nothing to do with this garbage. Trump has done more for Black Americans than any other President in United States history and it shows that he is getting at least 34% of the Black vote which will propel him to victory in November. My friends the warning is fair and you see it every nite on Fox news and Tucker Carlson, come November if for any reason Trump loses the United States as we know it is over and done! You have the power to stop the Communist takeover in November, the warning is fair.
As far as George Floyd, he was unjustly killed, guilty or not. In this country, he deserved a fair trial and surely he should have been charged with counterfeiting and resisting arrest. African Americans are targeted more so than white Americans. So we have to keep that in mind.
But what followed his "manslaughter" as I don't think the officer actually intended to kill him, is reprehensible and continues to be.
As far as confederate war monuments, some need to be removed and others not. Japan just honored their war dead yesterday at the anniversary of the ending of the World War II in the Pacific. They atoned for the wrongs they committed in bringing about war, but honored their war dead nonetheless. The manner in which they did so is an example for the south.
"They don't think it is newsworthy and that's my point."
What makes it newsworthy in your view? Newsworthy to the point that two NATIONAL networks would feature it on their broadcasts.
If this "procession" is newsworthy, will you say the same of Jewish Purim festivals, Islamic Eid-al-Fitr feasts, Holy Ghost Snake Handling Tent Revivals, etc?
I would suggest that there is a WORLD of difference between a religious procession and a large political protest. No, they don't report on all protests, "no matter how small."
CNN is a communist propaganda organization aiding and
Abetting the Dem Party and its stormtroopers BLM and Antifa. It is beyond disgusting that “catholic” bishops snd priests vote for the destructors of the Catholic Church and the American people!
The scary thing is that the officers charged with Floyd's death were "overcharged" in a knee jerk reaction and some charges may be lifted and the results will be more burning, looting and killings. Everything that the Marxist BLM movement and Antifa Communists are doing in the name of Black people are in all honesty working against them. Americans of ALL colors and yes the majority of Blacks are cringing at what is happening on the streets why? Because it sets a narrative that African-American's are violent and destructive which is NOT the case. I work in a business that in which I have Black customers that I do business with daily and I have yet to encounter any anger or backlash from them, just the opposite I treat them as I do with all people with respect and I get the same respect back! It is the Leftwing media: CNN, MSNBC, Big Tech and the Democrat party that tell us all Black's are angry and are oppressed, that is absolutely false. Every city that I mentioned in my post above have one thing in common: All run by radical Leftwing Mayors, what have they done for African-Americans NOTHING, yet all these cities continue to vote Democrat and have nothing to show for it, how sad is that? The Democrat party has destroyed the Black family unit, 75% of Black children born out of wedlock, millions of Black babies aborted since Roe vs Wade, the facts are there and it is the Democrat party who is to blame for all of this happening in our country.
Anonymous Kavanaugh at 9:48 AM
You never change.
Fr McD @ 8.48am...
...so basically you are implicitly acknowledging that this wasn’t a religious procession but a protest march.
Peter Pence aka Kavanaugh,
Knock it off. When Archbishop and his "gang" burn and loot like your Dem comrades, let us know.
"CNN is a communist propaganda organization aiding and Abetting the Dem Party and its stormtroopers BLM and Antifa. It is beyond disgusting that “catholic” bishops snd priests vote for the destructors of the Catholic Church and the American people!"
We'll just add this to the new list of TJM's ad hominem attacks for the next time he tries to blame such behavior on others.
I am glad to see that Archbishop Listecki is in Madison praying the rosary. When he gets back to Milwaukee he should exorcise the Archdiocese of all the people from the time of Archbishop Weakland who are still running the diocese. And he should distance himself from the pro abortion governor of the state. He is a man who hates religion.
Anonymous Kavanaugh at 3:03,
Be assured we are keeping a list of your lies, distortions, and ad hominem comments!
DNC Speakers for Thursday:
Also set to speak on Thursday are Sister Simone Campbell, executive director of the advocacy group NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice and a longtime Biden ally dating to the push to pass President Barack Obama's health care plan; the Rev. James Martin, a Jesuit priest and editor at large of the Jesuit magazine America;
This about says it all.
Anonymous at 8:34 PM,
So fake catholics are supporting Biden. How special. Social Justice = extortion, compliments of BLM and Antifa
I do not recall the Republican Party using Catholic clergy as props at a convention. I do recall Bill Clintoon using the Bible as a prop when he was caught doing inappropriate things in the Oval Office. Funny how the anti-Christian Party uses religion as a prop
Pete - Nah, the Repugnicans would never do that: "Priests for Life Fr. Frank Pavone resigns from Trump campaign roles"
Anonymous Ksvanaugh,
Funny that you cite an orthodox priest . I guess you prefer the Father Drinan types
Anon Pierre - Funny you ignore the fact that your assertion that the Repugnicans would not do such a thing has been shown to be false.
I would suggest that there is a WORLD of difference between a religious procession and a large political protest. No, they don't report on all protests, "no matter how small."
Are you alluding that what occurred in Madison was some sort of protest?
Protest? Ah...but what a protest! No burning, rioting, looting, and violence.
Just a nice reverent procession. Could we have more of this please?
Especially in those cities where all the civil disturbances and destruction are occurring.
Keep in mind that we are the Church Militant and prayer, processions and the like can be used for spiritual warfare and thus are weapons for such but never for violence, burning, looting and killing.
Again pray for that young man in Portland on Sunday night where was at a 7-11 and BLM terrorists were assaulting a trans person YES a trans person whom the Left say they embrace but once again this is just a Marxist-Leninist smokescreen set upon bringing down President Trump and our Democratic system. The poor man was only trying to help the trans woman who was being assaulted by these animals but was driven away by BLM and his female friend then chased him down in his truck and he crashed it and dragged him out and beat him to a pulp and at the same time came from behind his lady friend and knocked her down and began beating her senseless!
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