
Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Ash Wednesday often is just symbolic and in theory for most. For many today in South Florida, the reality of evil, human disorders that lead to maniacal killings is not a theory or symbolic.

In a day and age where so many young people who are parents, religion, any religion is put on the back burner or simply given a nod in some sort of spirituality of positive thinking.

There are way too many "nones" out there.

Remember you are dust and unto dust you shall return. 

We need a kinder, gentler nation, one that reveres God, allows Jesus to talk to us and where celebrity figures don't denigrate what they don't understand.

We need to be pro-life. If an inconvenient child in her mother's womb can be conveniently removed through legal killing, what does that say to our "disordered" younger and older people who see pro-choice advocates advocating for the most heinous right to choose to kill and conditioning them to make the logical leap to take out those they find inconvenient and the source of their problems?

Repent and believe the Good News! 

Pray for all victims of violence, those who were killed and loved ones who grieve. Deliver us, O God,  from evil. 


ByzRus said...

May their memory be eternal!

Mark Thomas said...

"Remember you are dust and unto dust you shall return.

"We need a kinder, gentler nation, one that reveres God, allows Jesus to talk to us and where celebrity figures don't denigrate what they don't understand.

"We need to be pro-life.

"Repent and believe the Good News!

"Pray for all victims of violence, those who were killed and loved ones who grieve. Deliver us, O God, from evil."

Father McDonald, thank you for your holy message of hope. Yes...we need to be kind to each other. We need Jesus Christ. We need to repent and believe the Good News.

We need to pray for the victims of violence.

We need to be pro life. We need to heed the following from His Holiness Pope Francis:

"We have created a ‘throw away’ culture which is now spreading” (Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, n. 53). And in this way life, too, ends up being thrown away.

"Anyone who is Christian has a duty to bear witness to the Gospel: to protect life courageously and lovingly in all its phases.

"It is therefore necessary to express the strongest possible opposition to every direct attack on life, especially against the innocent and defenseless, and the unborn in a mother’s womb is the example of innocence par excellence.

"Let us remember the words of the Second Vatican Council: “Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception: abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes” (Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes, n. 51)."


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

May the deceased victims, as well as their families, obtain peace and salvation.

May the gunman obtain peace and salvation.


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

We need more men...many more men, such as Father McDonald, who is God's holy priest.

We need to embrace the True Church. We need to turn to, then rally around the Vicar of Christ, His Holiness Pope Francis.


Mark Thomas

Where Peter is, there is the Church. Case closed. Turn to Pope Francis.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the "nones" (in terms of religion---or lack thereof) are growing---I can see that on Sundays up here in Atlanta---parking lots with condominiums mostly full---cars not at church at 9 or 10 in the morning. Or, when you go to church in the morning, the sanctuary is not packed, or nearly packed.

No one really knows what to do about this (school violence)---some say more security, but schools often include a lot of buildings, and do you really want to make them like prisons? Yes, maybe AR-15s should not be commonly sold, but doubtless even if banned, you could get one in the black market, just like drugs.

Yes, we need repentance now more than ever!