
Sunday, July 14, 2024


I was a month shy of becoming 10 years old on November 22, 1963 when I learned what the words assassin and assassination meant. I watched, as a 9 year old, the murder on live TV of Lee Harvey Oswald and then the next day the State Funeral of President John F. Kennedy. All of that is seared in my mind and the sense of loss of the first Catholic president, who in 1963, had children my age. 

Conspiracy theories continue to abound about that assassination. Who knows where the truth is.

On Saturday, July 13, the anniversary of the Third Secret of Fatima revealed on July 13, 1917, I witnessed on live TV the assassination attempt on the Former President Donald Trump. As soon as I saw and heard what was happening, I knew Trump had been shot, and his reaction with his face and hand coming up to his ear as though stung by a bee,  and  that he dropped on his own to protect himself that he had been shot. And it was clear from the first sounds that it was gunshots and not firecrackers. 

The cover-up of President Biden’s mental and physical issues due to age which can no longer be covered up has led many democrats to want the change their presidential candidate, President Biden, to someone else because they see an already close election with President Trump becoming more in favor of the former President Trump. All of this is against the will of President Biden. 

These Democrats, like Trump as done toward them, have ratcheted up the rhetoric about Trump as a threat to democracy because of his so-called authoritarian personality, that he will be a dictator and that he will take democracy out of America. All of these things are political talking points.

We also know that the other false narratives put forward by many about the Russian collusion and how the judicial system has been weaponized against a former president, so much so the Supreme Court recently ruled in the former President’s favor calling into question the New York verdict that made him a convicted felon.

Apart from the democratic process of free-elections and the political version of the Catholic term Sensus Fidelium, there seems to be a move by some to thwart free-elections in one way or another, to include assassination by a weaponized radical who may or may not be mentally imbalanced. 

I think we can also say that a similar movement to remove President Biden as the Democrats’ candidate for the presidential election and take it away from the people to decide in November.

Is there a deep state at work and since President Trump’s election in 2016? I think that’s a fair question to ask, no matter the political affiliation anyone has.

God bless America!

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