
Sunday, July 14, 2024



 I have already written the truth about the Synod on Synodality, that no one except ideologues with an agenda to change Church morals and doctrines, gives a flip about synodality. Rank and file Catholics, clergy and laity, are not excited about it and mostly fear that these ideological elites will further damage the Catholic Church with progressive ideologies that are horizontal rather that vertical, sociological rather than divine. 

We all know that there are major problems with the Novus Ordo Mass, so much so, it needs a thorough reform by going back to what Sacrosanctum Concilium promulgated concerning the “renewal” of the Tridentine Mass, a conservative renewal, that was meant to enhance actual/active participation and to make the highest forms of the Tridentine Mass a bit more simple, nobly simple and to enhance the Liturgy of the Word. 

Yet the reform the Tridentine Mass received completely changed its ethos from experiencing the Risen Lord through Word and Sacrament in a communal, mystical way to focusing in on how people participate in the Mass through the use of their voice, to who does what to make the laity’s role as important as the priest’s role. Thus the focus changed to people things not divine things, changing reverence and devotion to banal reactions and mechanical ways in which the Word is proclaimed, how the Eucharistic Prayer is proclaimed, how Catholics are to receive Holy Communion changed from kneeling and receiving on the tongue to standing and processing and receiving on the hand.

And receiving from a priest was not important but rather from anyone who is chosen regardless of faith and morals as it concerns Catholic teaching. 

The same is true of the synod as communicated by its leaders. The focus is on sociology and human inclusion in ministerial roles and administration and not God. It is focused on inclusivity without demands or conversion. It focuses in on women and expanding their roles. God is a sideshow!

99% of Catholics who practice their faith by going to Mass each Sunday don’t care about those things. They want to experience Christ and his grace to convert them to Him especially at Mass and through the leadership of the Magisterium of the Church and their local bishops and priests and deacons. 

The Tridentine Mass helped to accomplish this better as did the pre-Vatican II Church. That did not need to be changed to what we are now experience. the horizontal, sociological vision of the Church as a human institution that can be manipulated by a few progressive elitists. 

My now deceased bishop, who ordained me in 1980, use to say to me that we are getting Vatican II wrong. We are churchyfying” the laity and laicizing the clergy. The laity who once focused their lives on their family, work and recreation and being seen as a good Catholic in the secular sphere, now think they were not good Catholics because they weren’t lectors, Communion Ministers, choir members and ushers. They feel they aren’t good Catholics if they aren’t on Church committees, organizing programs and working in a soup kitchen and politically involved in promoting peace and justice. Bishop Lessard lamented all of that and wanted Vatican II implemented properly and in continuity with what preceded it. He wanted true spiritual renewal and lamented that the spirit of Vatican II had veered off course highjacked by progressive theologians and liturgists including bishops, priests and religious. 

God help us!


William said...

Bishops of the Church, what's wrong with you? "Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember?"

Seamus Malone said...

William, Here's the answer to your question: