
Friday, July 19, 2024


Faith and politics can never be separated for faithful, thoughtful and thinking Catholics. Many are lamenting the two choices, three if you count Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., that are running for the office of Presidency. 

With a population around 300 million people, many are asking can't we don't better and with a better slate of candidates?

But who wants to run? Only those extroverted enough to cater to the big bucks donors they need to run a campaign. Money speaks, not mom and pop from bread and butter America, but special interest groups that have mega bucks. These monied groups have enough clout to overrule a primary process not to mention a fair and free election!

Wouldn't it better to allot certain bucks from the government for legitimate candidates to run for office during the primary and then the lead up to the actual election so that there isn't reliance on special interest groups and their ability to buy political candidates?

Let me speak of President Biden first. He is the Democrat presidential candidate as determined by the primary season and more than likely, if he doesn't give into those trying to pressure him to get out of the race, he will be confirmed as the Democrat presidential candidate at the Democrat's National Convention in August. 

But therein lies the corruption. Leading Democrats and they money-backed supporters are trying to pressure the sitting President to get out of the race. Why? Because polls say he can't win. It isn't because he has dementia and maybe other health issues related to age, it is because the big money backers are pulling their money and polls show he can't win, this late in the game. 

It's as though we are experiencing a coup in real time in order to thwart the electors, meaning the country and the electoral college from determining who will be the next president. It is clearly election interference calling into question our election process. 

And now former President Trump. Say what you want about him, he is where he is because of the primary process, and if President Biden prevents a "coup" against him, Trump may well win the presidential election fair and square.

But look at how impeachment was weaponized against Trump during his first term to get him out of an office he won fair and square, a political coup with the cover of the constitution. It didn't work.

Or look at the weaponization of the legal system to convict Trump and put him into prison or manipulate voters to vote for someone else. That is a legal coup!

Big money and political elitists don't trust our election process, neither the actual voters or the electoral process. 

Whether you are a Biden supporter or Trump supporter, all of this must be of concern for us as Americans.

Now for the Catholic prospective on the two main candidates we have for the presidency: both are loved by God and both are showered with God's love. For Trump, who has no real religious affiliation or communal worship, Catholics believe that Our Lady of Fatima could have guided the bullet or the head of President Trump to avoid a gunshot leading to his death. Why would God do this or allow our Blessed Mother to do it? Because God is Missionary and an Evangelist. His grace His freely given to the deserving and undeserving, to all people, regardless of their religion or lack thereof.

The same is for President Biden. Maybe God can bring good out of what he is experiencing by God's grace and our Blessed Mother's assistance. Maybe President Biden will repent of his rabid pro-choice politics that has enabled the murder of so many more babies than perhaps would have not take place if Biden were a witness to his Catholic Faith, which he practices by going to Mass each weekend. 

And of course, we know as Catholics, that when much is given to us, in terms of the Catholic Faith we say we practice, much is expected and culpability for failing in the practice of our faith is greater than for those who are not Catholic. Just saying.


Bob said...

I think we should institute a national non-deferrable draft of local, state, and national business leaders as candidates for 1yr terms to run assorted local, state, national govt entities, where they make only pay required to not lose what they own, cannot take any outside pay, and if things not better after a year, them required to do another year.

Political parties must pay for all elections, with no advertising past personal appearances allowed, NONE OF THE ABOVE on every ballot, and when NONE OF THE ABOVE wins whatever election, then political parties must foot the bill for yet another election.

We would then get candidates who knew what they were doing and parties giving us realistic candidates.

Nick said...

Didn't Plato propose choosing representatives by lottery? Perhaps it was Aristotle. In any event, that sure sounds a lot better than what we have now, in which essentially everyone willing to promote himself for federal office should thereby be disqualified as not having the proper character for public office.


Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Candidate’s acceptance speeches should follow modern priestly rules for homilies/sermons too, four to six minutes!

Bob said...

With my idea, most candidates would spend all their time on personal appearances explaining why NOT to vote for them....meanwhile, information about each businessman, and his business(es) heing part of info packet supplied to each voter for the election, information such as his income, number employees and average pay, profit, debt...each draftee assigned to whichever party to which registered...and, again, if things not better for whatever constituents represented, the draftee stays until things are better, and meanwhile only subsistence income...while public chants "Throw the bums in!"...

Bob said...

Father, under my system, acceptance speeches would be dirges pleading for families now sans exotic vacations, $500 hairdos, $2000 dresses, and crying about how were they going to afford gas for their six 5mpg Bulgemobiles, and think of their children now forced to attend public schools with everybody else.

Bob said...

All I outline above is about what any military volunteer endures.

Meanwhile, not to leave off anybody else, national conscription for la-dee-dah-dee everybody with no deferrals, to serve 1yr immediately out of high school in military or public service, and same deal, in you stay until you get the job right.

the Egyptian said...

Two things
The Dems made a big deal about removing any mention of God from their platform back in the lightbearers run for office and they govern like it.
Two, as far as Trump and many others, God did not pick the perfect to use, remember we are the sons of Cain you know what happened to able. Moses was not allowed to enter the promised land because he doubted Gods word. King David was A piece of work, a philander at best. Jonah had to be eaten by a whale. Peter denied and later tried to walk away. Thomas doubted. Paul had to be knocked off his horse to see the light. Augustine for heaven sake. The list goes on
so I bring this, The Hermit of Loreto
Is it true I don't know but food for thought.