
Thursday, September 21, 2017


The infamous Praytell blog, which is starting to have some decent posts recently, has an article on non-traditional millenials who are going to Mass in the Ordinary Form and loving it. And of course they compare themselves to those nasty traditionalist millenials who wear veils and are rigid and could care less about social work and helping the poor on the periphery. My, my, judgementalism knows no boundaries, does it?

I am grateful that Millennials are even going to Mass, no matter the form. Given the fact that upwards of 88% if not more in some places, of their parents do not attend Mass at all and even classify themselves as "nones" should snarky ordinary form millennials be complaining about traditionalist millennials who dress in their Sunday best for Mass, women in veils and a profound sense of reverence during the Mass and at Communion time and who know their faith and will repopulate the Church because they don't artificially contracept as though pregnancy is a disease? 

 You can read the Praytell article here:

The Catholic Millennials We Aren’t Hearing About


Daniel said...

Hmmmmm. Pass.

Joseph Johnson said...

That picture with the captions (using it like a political cartoon) is pretty funny. I think it would make a cool poster (even though the depiction shows the sin of lust)!

Henry said...

It would be better for millennials (and everyone else) to attend Mass in a form that inspires and sustains authentic Catholic faith and worship, rather than in a form that does not.

Joseph Johnson said...

I read the article. Soo, the funny picture actually came from the article . . After a three year hiatus from a continuous 19 year run, I have returned to teaching 7th grade PRE. I guess I might get accused of being one of those rigid traditionalist indoctrinators!

rcg said...

We should not complain about anyone attending Mass. But if the indoctrination of one, or the other, is contrary to Church teaching or just as importantly falls short of adhering to and teaching people about Church doctrine we should complain about the Mass they are attending.

Victor said...

Modernists do not welcome speech that may be damaging to their cause, so instead of spending time on a comment that will be censored on PrayTell, I just avoid the site completely.

It is pretty obvious that the author of this post is overly simplistic, having a poor grasp of the internal schism that is now plaguing the Church. But it is clear which side of the divide he ideologises from.

ByzRus said...

Like Daniel, I too will bypass the Praytell article. How intolerant of me! Without repeating others, my response would meld Henry's with rcg's. While it is laudable that they are attending despite being out of step with both the majority of their parents and peers, they model they embrace is not sustainable. Despite societal change and pressures effecting our church and other mainline churches, the priest shortage, scandals, attendance collapse etc. all primarily occurred since the implementation of this form of mass. While the NO isn't wholly to blame, it has contributed to a sense of rebellion and rejection since it was implemented. Yes, the church flourishes in the south with the construction of massive new churches (that are traditional looking on the outside and irritatingly neo-con on the inside) while at the same time, it is collapsing in the northeast with endless waves of closures and parish rationalization. What will happen in the south when the generation that relocated is gone, the same collapse as in the northeast?

Anonymous said...

The great service of Praytell is that it shows how traditional Catholics do not have a monopoly on nastiness, self-righteousness, and misrepresentation of facts. Their tagline should be: Thank you Lord, that we are not like those traddies...