Now this is a temptation that makes my mouth water on this Lenten Friday--but sadly no Ruth's Chris Steakhouse in Macon, but a short drive to Atlanta tonight and all kinds of debauchery! YUM, YUM, YUM!

We don't know if the Colonel is in hell, but how many people have eaten his finger licking good Kentucky Fried Chicken on Lenten Fridays? I'd say that he was an occasion of sin for them and thus he could well be condemned to the every lasting fires of hell?

Only in hell will Dr. Pepper cure you after eating this whopper, I mean Wendy's triple on a Lenten Friday, but go ahead, I dare you!

One of the very fine menus in hell on Lenten Fridays!

Go ahead and eat this today, clogged arteries are all the rage in hell!

A fish in the hand is a tasty Lenten treat indeed! Finger licking good I'd say!

You may eat this dead today and not go to hell! YUM, YUM!

Be forewarned, images of hell like this await you for wantonly disobeying Holy Mother Church as it regards abstinence on Lenten Fridays! The devils of hell delight in doing this on Lenten Fridays, don't you join them by your weakness to the temptations above!

If fish is your favorite food, should you refrain from fish on Friday as well? I'll take fried mullet over a good steak any day!
Except, of course, for Eastern Rite Catholics who must abstain from most fish as well- a commonly misunderstood point. Only sea creatures that do not have scales, blood or a backbone may be eaten – i.e., creatures like shellfish, as Fr. Daniel Munn was very quick to tell you when he was here with us!! I'll never forget his "Where's the shrimp?!" when we cooked for his retirement party during Holy Lent at MHT...we had served salmon thinking it was the perfect choice!
All this aside, however, the best admonition I have read is the following:
"It is better to eat meat and drink wine and not to eat the flesh of one's brethren through slander."
Abba Hyperechios
Mmmm...Salmon, Scallops, Lobster Bisque, Pasta, Bagel, and a little Alighieri on the side...delightful!
For those who would prefer to remain in a State of Grace...this is a quick and good salmon recipe:
Mix 1/2 c. olive oil
1 tsp. basil
3 tblspns lemon juice
Wisk it well. Put just enough to coat bottom of baking dish, and place salmon filet skin side down in dish. Pour the remainder over salmon. Let marinate in frig for 20-30 min.
Drain excess marinade, then bake @350 for 20-30 minutes, depending on thickness. Fish should flake easily when done. Garnish with lemon slices. This is great with steamed asparagus and wild rice or baked sweet potato. can eat a steak and go to Hell.
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