On my blog about "gimmicks" at Mass and on Good Friday, Collard Green,confessed to doing the same thing in the comment section! I must confess that I did this too in the early 1980's and was quite proud of myself. One Good Friday, though, after the nails had been given to the people as they arrived, I began preaching my homily and all through the homily, the people kept dropping their nails on the hard terrazzo floor to the point of distraction for me. Never again, I declared to myself.
Then of course, we are all familiar with the desert scenes we create in our Churches during Lent, what a hoot!
And you know what I even use to put sand in the Holy Water font. But one year I decided to put little white pebbles mixed with the ashes of Ash Wednesday in place of the Holy Water. At Holy Communion, I noticed my parishioners coming forward with ash marks on their forehead, middle of their chest and on the left and right shoulders of their white blouses and shirts--that was the end of that!
Do you have any "gimmicks" at Masses you attended?
A bulletin, from the First Sunday of Lent, extract .
- Love one another by carrying each other's Cross.
On Ash Wednesday, we took purple crosses symbolizing our personal burdens. On Sundays of Lent we exchange these crosses to take and pray for someone else's cross and burden On Palm Sunday, all crosses will be brought together as we turn our attention to the Lord's Cross and the great burden He carried for us. Sponsored by CWL."
Our priest used to get someone to throw some railroad spikes on the floor during the Passion reading on Good Friday. Not sure what the purpose was but it sure made a racket. We also have some recorded thunder that we play during the kneeling silence after Christ dies.
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