
Sunday, August 27, 2023


Yesterday Vatican News reported that Pope Francis acknowledged that there is little interest in his self-referential and completely abstruse synod on the synod. 

Then he emphasizes what he has emphasized time and time again, he doesn’t want a new Church, he wants a different church disembodied from the current one and its 2000 year history. 

This is what Vatican News reported Pope Francis said, after acknowledging that the sensus fidelium could care less about his synod on the synod:

We are trying to learn a new way of living relationships, listening to one another to hear and follow the voice of the Spirit,” he said.

Maybe someone can tell me what  heresy is implied. What is this “new” way of listening to one another to hear and follow the voice of the Spirit?

To me, it sounds like we have to discard the body of teachings contained concretely in a written form within Scripture and Tradition, the Deposit of Faith. It sounds to me that opinions of the faithful and unfaithful enables us to follow the “voice of the Spirit” but detached from the 2000 years of wisdom of the Word of God, Incarnate, and made manifest in both a spiritual and physical way. The physical way is Scripture and Tradition set in stone through the Deposit of Faith.

That’s a heresy, no?

What is even more bizarre and incoherent is that the pope emphasizes the need to listen to one another after he acknowledges that almost everyone in the Church, meaning the sensus fidelium, think that this synod on synodality is abstruse, incoherent, self-referential and a closed circle that leaves out the body of Jesus Teachings contained in Scripture and Tradition and the Deposit of Faith. 

But this Holy Father doesn’t want to listen to that!


Tom Makin said...

Like any base politician, Francis cannot admit he and his ilk are on the wrong path. When was the last time you heard a politician say something like 'I thought this was a good idea but in hindsight it's not and I am changing my position'? Almost NEVER. What we typically see, and Francis is no different, is a doubling down, an increase in gaslighting, a massive campaign of deflection and a twisting of words trying designed to "ride it out". Francis is a politician. That's it. Full stop!

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

Any so-called "heresy" here is to be found in your fertile yet jaundiced imagination, not in anything the Holy Father said.

Bob said...

For a ruthless, vindictive, tyrannical jerk who, slaps and yells at women, puts on political baby kissing/foot washing photo ops amd makes a show of his "humility", while he shows no sign of being acquainted with the Holy Spirit whatsoever past it being a pious mouldable cliche bludgeon, and by their fruits you shall know.them.

Meanwhile his every document is filled with incomprehensible corporate blather well seasoned with empty platitudes and reads more as Marxist propaganda by a writing team from a PC/woke public relations firm, while his own off the cuff remarks are foul gutter language to show how hip and groovy and eith it, man he really is.

He is not just a bad pope, he is a characature of a bad pope and has only my utter contempt

Bob said...

Ah, I see Kavanaugh is back...I missed his insults. He, of course, is loyal to the one of the worst, and most soon forgotten as an embarrassment, popes in all of history, where it likely will take generations for the Church to worm out of the legacy without destroying its own authority. A pity you are a party loyalist rather than a Church loyalist, same as your master.

Anonymous said...

Here is the Vatican transcript of Pope Francis' address yesterday to journalists.

Father McDonald, Pope Francis, as you had noted, said:

"I am well aware that speaking of a “Synod on Synodality” may seem something abstruse, self-referential, excessively technical, of little interest to the general public."

The context of Pope Francis' above comment regarded "the general public."

Pope Francis, via his next sentence, then shifted the context to that of Holy Mother Church.

"But what has happened over the past year, which will continue with the assembly next October and then with the second stage of Synod 2024, is something truly important for the Church."

Pope Francis had made it clear that the Synod, which may not be of importance to the general public, is of great importance to the Church. The Synod, as Pope Francis declared "is a journey that Saint Paul VI began at the end of the Council...this years-long journey - 60 years - is bearing great fruit."

His Holiness had noted also that the Synod is a worldwide spiritual event for Holy Mother Church. Pope Francis said: " just over a month, bishops and lay people from all over the world will meet here in Rome for a Synod on synodality: listening together, discerning together, praying together."


Based upon Pope Francis' upbeat address yesterday:

-- The Synod is not Pope Francis' Synod.

-- The renewal of the Church's synodal tradition, at least for the Western Church, is a journey that Pope Saint Paul VI had initiated 60 years ago.

-- The Synod is that of the Holy People of God walking together, listening to the Spirit..."It is the Lord's invitation."

-- The Synod is also "something the Church today offers the world, a world so often so incapable of making decisions...We are trying to learn a new way of living relationships, listening to one another to hear and follow the voice of the Spirit."

-- The Church's synodal process "is bearing great fruit."

Pope Francis' address yesterday was very positive and hopeful.


Mark Thomas

Anonymous said...

Father McDonald said..."What is this “new” way of listening to one another to hear and follow the voice of the Spirit?"

Pope Benedict XVI had noted in 2005 A.D. that newness is very much a part of the Church's experience. He said:

"Here I shall cite only John XXIII's well-known words, which unequivocally express this hermeneutic when he says that "...The substance of the ancient doctrine of the deposit of faith is one thing, and the way in which it is presented is another..."

Pope Benedict XVI continued:

"It is clear that this commitment to expressing a specific truth in a new way demands new thinking on this truth and a new and vital relationship with it;"

Holy Mother Church, as She retains Her Truth, renews Herself via new thinking, new ways in which to present the Faith.


Mark Thomas

ByzRus said...

I agree with Fr. MJK though I think he discovered the milk for his breakfast Wheaties to be spoiled when commenting.

"We are trying to learn a new way of living relationships, listening to one another to hear and follow the voice of the Spirit,” he said."

Why is this necessary? Is there something wrong with the current way handed down to us via tradition and scripture?

What possibly is going to change, by having a synod-synod unless going off the reservation has already been preordained?

It is my hope this synod-synod just comes and goes and some doc no one will ever read yet will be deemed a "gift" occupies some dusty shelf space deep in the catacombs.

Anonymous said...


If anything, based upon the following, His Holiness should promote the Synod:

Via the reports that they filed, one diocese after another deemed the Synodal process a holy success. Bishops — conservative, liberal, moderate — have praised said process.

Father McDonald, your bishop(s) has/have spoken well of the Synodal process. My bishop has spoken well of the Synodal process. In that regard, our respective bishops are in line with their brother bishops throughout the Church.

In light of the above, Pope Francis would do will to promote the Synod/Synodal process.


Mark Thomas

TJM said...

Major barf alert! Papalator is on the loose!