
Saturday, August 26, 2023


I don’t think Pope Francis, who knows quite well, what people think about the synod on synodality, helped his case by recognizing that reality nor did he help himself by implying that everyone is included in the Church Triumphant in heaven since everyone is included in the Church Militant on earth. 

This is what the pope said to journalists this Saturday morning as reported by Vatican News:

First the pope chided journalists about how they report. And once again, the pope speaks about coprophilia which as to do with taking sexual pleasure in eating, smelling and touching SHIT! Yes, the pope is fixated on this as he has often used this word with all of the meaning it contains. It isn’t something I like to blog about yet alone bring up in polite or impolite company! GROSS!!!!! And let me be clear, the pope shouldn’t use the word “coprophilia” to refer to the love of scandal, of filth, etc. He’s using the word shit for that which sells of course when a pope uses it!

 Disinformation, the Pope added, is one of the sins of journalism, of which there are four: “misinformation, when journalism does not inform or informs badly; slander (…); defamation, which is different from slander but destroys; and the fourth is coprophilia, that is, the love of scandal, of filth, scandal that sells.”

Reporting on the Synod

Finally, he looked ahead to the upcoming Synod on Synodality the Church is preparing to hold in October, and appealed to journalists to help the Church “rediscover the word together.”
“In just over a month, bishops and lay people from all over the world will meet here in Rome for a Synod on synodality: listening together, discerning together, praying together,” he explained, noting that the word ‘together’ is very important in a culture of exclusion.

Acknowledging that to speak of a "Synod on Synodality" may seem somewhat “abstruse, self-referential, excessively technical, of little interest to the general public,” the Pope said that what is happening with the Church’s synodal journey is something truly important for the Church.

“Please, let us get used to listening to each other, to talking, not cutting our heads off for a word. To listen, to discuss in a mature way. This is a grace we all need to move forward. And it is something the Church today offers the world, a world so often so incapable of making decisions, even when our very survival is at stake. We are trying to learn a new way of living relationships, listening to one another to hear and follow the voice of the Spirit,” he said.

“This is a grace we all need to move forward.”

Reiterating that synod participants want to contribute together to building a Church where everyone feels at home, where no one is excluded… 


Bob said...

Francis constantly speaks of the Body of Christ as some manner of voodoo charm/talisman/magic cookie, where no matter your sin, or state of contrition/lack thereof, just come up and eat your magic cookie and it will change you/assure you of heaven, which is a belief in magic and the human act what matters as some form of conjuring. This also, unfortunately, a widespread mental state of western cultural catholics in general. All which matters is the magic cookie.

And same as, well, you know who, Francis can back this up with short excepts of other true worthies taken completely out of context and utterly ignoring everything those worthies said before, after, and at completely other times regarding that subject... same as if the local news covered the Indy 500 by throwing out a quote from the official race commentary, the quote from the middle of the race.

ByzRus said...

"Reiterating that synod participants want to contribute together to building a Church where everyone feels at home, where no one is excluded…"

Haven't the protestants already achieved this? Simply go there.

Regarding coprophilia, very crass for someone who should know better.