Papa: non fara' la processione del Corpus Domini: My simple, literal translation: The pope is not going to make the procession of Corpus Christi (literal "Body of God/Lord")
Allo stesso tempo, osserva ancora il portavoce del Vaticano, ''Papa
Francesco preferisce evitare di fare il tragitto sulla autovettura
scoperta affinchè, secondo lo spirito della celebrazione odierna,
l'attenzione dei fedeli rimanga invece concentrata sul Santissimo
Sacramento esposto e portato in processione''.
My Literal Translation: At the same time, still observes the spokesman for the Vatican, (Fr. Lombardi) "the Pope prefers go in a covered car (to Saint Mary Major) so that according to the spirit of today's celebration the attention of the faithful will remain concentrated instead on the Most Holy Sacrament exposed and brought in procession."
My Comments: Isn't this a good apologetic for ad orientem as well. The priest or bishop should never detract the faithful's concentration on the sacramental actions of the celebration of the Mass. When the priest or the bishop allows his looks, facial expression of piety or lack thereof, or wonders of personality to overpower the faithful's concentration on the sacramental actions of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, this is a distraction like having the pope in a Eucharistic procession on the streets of Rome where his celebrity eclipses our Lord's presence in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar.
Agreed. However, I am convinced that this reorientation needs to be a lay-led initiative.
JBS, Why lay-led?
If a lay association were to be formed advocating liturgical orientation, perhaps distributing explanatory pamphlets and proposing an annual "Go ad Orientem Day", then pastors could respond to this initiative with some freedom. The association could post the names of those parishes planning, as part of the annual event, to make the permanent change to face "East". Knowing that other pastors are going to do the same on the same day would increase confidence. The supportive laymen, however, would have to be resolved to stand up for sympathetic priests punished by their bishops for cooperating with the movement.
Yeah right, saying it's because the Pope wants the focus on the Eucharist and not him implicates any priest who holds the monstrance during a procession. I don't believe that's why the Pope is riding. I think it's a health issue. So let's pray for him.
JBS, I get it. I was thinking top-down would have more punch…you know, ex cathedra, "Hey, get with ad orientem." We know that ain't gonna' happen, so if laity make enough noise it would be better.
As far as "top down" is concerned, we know that Pope Benedict wanted a two-stage return to ad orientem, first by way of placing a cross on the altar, and then by a full return to the ancient practice. However, very few bishops or priests payed any attention to his proposals. Pope Benedict also encouraged kneeling for Holy Communion, but very few Catholics adopted the practice.
Paul VI once sent out a booklet from which bishops and priests were to teach the faithful their parts of the Mass in Latin. The bishops and priests simply ignored it.
St. JPII required a generous application of the indult to offer the traditional Mass. He was mostly ignored.
Etc. Top down is not working, so the laity, who pay the bills, need to act.
That is because top-down has been wishy washy. Here is a hint to the next Pope with a spine: Ex Cathedra "From henceforth all Masses, whether NO or EF, will be conducted ad orientem. There will be no exceptions, and I do not want to hear any crap about it or you will be serving the First Baptist church of Bugeye, Mississippi." That's how you do it.
I wonder if in Islam, the religion of peace and prosperity, there is controversy over this issue of directional prayer. Is there an Imam Ignotus (غير معروف المعلم) arguing against such "Medieval nonsense" as facing Mecca?
Father McDonald,
On a note related to the question of lay involvement in answering tough questions that face the Church, I'm wondering if you've read the CDF's new document, "Sensus Fidei in the Life of the Church"?
No, JBS, there is not an Ignotus Imam dissenting because his head would have been lopped off.
"That is because top-down has been wishy washy. Here is a hint to the next Pope with a spine: Ex Cathedra "From henceforth all Masses, whether NO or EF, will be conducted ad orientem. There will be no exceptions, and I do not want to hear any crap about it or you will be serving the First Baptist church of Bugeye, Mississippi." That's how you do it."
I agree. Indeed, whether or not such an action would be prudent (I would argue that it would be, but I don't know), it would probably get the job done. Look at the 2011 translation of the missal. It was imposed and people used it. The thing about so many of these more recent directives is that they have been a series of "shoulds" and encouragements—thus making them easily "ignorable".
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