
Tuesday, March 18, 2025


“Rome Reports” is not a rad trad or far left video news outlet of Vatican news. This reporter exhibits so much common sense while also being sensitive to the reigning pontiff who is clearly at the end of the road in terms of his ability to govern the Church.

One of the complaints about Saint Pope John Paul II’s lengthy and debilitating illness, is that others, not authorized to do so, fill in for the void caused by a declining leader. It happens in parishes too. A priest gets old, develops dementia, the local bishop allows it to go on and on and thus the laity take over causing factions in the parish and great polarization. Decisions are made by those without authority to do so.

I think that this is the case with this super-silly synodal talking fest that will occur in three years. Just who made this decision? The guy in charge of synodality who wants to safeguard his job while the reigning pope is languishing? Who knows. Can a compromised pope make decisions for the Church’s future or have others usurp His Holiness’ authority?

And speaking about ineptness. At least the Vatican was transparent about St. Pope John Paul II’s hospitalizations and decline. He was always in public view and we saw for ourselves what was going on, especially in the last month of his life, which occurred during Lent. He died on the Vigil of Divine Mercy. But prior to that, a truly frustrated John Paul II tried to speak at the Angelus from his Vatican Palace window and was unable to do so. He looked horrible and he was failing quickly but there was no attempt to hide it!

But just look at the photo of Pope Francis. What are we to make of it? It has caused even more conspiracy theories to say the least!


monkmcg said...

Sometimes a president is so addled others have to make decisions for him too.

Bob said...

He obviously was terribly bloated from poor circulation, poor lymphatic system, obviously when in good health always a chow hound, obviously little exercise, heart and arteries/veins in terrible shape, likely diabetic, not to mention his prior partial lung removal, most of large intestine removed for whatever reason, and then fungal/bacterial/viral double whatever else ails him in this "complex" situation likely very much limiting options in drug treatments due to incompatibility of meds and conditions such as something boosting immune response then damaging kidneys. In short, he is an overweight, out of shape old man paying the piper, and even with best medical care, plain age will claim him soon if nothing else does, such as a cardiac or stroke from all the assorted stresses.

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

He's already surpassed the average life expectancy for Argentinians by 12 years and Italians by 8. He's doing better age-wise than lots of people in better shape. Did you think he'd live to be 120?

TJM said...

This may do Pope Francis in! SuperTrump does what Grifter Biden could not, a ceasefire in the Ukraine! K is in mourning!

Mark Thomas said...

Irresponsible people have concocted the conspiracy theories that have surrounded Pope Francis' hospitalization. Countless folks worldwide have accepted the photo in question as a simple photograph of Pope Francis. Said folks have not concocted preposterous conspiracy theories to explain the photo in question.

Countless folks worldwide have accepted the manner in which Rome has handled Pope Francis' hospitalization in question.

Conversely, there are folks who feel the need always to reject the obvious. Example: One conspiracy theory after another has been concocted to explain Pope Benedict XVI's resignation as Pope. He was not responsible for folks who concocted conspiracy theories that explained his resignation in question.

In turn, Pope Francis/Vatican officials are not responsible for folks who have concocted conspiracy theories that have served only to defame Rome in regard to the Pope's hospitalization.


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

One may disagree with the manner in which Rome has handled Pope Francis' current hospitalization. I am on board with the manner in which Rome has handled our holy Pope's hospitalization.

But the next person may insist that said hospitalization should be handled in this, or that, fashion. Okay. Then said person in rational, charitable fashion, should present his/her case.

That differs tremendously from those who, in irresponsible fashion, have concocted conspiracy theories that have pertained to Pope Francis' current hospitalization.

"Pope Francis died days...weeks ago. The Vatican has lied to us about that.
Or, "Pope Francis is in a vegetative state...the Saint Gallen's "mafia" is in charge"...or, additional conspiracy theories. That is not the Catholic Way.


Mark Thomas

Bob said...

He also since at least making Bishop has had excellent health care, and there still is no denying he is a sick fat old man just as I am a skinny old man with own health problems, who never had or will have the level of health care he has enjoyed for the last quarter of his life.