
Tuesday, August 15, 2023


August 15 is the Solemnity of the Assumption into heaven of the body and soul of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is also a Holy Day of Obligation. This great feast is known as the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Eastern Church as the Church teaches that our Blessed Mother’s physical body did not undergo any corruption of her body at the end of her earthly life. This reminds all Christians that Jesus Christ saves not just our souls but our bodies as well. Those who are saved by God’s grace, live repentant lives and die in the Lord, their souls go to heaven (some by way of purgatory). At the end of time at the Second Coming of Christ and the Final Judgement, our bodies will be raised from the clay and dust of the earth and refashioned according to the glorified Body of our Risen Lord. Our Blessed Mother already experiences in heaven the fullness of salvation that all of us hope for at the General Judgement of the living and the dead and the resurrection of the body. Thus, we take care of our bodies and souls. 

I was at Planet Fitness on Hilton Head Island at 5 AM this morning to work out my body (I also pray the Rosary during my 45 minute Elliptical Machine workout).


And I also do further spiritual exercises  by celebrating Mass for this Holy Day. On Monday, I celebrated Holy Family Church on Hilton Head Island’s 6pm Vigil Mass and on August 15th  I celebrated Holy Family’s 8 am Mass.

Then I traveled to St. Gregory the Great Church’s 12:15 PM Mass in Bluffton, South Carolina—

What a workout for body and soul!


Sophia said...

Sophia here: Dear Father, It cannot get much better than this on this side of Eternity, can it? I am happy for you but also for all the faithful parishioners who were the beneficiaries of your reverent celebration of Masses on this beautiful Feast Day!

Bob said...

It's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it.