The Synodal/Inclusive Catholic Church means that everyone and everyone’s personal beliefs and lifestyles are welcome in the Synodal Catholic Church. This new Inclusive Catholic Church respects the personal truths and values of every person. This new Synodal Church, though, cancels Jesus and His harsher teachings, like, go and sin no more. That was a mistake He made in saying that not realizing or knowing that 2000 years later His Holy Spirit would correct His mistake.
Thus Tom Brady, whose father is a very conservative orthodox Catholic, who, btw, needs to be canceled, is a Synodal Church success story.
We welcome Brady’s practice of witchcraft and Wicca and the blessings it has brought to him, his marriage, family and the beautiful example of inclusivity of it all that the Synodal Catholic Church offers humanity and beyond:
Press title for this beautiful story of personal truth now included in the Synodal Catholic Church:

I wish that Mr. Brady had heeded Pope Francis condemnations of Satan, the occult, witchcraft...
Speaking of witchcraft:
February 2, 2023 A.D
Pope Francis:
"Dear friends, do not ruin your youth by becoming isolated and closed in on yourselves.
"Think about drugs: you end up hiding yourself from others, from an authentic life..."
"Think too about addiction to the occult and witchcraft."
"This form of dependency imprisons us in fear, vengeance and anger. Do not yield to illusions that promise happiness, sand castles built on appearances, easy money or distorted forms of religion."
From Catholic News Agency:
Vatican City, May 25, 2022 / (CNA).
Pope Francis said on Wednesday that Catholics today are living in an “age of fake news, collective superstitions, and pseudo-scientific truths.”
Reflecting on the Book of Ecclesiastes at his general audience on May 25, the pope suggested that the 21st century was marked not only by scientific knowledge but also what he called a “cultured witchcraft.”
"It’s curious: in this culture of knowledge, of knowing everything, even of the precision of knowledge, a lot of witchcraft has spread, but cultured witchcraft.”
"It is witchcraft with a certain culture but that leads you to a life of superstition: on the one hand, to go forward with intelligence in knowing things down to the roots; on the other hand, the soul that needs something else and takes the path of superstitions, and ends up in witchcraft."
Mark Thomas
That is tragic. I hope they have strong friends help them with this.
It is a shame that during their marriage, the Bradys, as Catholics, did not take advantage of the tremendous spiritual graces that flowed from Pope Francis' repeated holy teachings on marriage and family.
I think, for example, as to how the then-married Bradys could have been blessed abundantly by Pope Francis' tremendous Apostolic Exhortation on marriage and family — Amoris Laetitia.
In 2016 A.D., none other than Bishop Strickland, via his blog, praised Amoris Laetitia to the hilt.
Bishop Strickland, as he implemented Amoris Laetitia within his diocese, declared:
"Today the Church welcomes a beautiful teaching from our Holy Father Francis on the splendor of Christian marriage and the family."
"Entitled Amoris Laetitia (“The Joy of Love’), this letter recalls the essential aspects of the Church’s teaching on marriage and the family which are based on Divine Revelation found in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition."
"The Pope provides encouragement and instruction...that can help these individuals and families create “sound and fruitful homes” according to God’s plan."
"Pope Francis also provides important guidance to pastors and parishes on how to support and accompany couples and families throughout their lives."
"Amoris Laetitia, which is to be read with and in light of the other magisterial teachings of the Church, including the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Encyclical Letter Casti Connubii of Pius XI, the Encyclical Letter Humanae Vitae of Blessed Paul VI, and the Apostolic Exhortation FamiliarisConsortio of St. John Paul II, strongly proclaims the beauty, dignity and absolute essentiality of the family and life-long marriage between a man and a woman ordered toward sanctification and procreation."
"In this Year of Mercy, I encourage the priests, deacons, religious and lay faithful of the Diocese of Tyler, especially our families, to engage in a careful reading and prayerful reflection on this extensive exhortation of Pope Francis so that marriages and families may be strengthen by both the pastoral care of the Church, and by the beauty of the truth which was taught by Christ and is faithfully proclaimed by His Church."
In place of the above, the Catholic Bradys opted for the occult...witchcraft.
Mark Thomas
Mark T, get with the pope’s program of inclusivity and synodality. You highlight but one truth, the pope’s truth, then there is the Brady’s truth, the LGBTQ+++ truth as well as witchcraft and Wiccan truth. All personal truths must be welcomed and specific blessings for specific lifestyles even if these aren’t a part of traditional Catholics which must be canceled, but no other truth! Get with Pope Francis’ inclusivity!
Father McDonald said..."Get with Pope Francis’ inclusivity!"
Father McDonald, thank you for having highlighted the holy and merciful inclusivity, as taught by Jesus Christ, that Pope Francis has preached from 2013 A.D. to date. But do not worry, as I have long been on board with Pope Francis' — actually, Jesus' — tremendous concept of inclusivity.
In line with our Lord and Savior, Pope Francis has gone amongst, and invited sinners, into the Church. From there, Pope Francis is aware that Jesus will accompany with love and patience those who desire to reform their lives in Christ.
Pope Francis would certainly welcome the Bradys should Tom and Gisele wish to return to Holy Mother Church. In turn, Pope Francis, via his prayers and teachings, would, with mercy, love, and patience, accompany the Bradys down the path that leads to holiness...the path that leads to Jesus.
Deo gratias for Pope Francis' unrelenting commitment to inclusivity — inclusivity that leads one to embrace Jesus Christ!
Father McDonald, you and I have differed with each other in many ways. But I am glad that you and I are on board with Pope Francis' preaching and practice of inclusivity.
Mark Thomas
Wait a minute MT! Pope Francis' new Prefect for the DDF, Cardinal Designate Fernandez is open to blessing LGBTQ+++ sexual relationships with a formal blessing from the Church with a caveat that it does not appear to mimic the blessing of Marriages as a Sacrament or Matrimony acknowledged as valid. This would enable too, the receiving of Holy Communion as their sin is blessed and redeemed.
This opens Pandora's Box to blessing other non-sacramental situations. Let's bless the wiccans and those who practice witchcraft. Let's say now they can receive Holy Communion, because the blessing makes good their mortal sin, like LGBTQ+++ sexual relationships.
Do you agree with Pope Francis and with Cardinal Designate Fernandez who desire to bless the sexual relationships of LGBTQ+++ Catholics as well as those who are currently in a Sacramental Marriage but live with a partner who isn't their spouse and in a sexual union?
Mark, once again, you bombard the site under an avalanche of unrelated quotes, generally twisted to show support where none exists, while using only the disjointed quotes, and thoroughly ignoring the truthful truism of "Actions speak louder than words."
This papacy has set the gold standard for saying one thing while doing the exact opposite...
while offering obfuscating and conflicting views on everything, with not a hint of firm, clear, unambiguous and simple teaching on any subject whatsoever, past quotable quotes ignored utterly by the papacy which spouts these platitudenous feel-goodisms.
As for Brady, he simply shows what a fine Catholic upbringing he had, if raised by typical Catholics, "orthodox" or not, where far more likely a family rather fixated on the good life, accrual of wealth, focused on sports, and having a good time.
He and his now next ex-wife thoroughly imbued with the modern spirit of the age where all truths and relationships and morals are mutable, chasing only empty and changeable "feelings", same as the western Church at large, and this papacy in particular.
Father McDonald said..."Mark T, get with the pope’s program of inclusivity and synodality. You highlight but one truth, the pope’s truth..."
Yes, there is Pope Francis' truth — which simply is God's truth. God has informed Pope Francis as to the truth.
Father McDonald said..."...then there is the Brady’s truth, the LGBTQ+++ truth as well as witchcraft and Wiccan truth."
Yes, there is that "truth" as believed by the Bradys, LGBTQ folks, etc.
Father McDonald said..."All personal truths must be welcomed and specific blessings for specific lifestyles even if these aren’t a part of traditional Catholics which must be canceled, but no other truth! Get with Pope Francis’ inclusivity!"
Father McDonald, that is incorrect.
Pope Francis, in line with Jesus, has preached and practiced inclusivity. But Pope Francis has neither welcomed nor blessed "personal truths" that are false and evil.
In regard to the issue of LGBTQ folks, Pope Francis welcomes the sinner, but rejects his or her sin(s).
He made that clear via his interview with Televisa. As National Catholic Register reported:
"Although Francis did say in that television interview, as shown in the documentary, that gay people are "children of God" and "have a right to be part of the family," the pope also added: "That does not mean approving of homosexual acts, not in the least."
Pope Francis, in line with Jesus' holy example of radical inclusivity and mercy, welcomes the sinner. Pope Francis then accompanies the sinner down the path that leads to holiness.
But, also in line with Jesus, Pope Francis does not approve sins.
Mark Thomas
What I really wamt to know about Mark's posts is what program he uses in order to throw them together for his blizzard/avalanches of handy cut and paste quotes lacking any personal insights...
some handy/supplied/purchased "you, too, can defend the current regime with our supplied internet warrior starter kit program", type thing, which almost sounds like the unrelated garbage put out by AI on any given subject...
mistaking the ability to pull up snippets of others' thoughts with that of intellectual achievements of one's own, and rather like arguing with a parrot...Polly wanna cracker?
Blogger Bob said..."Mark, once again, you bombard the site under an avalanche of unrelated quotes, generally twisted to show support where none exists, while using only the disjointed quotes, and thoroughly ignoring the truthful truism of "Actions speak louder than words."
Mark has apparently joined the ranks of the "fake news" people who deliberately misquote and/or twist the pope's words.
From the "What To Do, What To Do" thread.
Mark Thomas: "Pope Francis made it clear that on the one hand, as he is a sinner, that he can deal with 'attacks and insults' against him. However, he also made it clear that ultimately, said attacks are wicked and that 'the church does not deserve them...They are the work of the devil.'"
Putting aside the syntax problem that Mark created for himself above by lifting the subordinate clause from the prior quote, altering it, and then misplacing it in his present quote, what Pope Francis ACTUALLY said is: "I personally DESERVE (my emphasis) attacks and insults because I am a sinner, but the church does not deserve them. They are the work of the devil. I have also said this to some of them."
Mark, I was shocked to read what you wrote. A shameful twisting of the pope's actual words for your own purposes because what the pope actually stated does not fit your paradigm. That's what you did, and you were caught. You know better than that.
And, no, you are not "in line" with the pope, because the pope said he deserves such criticisms, and you don't believe he does. You're at odds with the pope on that issue.
Father McDonald said..."Wait a minute MT! Pope Francis' new Prefect for the DDF, Cardinal Designate Fernandez is open to blessing LGBTQ+++ sexual relationships with a formal blessing from the Church with a caveat that it does not appear to mimic the blessing of Marriages as a Sacrament or Matrimony acknowledged as valid."
Cardinal-designate Fernández has upheld Church teaching in regard to Holy Matrimony.
As I recall, Cardinal-designate Fernández noted simply that in the event of a blessing, that Church would first have to analyze and confirm that such a blessing did not create the illusion that a same-sex union had not been blessed as a "marriage."
Father McDonald, as you have noted, Cardinal-designate Fernández has rejected the notion of any blessing that would "mimic the blessing of Marriages as a Sacrament or Matrimony acknowledged as valid."
February 22, 2021 A.D.
Responsum of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to a dubium
regarding the blessing of the unions of persons of the same sex
TO THE QUESTION PROPOSED: Does the Church have the power to give the blessing to unions of persons of the same sex?
RESPONSE: Negative.
"For this reason, it is not licit to impart a blessing on relationships, or partnerships, even stable, that involve sexual activity outside of is the case of the unions between persons of the same sex."
"The presence in such relationships of positive elements, which are in themselves to be valued and appreciated, cannot justify these relationships and render them legitimate objects of an ecclesial blessing..."
"The answer to the proposed dubium does not preclude the blessings given to individual persons with homosexual inclinations, who manifest the will to live in fidelity to the revealed plans of God as proposed by Church teaching."
Mark Thomas
Bob, if my "blizzard/avalanches" of comments bother you, then you may wish to consider the following advice from Father McDonald:
From time to time, in regard to a commenter who has complained about another commenter's posts, as well as amount of posts, Father McDonald has advised: One who complains about another commenter should not read that commenter's posts.
Bob, it is very simple: Father McDonald controls his blog. He posts comments here as he pleases. Should Father post today 1,001 of this, or that person's comments — a "blizzard/avalanches" of comments — then so be it. This is Father McDonald's blog.
Bob, as is the case with you, nobody forces me to read/respond to comments posted here. I am free move past your comments. You are free to move past my comments.
Bob, thank you.
Mark Thomas
I wonder if Mark realizes or maybe intends on just how difficult his lengthy, overspaced, king-of-cut-and-paste, asteriked/dashed, quote-o-ramas make it to even SEE a post by anyone else buried in between them...
As most folk do not read them, but only try to scan past all the blather, and so miss comments by others, who soon give up on participating, as it takes forever just to scan past Mark-posts.
Father McDonald, I am certain that throughout your many years as God's holy priest, that God, through you, has enabled countless laymen to form happy marriages and families.
Father McDonald, in line with that, I respect, as well as appreciate greatly, your concern that Cardinal-designate Fernández (or anybody) uphold and promote Church teaching in regard to Holy Matrimony.
Father, in regard to any possible blessing that would involve "LGBTQ" folks:
Pope Francis (or his successor(s) ) would not permit the DDF to develop a blessing that would prove unorthodox.
Thanks to the promise of Jesus Christ, within the Apostolic See, the Catholic Religion has always been preserved immaculate.
Mark Thomas
Bob, I will translate the nasty comments that today, and other times, you have directed at me.
Bob, you despise that I love and respect the Vicar of Christ, Pope Francis. You despise the fact that I do not march in lockstep with the venomous language that you have employed against His Holiness.
Bob, you despise the fact that I stand with Pope Benedict XVI in that I have granted unto Pope Francis my "unconditional reverence and obedience."
Bob, you would sing my praises if I were to spew hatred each day at Pope Francis. You would not complain in regard to the manner in which I formatted my comments. You would not complain as to the amount of comments that I would post here.
Bob, you would praise me to the hilt if I joined Satan in assaulting and insulting the Vicar of Christ.
Bob, instead, I reject Satan as I stand with Pope Benedict XVI in regard to the Catholic Way: That is, Pope Francis is the recipient of my unconditional reverence and obedience.
Thank you.
Mark Thomas
Mark, I can't speak for Bob, but what most people don't like is deception when quoting the pope or fabricating things because they don't fit your paradigm.
You: "Pope Francis made it clear that on the one hand, as he is a sinner, that he can deal with 'attacks and insults' against him. However, he also made it clear that ultimately, said attacks are wicked and that 'the church does not deserve them...They are the work of the devil.'"
Pope Francis: "I personally DESERVE attacks and insults because I am a sinner, but the church does not deserve them. They are the work of the devil. I have also said this to some of them."
You cut and pasted, reworked the true quote, inserted words, and excised the pope's words "I personally deserve," then insisted that you are "in line" with the pope.
You are not in line with the pope because the pope's position is that he personally deserves attacks and insults, and you don't believe that.
The twisting of Pope Francis' words in order to fit your viewpoint was just shameful and was no different from what your ideological opponents do to the pope's words, albeit in the opposite direction.
No matter the topic, Mark has instant cut/paste replies, based on key words....but not relevance or context...
Which he then pieces together and acts as if they prove something...and entirely misrepresenting those quoted, where his data base is replete with quotes from those who would firmly reject such views, were they able.
How long does it take him to pull up keyword quotes and copy/paste them into the comment section, no matter with whom he is arguing? seconds? minutes?...this is not knowledge, this is not research, this is some shake and bake product he uses to tie up the comment section. Just look at the varied quotes he pulls up from people, institutions, documents, and note how speedily they appear here, and think how long a search on such issues should take for RELEVANT quotes....but these are merely keyword/subject quotes strung together, out of context but lifted out of context to seemingly "prove" a particular agenda....and seeming nothing but prepackaged.
The other thing about our resident papalator is he NEVER responds to points which totally undermine his world view. I have just stopped reading his inane drivel which convinces no one. It must serve some therapeutic purpose.
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