Bishop Howard Hubbard, the controversial retired bishop of Albany, died Saturday after suffering this week from a stroke. Hubbard was 84.
The bishop was hospitalized after suffering a stroke on Thursday, with Albany’s Bishop Edward Scharfenberget asking for prayers in a statement Friday.
I suspect this was not the worst part of his day.
May God have mercy on his soul.
Many prayers for Bishop Emeritus Hubbard.
Here is Bishop Edward Scharfenberger's (Albany) statement. I thought that he ended his statement in excellent fashion. Pray for priests. Pray for each other.
"We join with everyone who can see this moment as an occasion to pray for all priests, living and deceased, and those they serve, to lift up our minds and hearts to the one God who alone knows our hearts and seeks the salvation of us all."
The full statement:
" The life of a priest is never about himself but for those whom he serves, to whom he is sent.
"As we commend our brother, Howard Hubbard, to the God of all mercy, we pray also for all those who, throughout the course of his life, as priest, bishop, and friend, were inspired and encouraged along their own journey, especially those who received the sacraments through his ministry."
"Priests are called to sanctify, to “make holy,” to lift others up to God. As all priests are human, broken men, in need of redemption themselves from their own sins, we also pray for those who were in any way hurt or wounded by any priest they may have encountered.
"We join with everyone who can see this moment as an occasion to pray for all priests, living and deceased, and those they serve, to lift up our minds and hearts to the one God who alone knows our hearts and seeks the salvation of us all."
Mark Thomas
It will be interesting what kind of funeral he will have
Same as the seminary comment I left below, just another vacuum cleaner salesman finding a new line to peddle.
Here is something our resident papalotor, Mark Thomas, can twist himself into knots over:
"Francis Names Most Pro-Abortion and Pro-Drugs Lawyer in Latin America to Vatican Position
He’s the former Justice of the Argentine Supreme Court, Eugenio Zaffaroni — certainly the most influential liberal lawyers and legal thinkers in Latin America in the past few decades.
One can certainly attribute to Zaffaroni both the legal basis for the abortion legalization wave that swept through the region in the post-Francis years, and the anti-law and order and pro-drug legalization message that placed criminals on the street and led the region to its current historic records of criminal activity and murder. And the greatest legal force for homosexual “marriage” in the region.
So, a lawyer with blood in his hands — blood, and serious accusations that his apartments in Buenos Aires were used for… unusual paid sexual activities by prostitutes. And how was he rewarded by Francis?"
Noly, holiea, non sequiturs to follow! Kind of tough when his actions do not match his
Here is a report on "Bishop" HubbardL
The report also documented rampant liturgical abuse. Minkler described Hubbard as regularly taking "liberties with the Mass," consecrating hosts composed of "invalid matter," rushing through the liturgy and forcing his priests to use altar girls. The bishop often refused to "recite the formula of confirmation" while administering the sacrament and put a radical feminist ex-nun in charge of all liturgical events, "including ordination to the priesthood."
In the course of his research, Minkler also discovered that under Hubbard, the diocese of Albany had become a hotbed of abortion activism.
"While Bishop Hubbard once took public legal action to prevent Planned Parenthood from opening a new facility," he told O'Connor, "the general perception was that he was not sincere about it and did it only to correct his image as being soft on abortion."
He'd probably be made a Cardinal today
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