
Thursday, September 12, 2019


Edward Pentin of the National Catholic Register has written an article which you can read by pressing NCR. Here is the most important part of his article:

Cardinal Raymond Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider have issued an eight-page declaration warning against six “serious theological errors and heresies” they say are contained in the Amazonian Synod working document, and calling for prayer and fasting to prevent them being approved. 

The first they list is “implicit pantheism” — the identification of God with the universe and nature where God and the world are one — which they say is rejected by the Magisterium.

Secondly, they criticize the notion put forward in the working document that pagan superstitions are “sources of Divine Revelation and alternative pathways for salvation.” This implies Amazon tribes have pagan superstitions that are an “expression of divine Revelation,” deserving of “dialogue and acceptance” by the Church, they argue.

Citing Church documents, the two prelates state the Magisterium rejects such “relativization” of God’s revelation, and instead “affirms that there is one unique Savior, Jesus Christ, and the Church is His unique Mystical Body and Bride.”

Thirdly, they cite as erroneous the theory contained in the document that “aboriginal people have already received divine revelation, and that the Catholic Church in the Amazon should undergo a ‘missionary and pastoral conversion.’” The Magisterium rejects such a notion of missionary activity as “merely intercultural enrichment,” they argue, and that inculturation is primarily about “evangelization” that makes the Church a “more effective instrument of mission.”

Fourthly, they criticize the working document for its support of “tailoring Catholic ordained ministries to the ancestral customs of the aboriginal people, granting official ministries to women and ordaining married leaders of the community as second-class priests, deprived of part of their ministerial powers but able to perform shamanic rituals.”

“The Magisterium of the Church rejects such practices, and their implicit opinions,” the prelates state, and draw on a number of Church documents including Pope St. Paul VI encyclical Sacerdotalis Coelibatus and Pope St. John Paul II’s apostolic letter Ordiniatio Sacerdotalis, to underline their point.

Fifthly, they state that consistent with the document’s “implicit pantheistic views,” the instrumentum laboris “relativizes Christian anthropology” by considering man “a mere link in nature’s ecological chain” and “socioeconomic development as an aggression to ‘Mother Earth.’” The Magisterium rejects such beliefs that man does not possess “a unique dignity” above “material creation” and the “technological progress is bound up with sin,” they state.

[Sixthly], they warn against what the working document calls an integral “ecological conversion” which includes “the adoption of the collective social model” of aboriginal tribes, where “individual personality and freedom are undermined.” The Magisterium, the two signatories say, again “rejects such opinions” and they go on to quote from the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church.


TJM said...

I have a thought. The reason the Amazonian Synod is spouting this twaddle is that its authors are just another example of the malformation of priests following Vatican Disaster II. They simply may not know better. I have seen many priests and bishops whose "teaching" is either heresy or borders on heresy.

Mark Thomas said...

"Cardinal Raymond Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider have issued an eight-page declaration warning against six “serious theological errors and heresies” they say are contained in the Amazonian Synod working document, and calling for prayer and fasting to prevent them being approved."

Are Cardinal Burke and Bishop Schneider convinced that the Catholic Church will approve heresies? I am not concerned about that.

Thanks to the promise of Jesus Christ, our holy Pope Francis will protect those in communion with His Holiness from the acceptance of heresies.


Mark Thomas

Anonymous said...

I have seen many laymen who don't know the differences between Supralapsarianism and Sabellianism, Apotheosis and Apocalyptism. But, heaven knows, they are the ones to judge priests and bishops as heretics or near heretics.

Dan said...

Well A and MT, maybe the "Holy Francis" could 'dialogue' a bit with us laymen and explain how all these synod are NOT promoting heretical views.

Victor said...

I have a friend who thinks this way:
"Of course the great Pope Francis has admitted that God wills the different religions in order to reveal Himself better to the different cultures, the inculturation of God in the world, the ultimate inculturation as proposed by Vatican II. The Church needs to find and absorb into Herself all these true revelations of God to the human race."

That is to say, the inculturation of Vatican II does not mean the Church entering a culture but a culture entering the Church, first through the liturgy as the seed, then sprouting doctrinally as the Amazonian Synod now intends. After all, in this egalitarian modern world of democracies, all cultures and therefore religions are equal as Vatican II also implicitly proposed but which the SSPX, incidentally, reject. The buck stops at Vatican II, not the pope.

The Egyptian said...

Thanks to the promise of Jesus Christ, our holy Pope Francis will protect those in communion with His Holiness from the acceptance of heresies.

Well MT you seem to have mastered satire well

PF is about the worst thing since the Borgias to hit the church, well that and Bernadine

TJM said...

The Egyptian,

What do you mean, satire? In MT's world, the churches are full and the OF is why they are packing them in, vocations are at record highs, the Church's influence has caused politicians to re-think their love affair with abortion and gay marriage.

John Nolan said...

The Borgias did produce a saint (who was not a bad composer, either).

Alexander VI may not have been the geatest man to sit on the papal throne, but was absolutely orthodox and is infinitely preferable to the present incumbent, who skirts round heresy in a dishonest way and surrounds himself with heretics.

I have no confidence whatsoever in Pope Francis, his utterances, his insults and his opinions. I pray for a speedy end to this disastrous pontificate.

DJR said...

"Thanks to the promise of Jesus Christ, our holy Pope Francis will protect those in communion with His Holiness from the acceptance of heresies."

A false statement.

If that were true, a person could never get excommunicated for heresy. Heresy precedes excommunication, not the other way around.

Case in point: Martin Luther.

If Martin Luther was not a heretic prior to his excommunication, what was he excommunicated for?

TJM said...

John Nolan,

I agree with every word you wrote but now we will be subject to a barrage of non-responsive non sequiturs from MT since our genial host won't block him

Mark Thomas said...

The Egyptian said..."PF is about the worst thing since the Borgias to hit the church, well that and Bernadine."

Tell that to the recent, massive, upbeat crowds in Africa who flocked, even in poor weather, to be with His Holiness Pope Francis. They demonstrated the great love and respect that they have for our great Culture of Life Pontiff.

During his Apostolic Visits to Africa and beyond, it has been beautiful and uplifting to have witnessed the massive outpouring of love that huge crowds of Catholics and non-Catholics have bestowed upon Pope Francis.

Pope Saint Pius X, 1912 A.D:

"Therefore, when we love the Pope, there are no discussions regarding what he orders or demands, or up to what point obedience must go, and in what things he is to be obeyed; when we love the Pope, we do not say that he has not spoken clearly enough, almost as if he were forced to repeat to the ear of each one the will clearly expressed so many times not only in person, but with letters and other public documents;

"we do not place his orders in doubt, adding the facile pretext of those unwilling to obey - that it is not the Pope who commands, but those who surround him; we do not limit the field in which he might and must exercise his authority;

"we do not set above the authority of the Pope that of other persons, however learned, who dissent from the Pope, who, even though learned, are not holy, because whoever is holy cannot dissent from the Pope."


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

"Thanks to the promise of Jesus Christ, our holy Pope Francis will protect those in communion with His Holiness from the acceptance of heresies."

DJR said..."A false statement."

If one is in communion with His Holiness Pope Francis, how could one fall into heresy?

Pope Francis is the guarantor of orthodoxy. A person in communion with Pope Francis is obedient to Pope Francis' Magisterium.

Pope Francis teaches, governs, and sanctifies said person.

Jesus Christ assures us that he/she who hears Pope Francis hears Jesus.

Therefore, thanks to the promise of Christ, as long as one is in communion with Pope Francis, then he or she will not fall into heresy.


Mark Thomas

Dan said...

"Culure of life pontiff?....."

Didnt this "pontiff" just say the UN agenda should be obeyed? Isnt the UN promoting birth control and advocating for safe, legal, abortion?

Mark Thomas said...

"...six “serious theological errors and heresies” they say are contained in the Amazonian Synod working document, and calling for prayer and fasting to prevent them being approved."

I respect that Cardinal Burke and Bishop Schneider have are free to offer their opinions — that is what they are...opinions... — upon said document.

Conversely, many folks have insisted (again, opinions) that the document is orthodox.

But I'm unsure as to the meaning of "prevent them (heresies) being approved."

We know that Pope Francis will pronounce the ultimate word in regard to the Synod. We know that Pope Francis will promote orthodox teachings.

Only those who break communion with Pope Francis accept heresies.

Bottom line: Obey Pope Francis' Magisterium...remain heresy-free.


Mark Thomas

TJM said...

"Bottom line: Obey Pope Francis' Magisterium...remain heresy-free."

LOL - PF is the problem, not the solution

Dan said...

No, MT, we don't know that Francis will promote orthodox teachings. No evidence of that yet.

TJM said...


MT would have been the perfect little German in Hitler's Reich.

Mark Thomas said...

"Culure of life pontiff?....."

Dan said..."Didnt this "pontiff" just say the UN agenda should be obeyed? Isnt the UN promoting birth control and advocating for safe, legal, abortion?"

Pope Francis has been very clear about the immorality of abortion.

He also has upheld Church teaching in regard to respect given to lawful authority.

Render unto Cesar...render unto God.


Mark Thomas

TJM said...


LOL. Faith without action is meaningless what has PF done about "catholic" Governor Cuomo who signed an infanticide law in New York? NADA.

You still owe us an answer what PF did about the Vatican clerics involved in a cocaine fueled gay sex orgy at the Vatican. I suspect you don't answer that because you know your golden calf again has done nothing.

You are a sad little man, living in fantasyland

TJM said...


Still waiting for your response to my second paragraph. If you do not have the fortitude to respond to that, you may want to consider posting all of your "stuff" at the National Anti-Catholic Reporter instead of here.