
Friday, September 13, 2019


He's right!

PF has recently made some interesting remarks.

He acknowledges that those who criticise him openly are preferable to those, even in the Curia, who complain about him covertly. It is an advance in understanding on his part that he knows how widespread are the criticisms of those who murmur them while keeping their heads beneath the parapet.

His remarks about the "Old Catholics" are historically a bit off the mark; that particular sect existed before Vatican I. But his observation that their schismatic mentality led to heterodoxy and heteropraxy ... "Now they even ordain women!" ...  is well made.

Leaving the Unity of the One Church so as to be uncontaminated outside it is no solution to anything. The only "Resistance" worth anything is the Resistance of those who are faithful to the Truth we have been given, while remaining in full communion with the Church of S Peter.

Incidentally, I find it encouraging that PF's tone-of-voice implies that he regards the 'ordination' of women to sacerdotal ministries to be beyond the pale.

But I would add that the first major departure from the disciplines of the Latin Church made by the "Old Catholics" after Vatican I was their abolition of mandatory celibacy.

That ... I think you will agree ... is worth thinking about.

1 comment:

Carol H. said...

I agree that it is better to criticize openly than to do so behind someone's back. But I don't agree with what he said afterward.

He said something to the effect that it should lead to a dialogue, so that you can understand where he is coming from and change your position. This tells me that he plans to stand rigid in his position and has no intention of changing his mind. This is only good if a person is absolutely right. All I can say to that is that I pray daily that he do the right thing and not teach error.

I don't speak his language so I do acknowledge the fact that something may have been lost in translation.

I also did not like the way the journalist (NYT?) stated his question. It made it sound as if anyone who disagrees with PF is out to get him. The journalist was clearly setting him up for a strong reaction. I wish journalists would stop baiting and just ask questions.