The interior of the St. Thomas More Newman Center in Columbus, Ohio, is seen in 2017. This year, the diocese is overseeing a $3 million renovation of the center. (Wikimedia Commons/Nheyob)
Below, you can read an article from the NCR about how grieved parishioners are that their Paulist Priests were removed from their parish. Crocodile tears, I say, crocodile tears! Those poor people, they had a religious order of priests removed from their parish replaced with diocesan priests. The tragedy, the authoritarian move by the bishop the horror of diocesan priests replacing Paulist priests! An outrage, a scandal, a top down authoritarian decision!
Compare that with what has been written about the canceling of the Traditional Latin Mass by the current pope to the point that it can’t even be said in a parish church, it has to be moved to some other kind of building between now and its complete cancelation.
No crocodile tears for those parishioners who prefer the TLM (a much maligned minority of Catholics by the way). And those who get together to plan ways to keep its celebration, even to the point of asking FSXXP priests to set up shrines or parishes for them, they are called schismatic. But a progressive that does something similar in the opposite direction is called courageous, synodal and celebrated.
Duplicity anyone?
Press title:
The interior of the St. Thomas More Newman Center in Columbus, Ohio, is seen in 2017. This year, the diocese is overseeing a $3 million renovation of the center. (Wikimedia Commons/Nheyob)
Since 5:30 AM all of coastal Georgia and parts of coastral South Carolina have been placed on a hurricane warning. Hilton Head Island, SC, where I live, expects the storm to hit with its full force early this evening, hopefully before dark.
Bans of heavy rain are already hitting us. We are also experiencing tornado warnings and a storm surge warning. Complicating the storm surge, we are under a king tide due to the second full moon in August, called a “blue moon.” It is possible I might see some ocean water on my side of the street, across from the Atlantic Ocean which is a five minute walk away.
Two double yoked eggs this morning! I hope the electricity doesn’t go out but enough junk food to keep me fat as I ride out the storm in my condo, which on Hilton Head are called villas. It’s two bedrooms which are upstairs, so if water enters the first floor, I can go to higher ground if the second floor doesn’t get blown off.
My balcony ready for the wind. I’ll leave my humming bird feeder up until the wind really gets strong. The poor birds are dependent on easy eating here!
I post a link to Catholic World Report’s article on the incoherence of Pope Francis’ rantings and not only incoherence but outright novelty canceling teachings that preceded this pope’s wish list. Is this pope compromised by dementia, political influence and 1970’s heterodoxy? Pray for the pope and for all baptized Catholics. This is unprecedented in modern Catholic history, but not criticize or critiquing a pope, that goes back to Pope Paul VI and every pope since then!
The timing of Pope Francis’s recent Q&A with Jesuits in Portugal is just as notable as the recycled and now all-too-familiar clichés about those who are “rigid,” “go backward,” and are “superficial”
“There you go again.” — Ronald Reagan, 1980
Pope Francis, addressing a group of Jesuits recently, said: “When you abandon doctrine in life to replace it with an ideology, you have lost, you have lost as in war.” He is correct. But not, I think, in the way he apparently thinks.
It is classic Protestant Modernism/enlightenment from the latter part of the 19th Century and early 20th Century borrowed by Catholic Scripture Scholars after Vatican II. Basically, liberal Protestantism of the Enlightenment period wanted to deconstruct the Bible and Jesus as it and He were interpreted in light of the Resurrection in light of faith, not historical facts. They wanted to get back to the Historical Jesus, prior to the Resurrection and how He viewed Himself and what He knew and did not know. This opens the door to Jesus not really knowing who He was and bumbling though life and experiencing sin and conversion as any mere human being. It is heretical of course, unless we can develop doctrine to the point that it rejects what preceded it about the sinlessness of Jesus.
Father Spadaro says that Jesus sinned in calling the Canaanite woman a dog and then he experienced a conversion and repented and was nice to her and included her. Jesus’ greatest sin was his rigidity, what Pope Francis thinks is the most mortal sin ever. Jesus was ridgid and thus a mortal sinner and mentally ill in this scenario. Read it for yourself after this first great apologetic:
The passage in question occurs in Matthew 15:21-28. Our Lord is approached by a gentile Canaanite woman (also called the Syro-Phoenician woman) whose daughter is possessed by a demon. On first hearing their conversation, Our Lord definitely seems hostile and uncompassionate; however, to draw such a conclusion is contrary to who Jesus is.
This passage is indeed complicated. Understanding the cultural context will help. First, Jesus’ mission was first to the people of the covenant, i.e., the Jews, who were awaiting the Messiah. Technically, the mission to the gentiles was not granted until the Ascension, when Our Lord said, “Go out and make disciples of all the nations” (Mt 28:18-20). Nevertheless, He already had shown His openness to the gentiles, like curing the centurion’s serving boy (Mt 8:5-13).
Second, Jews considered gentiles as “dogs.” To call a person a “dog” was a severe insult. The Jews used phrases like, “gentile dog,” “infidel dog” and later, “Christian dog.” However, Jesus used the diminutive form for “dog,” better translated as “puppy.” So instead of calling her the insulting “junk yard dog,” He calls her “lovable puppy.” (Keep in mind the English translation misses this distinction from the original Greek text.)
One would also have to ponder about how Jesus said this phrase. He must not have said “dog” with contempt or scorn. Rather, He probably said it tongue-in-cheek. For instance, to call someone a “rascal” literally would be derogatory, but I remember calling my nephew (when he was a toddler) “you little rascal,” of course in a loving way. Our Lord may even have been criticizing the normal Jewish parlance.
What is most important is the woman’s faith and her perseverance: “Oh woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you desire.” So in the end, Our Lord praises the gentile “dog” for faith and perseverance that surpassed the Jews.
Recounting the passage of Christ’s encounter with the Canaanite woman whose daughter was afflicted by a demon, Spadaro accused Christ of being first “indifferent,” and then “stymied and callous.”
“Jesus remains indifferent,” argued Spadaro in reference to Christ not appearing to answer the woman’s initial cries. “His disciples approach him and plead with him in amazement,” he continued. “The woman was moving those who also misjudged her! Her cries had broken the barrier of rancor. But Jesus did not care.”
Spadaro argued that Christ’s “silence” was followed by “Jesus’ stymied and callous reply, ‘I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.’”
“The Master’s harshness is unshakable,” commented Spadaro, previously denoted as “the Pope’s mouthpiece.”
“Now even Jesus plays the theologian: the mission received from God is limited to the children of Israel. So, no dice. Mercy is not for her,” he said. “It is excluded. There is no question about it.”
The 57-year-old Jesuit argued that Christ’s continued conversation with the Canaanite woman was marked by the cultural “rigidity” of the time. Christ “responds mockingly and disrespectfully to the poor woman,” the Jesuit wrote, as he added that the Divine response was “a fall in tone, in style, in humanity. Jesus appears as if he was blinded by nationalism and theological rigor.”
He argued that the woman needed to “upset Jesus’ rigidity” in order to “to ‘convert’ him to himself.”
I copy this statement from Rorate Caeli:
It was with great pain and concern that we learned of the words attributed to His Holiness Pope Francis at an online meeting with Russian Catholic youth on August 25, 2023 in St. Petersburg.
We hope that these words of the Holy Father were spoken spontaneously, without any attempt at historical assessments, let alone support for Russia's imperialist ambitions. However, we share the great pain they have caused not only among the bishops, clergy, monastics, and faithful of our Church, but also of other denominations and religious organizations. At the same time, we realize the deep disappointment in society that they have caused.
The words about "the great Russia of Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, that empire - great, enlightened, a country of great culture and great humanity," are the worst example of imperialism and extreme Russian nationalism.
There is a danger that these words may be perceived as support for the nationalism and imperialism that has caused the war in Ukraine today - a war that brings death and destruction to our people every day.
The examples cited by the Holy Father actually contradict his teaching on peace, for he has always condemned every form of imperialism in the modern world and warned of the dangers of extreme nationalism, emphasizing that it is the cause of "the third world war in parts."
As a church, we want to state that in the context of Russia's aggression against Ukraine, such statements inspire the neocolonial ambitions of the aggressor country, although we should categorically condemn this way of "being Russian."
Pope Francis blasts American Catholics and marginalizes them and seems not to welcome them since they are backwardists. He kind of implies a sort of excommunication for their public sins against him and doctrine as the Holy Father understands it and its development.
POPE FRANCIS: "What I don't like at all, in general, is that we look at the so-called 'sin of the flesh' with a magnifying glass," said Francis. "If you exploited workers, if you lied or cheated, it didn't matter, and instead relevant were the sins below the waist."
"We must not be superficial and naive, forcing people into things and behaviors for which they are not yet mature, or are not capable," Francis said. "To accompany people spiritually and pastorally takes a lot of sensitivity and creativity."
The pope went on to recount his numerous meetings with transgender people, whom he said felt rejected by the church.
"Everyone, everyone, everyone, are called to live in the church," he told the Jesuits. "Never forget that."
MY COMMENTS: This is 1970’s false equivalents that I was taught at my progressive seminary in Baltimore. In my 43 years as a priest, I don’t know that I ever asked someone not to do something until I learned in a public way that someone was cheating, someone was embezzling, that someone was exploiting. None of these things were the silly phrase “below the waist” issue. Most sexual sins are private and are not known in a widespread way and are handled in the confessional. But if one starts proclaiming at Church meetings how much they love pornography and like to masturbate to it and they want to teach our children and others, do we say, okay, since we don’t want to exclude you, you are welcome to do as you please.
And what about men who say they are women and they want to be the president of the Council of Catholic Women and he who proclaims that now they are a she and are married to a he, are we to glorify that and ignore it and let them become the president of the CCW, distribute Holy Communion and teach in our schools and religious education programs?
The same with the man or woman who publicly proclaims their racism, their affiliation with groups that oppose the Church, like Masons and other anti-Catholic groups. do we say, it is okay with us, remain in the Church and on our pastoral council, leaders of groups, bringing Holy Communion to those you want, but not blacks.
It is amazing that he blasts Americans who he says are backwardists and really marginalizes them, but when it comes to the sins of the flesh, even with clerics who sexually abuse seminarians, think Zanchetta, and abuse nuns, think Rupnick and tries to find places for them to work in the Church, think Barros, it is all because he doesn’t think sins below the waste should be treated so harshly. This kind of 1970’s thinking is what led to the sexual abuse crisis in the Church in the 1970’s not only of minors but vulnerable adults. Pope Francis is a 1970’s progressive and hasn’t grown out of it or developed since that time when it comes to the sins of the flesh.
Me thinks that the Holy Father needs to think before he speaks. The shallowness and incoherence are breathtaking.
Then he emphasizes what he has emphasized time and time again, he doesn’t want a new Church, he wants a different church disembodied from the current one and its 2000 year history.
This is what Vatican News reported Pope Francis said, after acknowledging that the sensus fidelium could care less about his synod on the synod:
We are trying to learn a new way of living relationships, listening to one another to hear and follow the voice of the Spirit,” he said.
Maybe someone can tell me what heresy is implied. What is this “new” way of listening to one another to hear and follow the voice of the Spirit?
To me, it sounds like we have to discard the body of teachings contained concretely in a written form within Scripture and Tradition, the Deposit of Faith. It sounds to me that opinions of the faithful and unfaithful enables us to follow the “voice of the Spirit” but detached from the 2000 years of wisdom of the Word of God, Incarnate, and made manifest in both a spiritual and physical way. The physical way is Scripture and Tradition set in stone through the Deposit of Faith.
That’s a heresy, no?
What is even more bizarre and incoherent is that the pope emphasizes the need to listen to one another after he acknowledges that almost everyone in the Church, meaning the sensus fidelium, think that this synod on synodality is abstruse, incoherent, self-referential and a closed circle that leaves out the body of Jesus Teachings contained in Scripture and Tradition and the Deposit of Faith.
As everyone knows, I prefer the gothic chasuble to the truncated “fiddleback” chasuble, mistakenly called the “Roman Chasuble “.
This is the true Roman Chasuble! I like it! But it is worn by an Anglican Ordinariate priest!
Thus today we pray for and commend the immortal soul of our disgraced and excommunicated brother Hubbard to God’s merciful judgement.
May God have mercy on our Brother Hubbard as we offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the happy repose of the soul of our Brother Hubbard and we worthily receive the Crucified, Risen and Gloried Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ Who alone saves the sinner and saint, the good and the bad.
To God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit be all the praise and glory!
This is what the pope said to journalists this Saturday morning as reported by Vatican News:
First the pope chided journalists about how they report. And once again, the pope speaks about coprophilia which as to do with taking sexual pleasure in eating, smelling and touching SHIT! Yes, the pope is fixated on this as he has often used this word with all of the meaning it contains. It isn’t something I like to blog about yet alone bring up in polite or impolite company! GROSS!!!!! And let me be clear, the pope shouldn’t use the word “coprophilia” to refer to the love of scandal, of filth, etc. He’s using the word shit for that which sells of course when a pope uses it!
Disinformation, the Pope added, is one of the sins of journalism, of which there are four: “misinformation, when journalism does not inform or informs badly; slander (…); defamation, which is different from slander but destroys; and the fourth is coprophilia, that is, the love of scandal, of filth, scandal that sells.”
Reporting on the Synod
Finally, he looked ahead to the upcoming Synod on Synodality the Church is preparing to hold in October, and appealed to journalists to help the Church “rediscover the word together.”
“In just over a month, bishops and lay people from all over the world will meet here in Rome for a Synod on synodality: listening together, discerning together, praying together,” he explained, noting that the word ‘together’ is very important in a culture of exclusion.
“Please, let us get used to listening to each other, to talking, not cutting our heads off for a word. To listen, to discuss in a mature way. This is a grace we all need to move forward. And it is something the Church today offers the world, a world so often so incapable of making decisions, even when our very survival is at stake. We are trying to learn a new way of living relationships, listening to one another to hear and follow the voice of the Spirit,” he said.
“This is a grace we all need to move forward.”
I don’t know if Hubbard is in heaven, purgatory or hell. Traditional Catholic teaching lets us know that all three are possible and known only to God.
What I do know is that no one but the pope can canonize someone as being definitively in heaven. I also know that no one, not even the pope, can declare someone to be definitively in hell.
Perhaps Bishop Scharfenberger should have simply given a funeral homily on the last four things, death, judgement, heaven and hell and sprinkled a bit of purgatory into it. He could have said that I can’t canonize Hubbard nor condemn him to hell, only God can do that at Hubbard’s personal judgment. I can say that no one can be saved who remains unrepentant in manifest mortal sin. I pray that Hubbard repented of his mortal sins publicly known and others only known to him. I pray for his soul as he passes through the purifying fires of purgatory and I give thanks to God for the Sacrifice of His Son which alone give all of us hope for eternal life in heaven when we receive the gift of salvation offered to us, but never imposed on us.
Will everyone at the funeral be pleased? Will that homily sound judgmental and harsh rather than Pollyanna? You betcha!
Most homilies at Catholic Funerals have become “celebrations of life” focusing on the banal aspects of one’s life. Universal salvation is preached and the deceased is surely in heaven. That’s a great comfort to the bereaved even if the proclamation is a lie or it makes the bereaved angry to hear falsehoods spoken about their scoundrel loved one. They doubt he or she is in heaven.
Here’s the Pillar’s description of Hubbard’s Celebration of Life in Albany, New York:
Bishop Manuel Lin of Greek Catholic Eastern Rite knows his stuff, especially synod stuff, and he knows Christ and what the Catholic Church believes, teaches and proclaims, to be revealed by God. His understanding of synodality isn't what we are getting from Rome. The Eastern synods are rooted in Christ as the Son of God and His pastors, bishops and their helpers, priests, leading everyone toward Christ by clear teachings and the Sacramental life of the Church, especially the Body, Blood Soul and Divinity of Christ received during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Pope Manuel I has a nice ring to it! And he has his own ornate tiara!
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VATICAN CITY — Despite claims to the contrary, the upcoming Synod on Synodality is unlike any synod of the Eastern Churches — it resembles a parliamentary process, and lacks a clear and coherent goal, a Greek Catholic bishop who will participate in the meeting has said.
In an Aug. 3 commentary published on the Greek Catholic Exarchate website, Bishop Manuel Nin, the Greek Byzantine Catholic Church’s apostolic exarch to Greece, expressed several concerns about the synod general assembly, the first session of which will take place Oct. 4-29 and the second in October 2024. The upcoming meeting marks a significant break with previous synod assemblies in that a selected group of lay participants will now be allowed to vote.
Bishop Manuel recognized that this exercise of authority has a “synodal dimension” in that decisions taken at a “fully collective level belong to the synod’s bishops,” but he stressed that if the West understands synodality as where “everyone, lay and clerical, act together in order to arrive at some ecclesiastical, doctrinal, canonical, disciplinary decision, whatever it may be, it becomes clear that such synodality does not exist in the East.”
“Decisions within these Churches are made by the assembly of bishops (almost always called a “synod” or sometimes a “council of hierarchs”) belonging to an Eastern Church,” he said. And he explained that such meetings are convened by the presiding bishops in view of important decisions relating to the “Christian journey undertaken by pastors for the good of their faithful, spiritually and materially.”...
...By contrast, he noted that the Synod on Synodality is a “collective ascent” of laity and clergy but he wondered: “To get where? To what end?” He also posed the question: with whom are the participants walking?....
Closing with the question, “What then is synodality?” Bishop Manuel said that for him, it is the “journey of all of us who have been baptized in Christ, who hear His Gospel, celebrate our faith, receive His grace in the sacraments, even through our brothers and sisters — a journey definitely together, guided and accompanied, at times, by the hand, or even carried on the shoulders of our pastors, following in the footsteps of the One who is the way, the truth and the life.”
The noble and sober Fraction Rite of the Ancient Latin Mass:
The overblown and inebriated "Breaking of the Bread" at the Modern Vernacular Mass:
Adaptations of the Modern Roman Missal have led to things that are not in the modern Roman Missal, things that are bloated, drunk, overrated and distracting to what is important in both the Modern and Ancient versions of the Roman Missal and its celebration.
Even the now disgraced, criminal and decease Archbishop Rembert Weakland decried, while the Archbishop of Milwaukee, that modern liturgical practices not foreseen by the Modern Roman Missal were taking on more importance than the Real Presence of Christ and His Sacrifice at Mass.
Big signs and symbols, flamboyant body movements of the priest and everyone else, bread that is leaven and with other ingredients than just wheat flour and water, capable of being broken during the Mass into enough pieces for all to receive from the one loaf become the center of "faith" to the neglect of Jesus Christ and His one Sacrifice made present at every Mass in a glorified and palatable way!
From the NCR:
In a new public letter that echoes the Catholic Church's anti-modernist statements from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the controversial Bishop of Tyler, Texas, predicts that many of "the basic truths" of the Catholic faith will be challenged during the upcoming October meeting in Rome of the Synod of Bishops on synodality.
Having previously accused Pope Francis of "undermining the Deposit of Faith," Bishop Joseph Strickland warns in his Aug. 22 letter of "the evil and false message" that he said has "invaded" the church.
Strickland also urges his readers to be wary of any "attempts to present an alternative to the Gospel of Jesus Christ," and declares that anyone who resists such changes is not seeking to leave the church.
"Instead, those who would propose changes to that which cannot be changed seek to commandeer Christ's church, and they are indeed the true schismatics," Strickland wrote in his provocative three-page letter, addressed to the Catholics in his diocese.
U.S. Cardinal Raymond L. Burke attends the ordination of eight deacons from Rome’s Pontifical North American College in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican Oct. 1, 2020. (Credit: CNS photo/Paul Haring.)
ROME – In the foreword to a new booklet by a conservative group criticizing Pope Francis’s looming Synod of Bishops on Synodality, American Cardinal Raymond Burke has slammed the process surrounding the synod, calling it deeply harmful and potentially schismatic.
Burke, a hero to the traditionalist wing of the Catholic Church, has been a frequent Francis critic.