
Saturday, November 28, 2015


Can any priest celebrate Mass according to
Divine Worship?
No. Public liturgical celebration according to Divine Worship is restricted
to the parishes and communities of the Personal Ordinariates established
under the auspices of the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus.

Any priest incardinated in such a Personal Ordinariate may also publicly
celebrate the Mass according to
Divine Worship
outside the parishes of the
Ordinariate with the permission of the rector/pastor of the corresponding
church or parish. Priests of the Ordinariate may always celebrate Mass
without a congregation according to
Divine Worship.
In cases of pastoral necessity or in the absence of a priest incardinated in
an Ordinariate, any Catholic priest in good standing may celebrate the
Holy Eucharist according to Divine Worship for members of the Ordinariate
who request it. For example, since the parishes of the Ordinariate are often
spread out over a large geographic territory, the pastor of an Ordinariate
parish may ask a priest at a nearby diocesan parish to fill in during illness or vacation leave. 
Can any priest concelebrate Mass according to
Divine Worship?
Yes. Any Catholic priest may concelebrate Mass according to
Divine Worship.


Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Concelebration would be just as it is in the Ordinary Form, the priest would wear chasuble or at least alb and stole and could take certain parts of the Canon and receive holy Communion at the time of the celebrant. Keep in mind this new Missal is not without some of the legitimate reforms after Vatican II. I haven't seen the entire Missal, but I presume there is one Communion Rite, meaning that there isn't a separate rite with its "Lord I am not worthy" for the priest and then after his Holy Communion another for the laity as in the EF. I don't know either if there is the three-fold, "lord I am not worthy" in this new missal. I don't think so. I hope to obtain this missal in the future and would love to see what is allowed.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Thanks Ivan I will post this link later!

Mark Thomas said...

Here is a link to a story about the new Missal.


Mark Thomas

Rood Screen said...

I'm beginning to wish Father McDonald would stop posting about this, because it sickens me that 99% of English-speaking priests, and therefore Catholics, are forbidden access to Mass according to this missal.

Michael (Quicumque Vult) said...

A lovely Missal, which makes me happy for the Ordinariate, but again, sad for the vast majority of Catholics. In many ways, it truly is the older form of the Roman Rite in the vernacular, and it baffles me that the reform couldn't have gone that far, no farther. That said, I go to an FSSP parish nowadays after the unfortunate occurrence I mentioned a few months ago with a modernist pastor, so I'm blessed in my own situation. :)

As for the link Ivan posted, I plan to save it and use it for further study (thanks!). One thing I notice is, this version of the Roman Canon completely omits the now-optional "Per (eundem) Christum Dominum nostrum" conclusions of the Communicantes, Hanc Igitur, Supplices Te Rogamus, and Memento Etiam. So that leads me to ask the priests here: is it truly awkward to add those conclusions when the Canon is spoken aloud? Cause most priests I know omit them, except those who want to adhere as closely to the TLM as possible.

Also, much as I dislike EP2, it's much more palatable in Elizabethan English!

Tony V said...

If I recall correctly, one of the main reasons we have 4 Eucharistic Prayers in the OF is because 'progressive' priests in Germany and Holland were just making up their own anyway.

Now, far be it from me to encourage any priest to break the rules, to hacer lio. But--just a thought--why not use the Ordinariate Missal? Or the Anglican Missal, which is essentially an Elizabethan-style translation of the EF? Or use the English translation of the Roman missal which was present on the left-hand pages of your grandma's missal?

Sure, technically this isn't allowed. But then, neither is washing a Muslim woman's feet on Maundy Thursday. And if Kung & Co could make their own rules, why not the rest of us? Hagan lio!

Православный физик said...

Looks like a dubium to the CDWS,you should ask on this point...logic toe is if it's an approved usage of the Roman Rite, all priests should have access to it

Mark Thomas said...

I found the following on the Ordinariate's Web site.

Divine Worship: The Missal expands Church's diversity in expression, unity in faith

The Holy See has gifted the Ordinariates with an early Christmas present.

"The Ordinariate Observer sat down with Msgr. N. Jeffrey Steenson, Ordinary for the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, and Dr. Clint Brand, English Department Chair at the University of St. Thomas in Houston and member of the commission that advised the Vatican on the liturgical texts, to discuss Divine Worship: The Missal. Below are excerpts from that conversation.

What is Divine Worship: The Missal?

Dr. Brand: "It is a pastoral variation of the Roman Rite for the members of the Personal Ordinariates in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and the United States. It is an adaptation of the Roman Rite for the sanctification of the faithful in the Ordinariates, to serve the liturgical mission the Catholic Church."

Msgr. Steenson: Divine Worship: "The Missal fits firmly and squarely in the Latin rite. It is not a separate rite for an autonomous ritual church. This missal is firmly part of the Western liturgical tradition."

In light of Monsignor Steenson's above statement, why would Latin Church priests at Novus Ordo parishes not be permitted on their own to use Divine Worship: The Missal?


Mark Thomas