Deacon Fritz Bauerschmidt, one of the few voices of reason at the Praytell blog, is a permanent deacon in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. He has this to say about odd liturgical abuses:
I think the good permanent deacon is correct. The greatest abuse and it may not be an intended abuse, are these things which I fear are rather common:
1. horrible musical selections chosen for Mass, some heretical, and executed in a less than sacred way, more profane than sacred
2. Liturgical sloppiness with little or no training for the plethora of "ministers" carrying out functions here and there
3. Sloppiness of dress for laity and in particular for those laity who act in a liturgical role such as lector and extraordinary minister of Holy Communion.
4. Loss of reverence at Mass and for Mass especially in the manner in which Holy Communion is received
What say you? I think any critiques should be based on what the GIRM of the Ordinary Form requires and how faithful or unfaithful priests and parishes are to what is actually required for the celebration of the OF Mass.