Nothing could be further from the truth! In fact this pope has spoken frequently about the devil and hell, the latest in his daily homily yesterday! I think we all can take comfort that the pope believes some of us are going to hell! God is good!
Threat of hell is real for not being faithful to God, pope says
- Carol GlatzNovember 22, 2016
Pope Francis ( Credit: CNS/Paul Haring.)
At his daily morning Mass, Pope Francis reflects on death, hell and the final judgment. “If each of us is faithful to the Lord, when death comes, we will say ‘Come, Sister Death,’ like St. Francis. It won’t frighten us,” he said.
ROME - Death and final judgment before the Lord are not frightening if you live being faithful to God, Pope Francis said.
“It will do us good to think about this: ‘Well, what will that day be like when I am before Jesus? When he will ask me about the talents he gave me, what I did with them,’” the pope said Nov. 22 during morning Mass in the Domus Sanctae Marthae, where he lives.
Reflecting on the day’s readings, including the responsorial psalm, the pope looked at the call of God: “Remain faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.”
The Lord will come to judge the earth, Pope Francis said. However, some people don’t recognize that fact, deceiving themselves into thinking the end is nowhere in sight, and how they live on earth has no consequences after death, he said.
“I remember when I was a boy, when I’d go to catechism they taught us four things: death, judgment, hell or glory - that after judgment there’s this possibility” of going to hell or sharing in God’s glory, the pope said.
But the kids were incredulous, he said, telling the priest he was only saying those things to scare them.
The priest, he said, insisted, “No, it’s true! Because if you do not take care of your heart so that the Lord is with you, and you always live far from the Lord, perhaps there is this danger, the danger of continuing to be distanced from the Lord for all of eternity.”
Pope Francis said people have to reflect seriously about the kind of mark they will leave behind after they are gone.
People should think whether they have been receptive to God and whether “the seed” of his word falls in the thorns or on barren, perilous places or on good soil - when the heart is open and lets the seed grow, he said.
Also ask whether the fruit that seed produced was used for the good of all people or kept hidden away for one’s own benefit, the pope suggested.
The Gospel says, “See that you not be deceived” by becoming alienated or estranged from God because of the flash or allure of superficial and worldly things, which includes “the deception of living as if you shall never die,” the pope said.
When standing before the Lord, he asked, will people be ready and waiting or will they be unprepared, surrounded by distractions?
“If each of us is faithful to the Lord, when death comes, we will say ‘Come, Sister Death,’ like St. Francis. It won’t frighten us,” he said.
“When Judgment Day comes we will look at the Lord (and say), ‘Lord I have many sins, but I tried to be faithful.’ And the Lord is good” because he has given everyone this counsel: “Remain faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.”
So after 3 years Francis talks about sin and Hell.
Francis isn't referring to people who continue to practice fornication or adultery, or communist dictators or pro abortion presidential candidates or priests that publicly call cardinals uncharitable names.
Francis is talking about the 4 cardinals who are demanding he uphold the Catholic Faith. He is talking about the people "with something to hide" who value Tradition/tradition. Francis is condemning those few Catholics who actually believe and try to live the Faith as the Church has always taught.
Yeah, the only sins that will send you to hell according to this Liberation Theology pope are being rich, white, male, and trad. Saying a Rosary, being rigid about wanting to attend the Latin Mass, or challenging Francis's humility, orthodoxy, or holiness are unforgivable.
Father McDonald said..."The calumny against our pope is that he preaches mercy without demanding repentance..."
Among the people who promote that lie, and run popular blogs, almost none has granted publicity to Pope Francis' Apostolic Letter in question expect to note the portion of the letter that dealt with the SSPX.
The folks in question refuse to discuss the letter in detail as the letter contradicts the calumny that they have spread in regard to Pope Francis and repentance.
But to its credit, Novus Ordo Watch, despite being sedevacantist, discussed the Apostolic Letter here:
Although they issued one negative comment after another about "AntiPope" Francis' letter, they at least, through gritted teeth, were honest enough to have acknowledged the following:
"Overall, the document actually does appear to emphasize somewhat the need for sincere repentance and amendment of life as a condition of forgiveness.
"It’s just too bad that this is something most people won’t hear about because hardly anyone reads Vatican documents, and of course in his daily preaching Francis always acts as though anyone will obtain forgiveness simply by asking."
The letter more than "somewhat" emphasizes "the need for sincere repentance and amendment of life as a condition of forgiveness." But at least the sedevacantist Novus Ordo blog is honest enough to admit that Pope Francis has called for "sincere repentance and amendment of life as a condition of forgiveness."
I don't know why the blog claimed that said teaching has been absent in Pope Francis' daily preaching. But at least they admitted that the teaching in question is present in Pope Francis' Apostolic Letter. That is more than certain leading Catholic bloggers, who misrepresent Pope Francis daily, have done.
Mark Thomas
Given the reality of the Four Last Things, what is the final goal of his "accompaniment" theology? If he means that we must accompany fornicators, adulterers, sodomites, heretics and agnostics on the path to repentance and salvation, presumably nudging them in the right direction along the way, then I like it. Otherwise, I remain confused. Also, I'd like to know why he thinks attachment to the EF Mass interferes with the journey to Heaven, or with Christian accompaniment.
“That is more than certain leading Catholic bloggers, who misrepresent Pope Francis daily, have done.”
I don’t know whether they come from leading bloggers or not or whether they represent a daily practice, but otherwise the calumnies in the first two appalling comments on this thread seem to answer the above description.
Congrats, Mark Thomas, you were finally able to post without saying "right wing, right wing."
Mark Thomas,
Surely if the Holy Father wished to reaffirm the faith and morals of the Church, thereby allaying the worries of beleaguered Catholics, he could do so easily enough. However, he seems to lack the pastoral sensitivity that might prompt him to do so. For some reason, he appears to think that everyone who accepts and promotes the fidelity and morality taught by his predecessors is either arrogant or angry. Perhaps we're just misunderstanding him, but if so, he doesn't seem to care.
Pope Francis has asked for open dialogue within the Church. He is apparently getting what he asked for.
Bishop Athanasius hints that Pope Francis deserves an anathema.
"When Pope Liberius in 357 signed one of the so called formulas of Sirmium, in which he deliberately discarded the dogmatically defined expression “homo-ousios” and excommunicated Saint Athanasius in order to have peace and harmony with the Arian and Semi-Arian bishops of the East, faithful Catholics and some few bishops, especially Saint Hilary of Poitiers, were deeply shocked. Saint Hilary transmitted the letter that Pope Liberius wrote to the Oriental bishops, announcing the acceptance of the formula of Sirmium and the excommunication of Saint Athanasius. In his deep pain and dismay, Saint Hilary added to the letter in a kind of desperation the phrase: “Anathema tibi a me dictum, praevaricator Liberi” (I say to you anathema, prevaricator Liberius), cf. Denzinger-Schönmetzer, n. 141. Pope Liberius wanted to have peace and harmony at any price, even at the expense of the Divine truth. In his letter to the heterodox Latin bishops Ursace, Valence, and Germinius announcing to them the above-mentioned decisions, he wrote that he preferred peace and harmony to martyrdom (cf. cf. Denzinger-Schönmetzer, n. 142).
“In what a dramatic contrast stood the behavior of Pope Liberius to the following conviction of Saint Hilary of Poitiers: “We don’t make peace at the expense of the truth by making concessions in order to acquire the reputation of tolerance. We make peace by fighting legitimately according to the rules of the Holy Spirit. There is a danger to ally surreptitiously with unbelief under the beautiful name of peace.” (Hil. Ad Const., 2, 6, 2).
TJM said..."Congrats, Mark Thomas, you were finally able to post without saying "right wing, right wing."
TJM, just for you, I made my rounds for the first time today at a right-wing Catholic blog. I then visited a lift-wing Catholic blog.
Here are headlines from one of the blogs in question. The headlines below feature nasty terms directed against His Holiness Pope Francis.
TJM, please guess the blog, right-wing or left-wing, on which the following headlines appeared.
-- FrancisWisdom: A good education teaches the 'critical method' which includes forms of doubt?
-- de Mattei on Jubilee of FrancisMercy: "This is the doctrine of Luther, not of the Catholic Church."
-- 'They want everything, they want a capitulation. How can the faithful respect the Church?' - Cardinal Zen warns on impending FrancisChurch China
-- FrancisCardinal Tobin expounds on those 'fragmenting' Catholics who 'threaten the Church' and think they're the only real ones.
-- No more ‘girl-guiding’ against Faithless FrancisChurch, where there’s Holy Communion for everyone but the righteous
Mark Thomas
TJM, here is a bonus quiz for you. Here are headlines that appeared on a Catholic blog. Are the following wonderful, uplifting headlines from a right-wing or left-wing Catholic blog?
-- Louie Verrecchio: “Francis is an Antipope”
-- Francis’ Fables: A Commentary on Recent Bergoglian Utterances
-- Antipope Francis “Apostolic Letter” Misericordia et Misera on Mercy and Peace
-- “Mercy” and More: Another Truckload of Bergoglian Baloney
-- Vatican Theologians reportedly studying what to do about a Heretical Pope
-- Amoris Laetitia Revolution: Pro-Francis “Secret Police” bullying Novus Ordo Academics into Compliance
Mark Thomas
The liberal culture is facing a strong challenge at least in developed countries where socialist policies have been discredited to a great degree. In these places, the theology of liberation is going to find fewer advocates in the future. These relativist theologians are fundamentalist materialists rigidly and desperately defending the undefendable. They are mostly old clerical reactionaries like Card. Kasper. In the mean time, millions of gullible souls are put in danger. Christe eleison.
Mark Thomas,
You need to get a life.
Mark Thomas,
How do you find time to read all those blogs? I can only manage to follow this one, with rare glances at NLM and WDTPRS.
Another Polish prelate has publicly backed the four (actually six) cardinals who signed the dubia that were submitted to the Holy Father.
The idea that the Polish bishops agree that Amoris Laetitia does not allow the divorced and remarried to receive Holy Communion is belied by the fact that Polish bishops are asking for clarification of that document.
There are more Polish bishops that are going to speak out on this. Their statements are coming.
After the wonderful news yesterday that Bishop Athanasius Schneider has come publicly to the aid of the courageous Four Cardinals who are challenging Pope Francis over the much-contested post-synodal exhortation Amoris Laetitia, a second Polish Bishop – after Auxiliary Bishop JĂłzef WrĂłbel of Lublin, Poland – has now raised his voice in a similar way. Bishop Jan Watroba, President of the Council for the Family of the Polish Bishops’ Conferences, has now made a statement where he declares that he believes that the publication of the Four Cardinals Letter is “not reprehensible.”
The bishop: It is too bad that there exists no unified interpretation and no clear message of the document [Amoris Laetitia] and that one has to add interpretations to the Apostolic document. I personally – perhaps out of habit, but also out of conviction – prefer such documents, as John Paul II used to write them, where additional commentaries or interpretations concerning the teaching of Peter were not necessary.
Cardinal Antonelli looking for clarification from pope. Numerous other bishops and cardinals said to have requested such clarification confidentially.
Three months after the publication of “Amoris Laetitia” Antonelli said that he too was “awaiting the desirable authoritative indications” from the pope that would clarify the obscure parts of the exhortation. Even before, therefore, the four cardinals came out into the open with their five “dubia.”
But also to Antonelli’s expectation Pope Francis responded only with silence. As also to the expectations of many other cardinals and bishops, who by confidential means have addressed and continue to address analogous appeals to him, motivated by growing concern over the confusion that the whole Church is going through, in faith as in works.
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