
Thursday, November 12, 2015



Unknown said...

I just watched/skimmed the video. After singing in two Byzantine weddings in the past month, I think I prefer the Byzantine wedding rite, although I could go without some of the repetitions in some of the prayers.

Anonymous said...

A beautiful wedding, well executed and in a beautiful church, a lovely young couple too. May God bless their marriage and bless them with children. Deo gratias!

Carol H. said...

Beautiful wedding! I pray that the Lord bless them with abundant graces.

John Nolan said...

Some rubrical oddities (paten left on the altar, which only happens at Requiem Masses; deacon and subdeacon positioned incorrectly; deacon rather than thurifer incensing the people; things sung that shouldn't be, e.g. Deo gratias and Laus tibi Christe after epistle and gospel, and final blessing). Clearly the Roman Rite, but according to the Use of Macon! I doubt if many people noticed, however; The Solemn High Mass underwent considerable changes as early as 1965, despite the fact that the original Liturgical Movement didn't really have a problem with it - their criticism was centred on the Low Mass.

Matthew LaHood said...

Beautiful mass Father! We truly appreciate everyone's hard work to make this possible; the priests, deacon, choir, and altar servers! We're truly lucky to have the resources to have a mass like this done! It was beautiful.

Matt said...

I thought a white dress was worn as a symbol of the brides purity? I know for a fact that she isn't "pure"...also not the best way to start a relationship by cheating on your ex's with each other.