
Monday, April 20, 2020


The greatest threat to Catholic unity comes not from the SSPX or any ultra right form of Catholicism which strives to conserve the historic Catholic Faith, but rather from progressive post Catholics who use gibberish that idolizes and makes gold, ecclesiology, women in Holy Orders, married clergy and same sex political ideologies brought to the church, same sex "marriage" and Holy Orders for them too. These are are "golden calves" and a part of the progressive agenda for a "Post Catholic Church" that is not the Roman Catholic Church. God and His splendor of truth is ignored and pagan ideologies adored including pantheism.

When I was vocation director from 1986 to 1998, I was told by Bishop Raymond Lessard that we should consider stop using seminaries associated with religious orders. I asked why? He said they are promoting a theology of priesthood that is different than the theology of the priesthood emphasized by Vatican II. They see the priesthood less connected to celebrating the Sacraments, preaching and teaching the faith and leading God's people to heaven. They tend to clericalize the laity and declericalize the clergy. These concerns were concerns of both Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI.

We see this ideology at Praytell and the National Chismatic Reporter (NCR). My comments on the Diocese of Raleigh's Director of Liturgy's absurd comments about some of the priests in that diocese is an example of the Post Catholic Church of Chism contrasted to the true Church.

Pope Francis has chosen horrible advisors who have used His Holiness during his pontificate to promote 1960's hermeneutics of rupture with the pre-Vatican II Church. Perhaps the Synod on the
Amazon awoke those with common sense to speak directly to the pope about the golden calves coming forth from his papacy that could render his papacy illegitimate. History will have to be the judge, but at 83, Pope Francis may now be more concerned about what history and future popes say about him than what progressive post-Catholics say about him.

Here is an example of the train of post-Catholicism heading towards an emergency stop and the one pulling the cord in a Lucyesk way is Pope Francis. I did not know that the ultra left wing Massimo Faggioli, affectionately known by the English translation of his last name, Beans, had become so critical of Pope Francis for pulling the emergency cord on the train he is conducting:

   COLUMN | DISTINCTLY Chismaticly Post CATHOLIC from the National Chismatic Reporter (NCR)

PRESSIs the Francis pontificate in crisis? A response to Faggioli (Beans)


TJM said...

Bishop Lessard was a prophet. One of the unfortunate aspects of pre-Vatican Disaster II training, is that "obedience" was often the be all and end all. If the so-called proper authorities are perverting the Faith, is it disobedient to call them out? Not at all. The vast majority of Catholics (including clergy) went along with the post-Vatican Disaster II "reforms" because we were told they were "what the Church wants" and we sheepishly obeyed without questioning. Now we are finding out that most of the "reforms" of the Mass, for example, were not what Sacrosanctum Concilium stated, as a matter of fact, most parishes were NOT doing what this document required, like the congregation learning to chant, in Latin, the parts of the Mass proper to the people.

Today, more than ever, we need transparency, not priests cowering to the Company Men in the Chancery Offices. If the bishop is not orthodox the people of the Diocese need to know that, period. What Company Men (like many bishops today) cannot stand is to be called out and have to defend their positions. Sunshine is the best disinfectant as they say in the secular world, apparently this part of the secular world does not apply to Holy Mother the Church. Faithful Catholics are as mad as hell, but we have bishops and priests defending the indefensible and unsustainable status quo. They will ignore us, to their peril.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what a priesthood would develop in an environment where COVID-19 is the normal. That is, where the priest says Mass without an audience and without servers for the intentions stated at each individual Mass? Both the liberal Vatican-2 fans and the traditional exercise a certain amount of showmanship. When there was an abundance of priests, when rectories housed 5 and 6 priests, many of those priests must have said their Mass privately. Is one of the effects of fewer priests an increase in that showmanship? I don’t know.