
Saturday, April 11, 2020


This is from that awful blog, Praytell, and its progressive liturgical nonsense. These particular comments were written on a post about the Bishop of Idaho, Bishop Pete wrongly saying Vatican II itself mandated that the priest faces the congregation during the entire Mass.

Here are three comments from that blog with my comments at the end:

Bizarrely, immediately following his section 1. condemnation of “sources…unaffiliated with the Holy See or the USCCB” as “not to be considered trustworthy or appropriate for catechesis”, much of the text of point 2. in the Bishop’s statement seems to come verbatim from an article on paulturner dot org, the blog of a priest of the diocese of Kansas City, Missouri, posted on 6/9/2016:
“The Order of Mass does indicate places when the priest should face the people, but it never asks him to turn away as the preconciliar missal did. The GIRM presumes that the priest is celebrating mass at a freestanding altar. It was clearly the mind of the council that the priest should be facing the people.
There are priests who prefer ad orientem. I am convinced that they mean well and find it a devout way to pray. But the overwhelming experience worldwide after Vatican II is that the priest faces the people for the mass, and this has contributed to the sanctification of the people.
There are some historical churches with fixed altars where the priest does not have the option of facing the people. I think the rubrics in the Order of Mass are for those situations, where he needs to be told when, at least, he should face the people.”
For what it’s worth, the nuptial blessing even before the council was always said facing the couple, not facing the altar. God can be addressed when facing people.”

  1. Fr. Paul Turner is not a random priest from a random diocese. He has a doctorate from a Vatican university, is director of liturgy and rector of the cathedral in K.C., has published numerous books and articles, and has lectured all over the world.
    1. This is all true. At the same time, I’m grateful that Penny Silver unearthed a connection that I had not known of.
      My comments:
      First of all Penny, prior to Vatican II, the rubrics stated that the priest turn to the faithful to greet them as well as at the end of Mass to tell them “The Mass is ended” and then to offering the Last Blessing. The Nuptial Blessing during Mass in the EF Mass indeed has the rubric that the priest turn sideways toward the couple to offer the blessing. Why? Because it is a blessing directed to them!
      R P Burke, are you promoting the “clericalism of academics” which is so rampant in the world of academia because these academics see themselves as a cadre of people who are different and better than others because of their academic abilities and live on a higher pedestal than priests do, meaning very high up in their ivory tower?
      And AWR, what connection did Penny Silver unearth that you had not known, that Father (I mean Dr.) Paul Turner has a doctorate or that the priest turns to the laity during the EF Mass to offering greetings and blessings, nuptial or otherwise, as well as tells them “Ite Missa est”?
      Oh brother! I mean, Father, or is it Doctor??????


TJM said...

Ruff is not worth reading. He is a liberal fascist - you disagree with him (even in the politest terms) and you will be blocked.

Bob said...

The slingshot offer is still open.

rcg said...

The arguments there are mostly self-affirmation and assume agreement of the reader. He resorts often to the straw-man gambit (“surely you don’t endorse ).

Why was the orientation ad orientem to begin with? Shouldn’t we explore that first and understand how that came to be? Then there would be few, if any, assumptions to make concerning those supporting that direction.

Vatican Zero said...

Penny Silver wrote:

"I am convinced that they mean well and find it a devout way to pray. But the overwhelming experience worldwide after Vatican II is that the priest faces the people for the mass, and this has contributed to the sanctification of the people."


If sanctification means connecting to God and His grace, then one must examine the "fruits" of facing the people. After all we WERE promised a "New Springtime" and bishops, cardinals and even popes have been blabbering on about the "new evangelization" for the last 40 years!

So my question is this: How many Protestants have actually joined the Catholic Church because they liked the Novus Ordo?

How has belief in the Real Presence increased since the introduction of the Novus Ordo?

Have Catholics become holier people? Have we had more influence on the world, or have we allowed the world to have more influence on us?

Let's examine these "fruits" and call them out for what they are.

As I've said over and over: The Novus Ordo establishment is doomed, even though they have the money, the power and the positions (for now). They have created a self-destructive beast that fails to teach the faith and cannot sustain itself.

tjv3 said...

I cannot fathom why anyone would read Praytell for anything other than amusement. Their fringe liturgical positions, distorted theology/ecclesiology and misreading of Vatican II's documents have long ago been discredited and their strident tone belies their realization that in less than a generation, the bad theology robed in Protestant liturgical sensibilities which they whole-heartedly espouse will be yet another item of refuse unceremoniously deposited in the ashbin of history.

TJM said...

Vatican Zero,

And the even more important question is, why do so few Catholics attend the "new and improved" Sunday Mass? When we had that "horrible, meaningless old Latin Mass 4 times as many Catholics attended Sunday Mass. They never ask that question, or if they do, they chalk it up to "changes in society, blah, blah, blah." These folks lack introspection, humility, intellectual honesty and common decency.

Anonymous said...

"Why was the orientation ad orientem to begin with? Shouldn’t we explore that first and understand how that came to be? " An excellent question, rcg. It was, I believe, G. K. Chesterton who said, "you never tear down a fence, until you know it was put up."

TJM said...

GK Chesterton would have been shocked by the destruction that was launched by Vatican II

John said...

Why debate liturgy? V-2 is and has been a colossal misunderstanding at best and a deliberate deception at worst. The tons of prolix documents signed by the council fathers gave us a new theology which the current pontificate evolved into Pachamama worship. We came from the sublime times to the ridiculous. It is often said we are our rite. Pray-tell is in sync with the Council. It is not only not Catholic it is arguably not even Christian. Now we hear the Pope feels uncomfortable with being called the Vicar of Christ. Whose vicar is he?