Traditional Propers for the Tenth Sunday
After Pentecost
Vestments: Green
Psalms 54: 17, 18, 20, 23 When I cried to the Lord He heard my voice, from them that draw near to me; and He humbled them, who is before all ages, and remains for ever: cast thy care upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee. -- (Ps. 54. 2). Hear, O God, my prayer, and despise not my supplication; be attentive to me and hear me. V.: Glory be to the Father . . . -- When I cried to the Lord. |
COLLECT - O God, who dost manifest
Thine almighty power most chiefly in sparing and showing mercy: multiply
upon us Thy mercy: that as we hasten towards Thy promises, Thou mayest
make us partakers of the heavenly treasures. Through our Lord Jesus
Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth . . .
I Corinthians 12: 2 - 11 Brethren, You know that, when you were heathens, you went to dumb idols, according as you were led. Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man, speaking by the Spirit of God, saith Anathema to Jesus; and no man can say: The Lord Jesus, but by the Holy Ghost. Now there are diversities of graces, but the same Spirit; and there are diversities of ministries, but the same Lord; and there are diversities of operations, but the same God, who worketh all in all. And the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man unto profit. To one indeed, by the Spirit, is given the word of wisdom; and to another, the word of knowledge, according to the same Spirit; to another the grace of healing in the one Spirit; to another, the working of miracles; to another, prophecy; to another, the discerning of spirits; to another, divers kinds of tongues; to another, interpretation of speeches. But all these things one and the same Spirit worketh, dividing to every one according as He will. |
Psalms 16: 8, 2 Keep me, O Lord, as the apple of Thine eye: protect me under the shadow of Thy wings.1 V.: Let my judgment come forth from Thy countenance: let Thine eyes behold the thing that is equitable. Alleluia, alleluia. V.(Ps. 64. 2). A hymn, O God, becometh Thee in Sion: and a vow shall be paid to Thee in Jerusalem. Alleluia. |
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Luke 18: 9 - 14 |
At that time, Jesus spoke this parable to
some who trusted in themselves as just, and despised others. Two men
went up into the temple to pray; the one was a pharisee, and the other a
publican. The pharisee standing, prayed thus with himself: O God, I give
Thee thanks that I am not as the rest of men, extortioners, unjust,
adulterers; as also is this publican. I fast twice in the week; I give
tithes of all that I possess. And the publican standing afar off would
not so much as lift up his eyes towards heaven, but struck his breast
saying: O God, be merciful to me a sinner.2 I say to
you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other:
because every one that exalteth himself shall be humbled: and he that
humbleth himself shall be exalted
Psalms 24: 1, 3 To Thee, O Lord, have I lifted up my soul: in Thee, O my God, I put my trust, let me not be ashamed: neither let my enemies laugh at me: for none of them that wait on Thee shall be confounded. |
SECRET - Let the appointed Sacrifices
be offered to Thee, O Lord: which Thou hast granted so to be offered to
the honor of Thy Name, that they may themselves become healing remedies
unto us. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth
with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost . . .
PREFACE (Preface of the Most Holy
Trinity) - It it truly meet and just, right and for our salvation, that
we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto Thee, O holy
Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God; Who, together with Thine
only-begotten Son, and the Holy Ghost, art one God, one Lord: not in the
oneness of a single Person, but in the Trinity of one substance. For
what we believe by Thy revelation of Thy glory, the same do we believe
of Thy Son, the same of the Holy Ghost, without difference or
separation. So that in confessing the true and everlasting Godhead,
distinction in persons, unity in essence, and equality in majesty may be
adored. Which the Angels and Archangels, the Cherubim also and Seraphim
do praise: who cease not daily to cry out, with one voice saying:
Psalms 50: 21 Thou wilt accept the sacrifice of justice, oblations and holocausts, upon Thine altar, O Lord. |
POST COMMUNION - We beseech Thee, O
Lord, our God, that in Thy goodness Thou wilt not deprive of Thine aid
those whom Thou dost not cease to renew with Thy divine Sacraments.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with
Thee in the unity . . .
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Starting in September, it will move to the last Sunday of each month at our normal 12:10 PM regularly scheduled Sunday Mass. So, the next Sunday EF Mass is September 27 at 12:10 PM. Our daily EF Mass continues each Tuesday at 5:00 PM.
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When you are not there, will the Fr. Vernon do it too? Will visiting priests do it too?
While it remains to be seen, moving the EF to the 12:10 PM Mass will mean that the EF Mass will have about 8 times more people attending. Now we have maybe 50 or 60. Our 12:10 PM Mass averages about 400.
Fr. Vernon knows how to celebrate the EF and helps me with it. However, our 12:10 PM Mass is ad orientem for the Ordinary Form and Holy Communion is distributed to keeling communicants at the altar railing. Apart from being all in Latin, I don't think the regulars at this 12:10 PM Mass will notice much that is different apart from the priest doing the readings at the altar and the all Latin.
The Why part is to help spread the good news about the EF to more people. 2 PM has been off putting for many.
One now has to be over 60 to have experienced the Roman Rite as normative. Those young priests and laity who have embraced the Vetus Ordo know that they are kicking against the pricks. Yet they also know that time is on their side.
Every possible liturgical experiment, every inculturation, every tin-pan-alley musical experience, every distortion of the liturgy to make it subjective, has already been tried and found wanting.
Hold to the truth and wait. A hundred years? Perhaps, but I suspect it might be sooner than that.
I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
So Father Kavanaugh visiting/filling in will do the Latin Mass!? Godamighty I can not wait!
Thanks, Father, for all your efforts. Outside of Savannah, no other priest in the diocese seems to's not "needed" as Fr. MJK, consistently and vociferously makes clear on this blog. The present and past bishops (most especially the latter)...meh...
Sooo, well, so it goes. Our hope is in the Lord, not humans.
The Roman Rite is normative for me and my family. And, judging by the vast numbers of young people at my local parish, I suspect that the Roman Rite will once again become normative once the Novus Ordo people contracept and NFP themselves out of existence. I'm not even sure it'll take that long considering the complete difference in demographics one finds in Traditional parishes as compared with the standard Novus Ordo event. Thank God!
Father McDonald, John Nolan, and other friends on this blog,
Please pray for me. Last Thursday, I just learned that I have a cancer of my throat. I was just anointed today and I will go to Savannah tomorrow for a petscan. So far, I think Dr. Petruzelli thinks he can remove it (based on imaging done last week) and I will, hopefully and by the grace of God, recover. I think he may schedule me for this surgery before the week is out.
Again, I earnestly ask for your prayers for my recovery. I have a wondeful wife and two beautiful and intelligent daughters, ages 15 and 17.
God Bless You All . .
Jdj - "Vociferously"? No. I was asked a question and answered it. That doesn't make my response "vociferous" or anything else.
And no, Gene, I am not celebrating mass in Latin.
Joseph, I just said a prayer for you and will continue to pray for your complete recovery! Keep is informed and God bless you!
Joseph Johnson
Be assured of my prayers and I'm sure those of everyone who visits this blog.
Joseph, I also said a prayer for you, especially to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. I have found her to be a wonderful intercessor throughout my life. I also know that the anointing of the sick has helped many, including a priest who had throat cancer and is till going strong after ten years or more, now in his 80s and still offering Mass. I will continue to keep you in my prayers for a full recovery too.
Fr Kavanaugh,
If one of your parishioners were to request (say for a wedding or a funeral) a Novus Ordo Mass in Latin, would you refuse, and if so on what grounds? It would not require having to learn a different rite and the Lectionary readings and Prayer of the Faithful would normally be in the vernacular.
This isn't a trick question; I am genuinely interested in what you have to say.
Our three-man schola was absolutely stunning yesterday afternoon! They sang an offertory anthem, and I can't remember the name of it, in polyphony! Yes, polyphony and all the other parts in Gregorian Chant.
The EF Mass gives me an "out of body" spiritual experience, an experience of mysticism that one seldom experiences in the Ordinary Form. I heard this from disgruntled older Catholics in the 1980's shortly after I was ordained (all of whom are dead today) that what they missed the most about the new Mass was the mysticism they experienced in the pre-Vatican II experiences they had of the Mass. They loved the "filled silences" too, silences that aren't inane or imposed on the Mass as we do today, but are filled with action but not words spoke aloud although words are prayed!
Kneeling for Holy Communion and waiting for the true procession that is the Holy Communion Procession, that of our Lord processing to us by way of the priest, is another mystical experience which is neutralized in the normative manner of distributing Holy Communion in the Ordinary Form. This is sad and need not happen and could be changed in an instant.
Bishops are you reading?
John Nolan - No, I would not celebrate the mass in Latin as there is no benefit
There are, however, disadvantages. First, no one here speaks or understands Latin. Therefore, the prayers and the parts of the mass would not be understood by the people attending, and that would be a significant loss. Reading along in a bi-lingual missal is not optimal, by a long shot. It separates the people from the words and actions of the mass.
Second, in this part of the world, it is not unusual for half the congregation at weddings and funerals to be non-Catholic. Even if they wanted to participate by using a missal or a "worship aid" (I don't care for that term) or "order of worship," they would be prevented from doing so by the use of Latin. I believe it is gar more beneficial for them to hear and understand the prayers that express our beliefs in a language they understand.
PI, stop being silly, no one is saying that all Masses must be all in Latin. You are being asked to follow what Pope Benedict mandated in Summorum Pontificum, that is to provide the EF Mass for the stable group that requests it either yourself or ask the bishop to provide someone to do it.
Catholics now have a right to ask for the EF Requiem or Nuptial Masses. That is their right! You have no right to deny them. You don't have to do it,but you should provide someone who will or ask the bishop to assign someone to do it.
Joseph, you and your family are in our prayers! I especially ask for the intercession of St. Raphael and St. Luke.
Um, Good Father, you didn't read John Nolan's question it seems.....
Fr McDonald said "The EF Mass gives me an "out of body" spiritual experience, an experience of mysticism that one seldom experiences in the Ordinary Form". I agree with that entirely. We have the EF low Mass and OF Mass offered by the same priest but I do sense so much more spirituality in the EF of the Mass, even though this priest offers the OF very, very reverently and absolutely follows the rubrics but there is still no comparison. I cannot explain it.
I used to say that I would be satisfied with an OF Mass offered reverently. To be honest, although I love Gregorian Chant I still couldn't see what others were saying about the EF Mass. I liked it but I was equally at home at that time with the OF oof the Mass. That was until I got to attend the EF Latin Mass on a weekly basis and everything changed. I just got this sense of spirituality and mysticism that I can't find in the OF of the Mass and I realise now that I never did experience it in the 30-plus years I have been attending Mass and on a daily basis too. I point out that I have made every effort to attend an OF Mass offered according to the rubrics, so it is not as if I have experienced some of the poorer liturgies. I can't explain it but that is the sense I get in attending a simple low EF Mass without any Gregorian chant and without even a sermon or the readings read in English.
I read a comment by a protestant who said "What fools the Catholic Church were to abandon this Mass which is so beautiful. If I had been able to attend this Mass I may have become a Catholic".
I'm not convinced that the Ordinary Form couldn't capture the mysticism of the EF Mass but there would have to be some rubrical changes.
This is just my opinion, but these are the issues that cause the Ordinary Form of the Mass to become to much like a disjointed experience.
1. The Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist as well as the Introductory and Concluding Rites are disjointed from one another. We have the procession, Introductory Rite (often co-opted by unnecessary banal greetings and discussions. Then everyone sits down after the Gloria and Collect. Someone comes up from the congregation and reads the readings, could be two people doing one each and a third chanting or singing the Responsorial Psalm. Then the priest or deacon reads the Gospel. It is done at a separate "table" the ambo, thus in reality there are two altars being used at the same Mass!
2. The propers are chanted and aren't in Latin. I think if the Propers were chanted even in a Gregorian type English it would help, but very few parishes chant the propers even if there is a processional hymn.
3. There needs to be more filled silences and a quiet Canon (no matter which Eucharistic Prayer is selected).
So this is what I think could work well in an Ordinary Form Mass that could capture the mysticism of the EF Sung Mass:
1. Processional hymn, followed by the chanting of the Proper Introit as the priest arrives at the foot of the altar. Then the priest begins with the Sign of the Cross, greeting and Penitential Act preferably the Confiteor (first choice) or the second choice which no one uses except my parish). After the absolution, the priest ascends the steps to the altar as the three fold EF style Kyrie is chanted. He incenses the altar. The Gloria is chanted in whatever language as the priest stands at the center of the altar and then he goes to the epistle side for the Collect, vernacular or Latin.
2. Then from the altar, the priest (or sub-deacon, which needs to be recovered) chants the first reading, the schola or choir chants the Gradual or Responsorial Psalm (Gradual is still permitted in the OF Mass!) and and the Epistle is chanted.
3. Then the priest moves to the center of the altar, the missal is transferred to the Gospel side and the priest chants the Gospel or the deacon would do it as in an EF Solemn Sung Mass. The readings are in the vernacular.
Then after the homily the priest goes to the middle of the altar for the chanting of the Credo and the Intercessions (briefly done by a cantor as the priest remains at the altar).
Then the priest begins the Offertory as it is in the Ordinary Form (but no presentation of gifts or make it optional which it is anyway).
4. The Prayer over the Offerings is chanted aloud as is the Preface. However, the Eucharistic Prayer (any of them) are prayed silently as in the EF with the Roman Canon. Of course I think the priest should indicate which Eucharistic Prayer he is using if the congregation wishes to follow it in their missal. I think this would recover the mysticism that many experience with the silent canon in the EF.
5. The rest of the Mass continues as in the Ordinary Form and all kneel at the railing for Holy communion. The ablutions are carried out as in the EF and the Mass is completed at the altar.
Celebrating everything at the altar as in the EF and using the Gospel and Epistles sides as in the EF would truly make the altar central! It has competition now, not from additional side altars or side altar chapels, but from the Presider's chair and ambo which make for three "altars" at every Ordinary Form Mass. !
I doubt that many EF devotees would notice the difference except for vernacular. The mysticism would be there. Of course we need Gregorian chant or polyphony for the parts of the Mass, not contemporary melodies.
Father, everything you say in your post at 10:39AM is very true, but misses the obvious. To be what the EF already is the OF would have to be substantially "fixed" to hopefully capture what the EF is. The EF already is all of that, and has 500 of road testing to validate that it is.
Fr Kavanaugh,
Thank you for your honest reply. You are saying that, as a priest of the Latin rite you would refuse to use the liturgical language of that rite even if someone asked for it, since in your opinion there would be 'no benefit'. You are a truly pastoral priest in the spirit of Vatican 2.
Incipiam te evomere ex ore meo. If your Latin isn't up to it, refer to Revelations 3:16 in whatever translation you use. I have tried to be patient with you but you are a) incorrigible and b) a disgrace.
I appreciate Fr. Kavanaugh's honesty. It is refreshing to read a Novus Ordo priest actually give voice to what the majority of them are obviously thinking and doing anyway.
John Nolan - If the "liturgical language" of the Rite is not understood by the practitioners of that Rite, it makes little, if any sense, to continue to use that language. I can't think of any benefit to hearing prayers in a language I don't understand. Indeed, as a pastor, I try to do what is best for the people I serve.
To be considered incorrigible and a disgrace by someone who looks down with arrogant contempt (is there any other kind?) on the "philistines" that inhabit the world outside his very, very narrow existence is just fine with me.
Joseph Johnson
I will pray for you also. Throat surgery can sometimes entail a difficult recovery.
As Padre Pio would often say "Pray. hope and don't worry".
I agree with Templar, we have the EF of the Mass and those who attend it love it and do not want it changed. Those who attend the OF of the Mass, by and large, are happy with the OF Mass and don't want it changed any further. I think to change the OF any more would see fewer people attending it. The majority of those who do not like the OF of the Mass no longer attend and the majority of those who remain are quite happy.
As regards the EF of the Mass, I read a comment from someone who said, "The traditional Mass was taken from us once. It will be taken from us again over our dead bodies". That just about sums up the feeling of everyone I know who attends the EF Mass. Thankfully, we now have growing traditional orders that will see the EF Mass preserved for the coming generations who wish to attend it.
I am very much indebted to all who have prayed for me. Thankfully, I had a good day yesterday as my body scan showed the cancer as confined to an area in my neck. The doctor believes he can remove it all (and save my voice--critical to an attorney!). He referred to it as "curable" cancer as opposed to "treatable" cancer. I will, however still have to endure six weeks of radiation/chemo after the operation.
As George correctly observes, it may be a difficult recovery but I am trying to enter it seeing it as something to be offered up as temporal punishment in this life for the remission of sins. I now await a call to travel again to Savannah (Memorial Medical Center, I think) for the surgery. Again, I am grateful for all your prayers already and I ask that you continue to pray for me as I enter this process.
God Bless You All!
Joseph - Prayers for your recovery - and be patient with that process!
Most of the priests I know who celebrate the Vetus Ordo also celebrate the Novus Ordo (in both Latin and English). Even those who belong to those societies of Pontifical right (e.g. FSSP, ICKSP) which are committed to the older books are not ideologically opposed to the new rite. I have sympathy for those priests (now mostly retired) who were trained in the older rite, managed to survive the transition with their spiritual life intact, and in old age could not face another upheaval. I even have some sympathy (albeit not much) for those priests whose Latin is so deficient that they cannot even pronounce the words (one I know is a monsignor and Apostolic Protonotary who was ordained in 1970). We all know that competence in Latin is a requirement for ordination but that this was gaily ignored for years.
I would not expect all priests to learn to celebrate the Vetus Ordo, although an increasing number of younger priests do so. I have no sympathy whatsoever with a certain breed of clerics who actually hold the older liturgical tradition in contempt (they would of course deny that they do) and for purely ideological reasons want Latin banished from the Novus Ordo. They will not entertain any argument (and there are many) for the continuing use of Latin alongside the vernacular; as far as they are concerned their own opinion counts for more than the sensus ecclesiae. 'I don't need it, so the Church can't possibly need it.'
Fortunately this extreme attitude is becoming less common.
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