This is a picture to let the general population at a California high school know who can use the bathroom in the school.
My questions, Dear Abby, are: Is this a one person at a time bathroom? Or is it a large public bathroom with multiple stalls, urinals, sinks, and vending machines?
I am a priest and our church buildings have single bathrooms that allow one person at a time to enter, male or female, handicapped or not.
Confused on Hilton Head.
"Dear Abby, Dear Abby, you won't believe this:
My mind is so dull I don't know where to piss.
My bladder is bursting, I may spring a leak!
Please answer me, Abby, don't wait till next week!
Signed..... I'm Worried
"Dear Worried, Dear Worried you have no complaint,
You are what you are and you ain't what you ain't
So listen up buster, and listen up good,
Stop wishing for bad luck and knocking on wood.
Signed dear Abby.
Well Dems are always confused. This is an amusing read, Father McDonald:
On another bender, K? I think your bishop will be very interested in seeing how a pastor spends his time!
Well since K is so confused, this will enlighten him as to why normal people are abandoning the Dems:
TJM. Thank you for that addition to the conversation at hand. I look forward to many, many more of the same kind.
Respect the John Prine reference.
K, sounds like your Party is advocating Insurrection:
During his own rant against Trump, Jeffries made what some would consider a threat against Trump that would likely prompt a visit from the FBI if a Republican had said it.
“We’re going to fight it (Trump’s agenda) legislatively, we’re going to fight it the courts, Jeffries stated. “And we’re going to fight it in the streets.”
Maybe we can lock him up for 4 years without due process of law like your Party did to the January 6 protestors. Funny, BLM and Antifa who destroyed billions in property were not treated that way.
K, this will ruin your day, more winning because of SuperTrump!
Colombian President Gustavo Petro has urged all illegal aliens residing in the United States to return home.
In a post on the X platform, Petro promised all those who leave the U.S. “productive loans” that he said will help return the country to prosperity.
This will give K the sads:
TJM. Thank you for that additions to the conversation at hand. I look forward to many, many more of the same kind.
Mark - I had no idea it was a Prine tune! Thx
Evil priests and bishops have the sads when the President follows the rule of law
This will give K the sads. More evidence that Dems are crooks:
This will also give K the sads!
Harsh Truth Delivered by Bishop Strickland:
JUST IN: Bishop Strickland calls US bishops (USCCB) “present-day Judases who stand with outstretched hands for the thirty pieces of silver,” over taking money for aiding “illegal foreign nationals” break American immigration laws.
Father McDonald,
Tulsi Gabbard's statement at her confirmation hearing:
Today on Capitol Hill, a Hindu said the FBI should stop persecuting the same Catholics being persecuted by the Pope. Wild times.
Resident Lefties you can bet the New York Times won't report this corruption at Biden's GSA!!! Read it if you have the stomach for this nonsense:
While Sleepy Joe napped in the White House, SuperTrump brings American hostages from Venezuela home after years of languishing there. K and the New York Slimes have the sads, again. It is going to be a tough 4 years for you K and the New York Slimes, America winning and them losing!!
SuperTrump will stop the Judas USCCB scam. By the way boys, this is what real journalism does instead of packaging propaganda as “news” which is the modus operandi of the New York Times:
Here's another example of modern liberals really not being very bright:
Harwood is a known moron, but there is an interesting insight here. The left thinks it's fascism when their unelected permanent bureaucracy is placed under the control of the people's elected chief executive.
John Harwood
Trump is plunging the United States into fascism
Father McDonald,
This is a fascinating read on how the federal bureaucracy works from someone who worked in the federal bureaucracy
This will give K the sads, SuperTrump strikes again!
Okay, enough already! It seems that the Blog has now become a forum for TJM, who surely must be a MAGA Party operative, to incessantly push pro-Trump/MAGA propaganda as well as propaganda attacking Pope Francis and the Catholic hierarchy. About 90% of the Blog comments since the inauguration have been of this nature. His latest post on the present thread with the despicable article by Robert Spencer attaching the Catholic Church (and others) for its work in resettling refugees is only the latest example. This does not seem remotely appropriate.
Some of us are happy to engage in a reasoned discussion about various topics, including immigration, but TJM does not seem to be very interested in such reasoned discussion. I know because I have tried, and he typically engages in tactics designed to evade and distract when challenged.
And where on earth (or not on earth) does the term “SuperTrump” come from? Is Trump from the planet Krypton?
Mark J.
Silly me! My previous comment referred to the “latest” post by TJM. I should have realized that there would be another three posts as the machine-gun like volley of propaganda continues. So, to avoid any confusion, I was referring to his post at 12:33 p.m.
I am unsure why TJM is doing what he is doing or what he is trying to prove. One is tempted to say: “You won the election already; get over it.” Perhaps it is just another type of “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”
TJM: Let us know when you are ready to engage in an intelligent, reasoned discussion of various topics, especially those that implicate moral issues and Catholic teaching on those issues. Until then I will not be responding to any of your posts.
Mark J.
I am pulling your chain but like most “liberals” you have no sense of humor. When Obama was elected did you swoon? I worship no one other than God. I almost hurled when a New York Slimes “reporter” asked Obama in his first weeks of office what enchanted him the most about being president. That was disgusting and I would have fired that hack. I also recall New Jersey grade school children singing a hymn about Obama - very Third Reich, don’t you think? President Trump if he can destroy the “perpetuals” in the bureaucracy that will be his greatest achievement on top of cleaning Obama/Biden’s economic policies that actively harm working men and women and disastrous foreign policy disasters. The Ancien Regime is over.
What goes around comes around. After what YOUR Party did to Republicans and SuperTrump I don't want to hear any word from you about "rule of law." This is well deserved and if you had an ounce of intellectual honesty you'd agree.
This will sadden K and Mark
Hey, Mark,
Pope "Merciful" will be after this bishop's scalp next! Contra "Agenda"
If you think an “intelligent” discussion is supporting a corrupt, evil political party and its foot soldiers I think we have little in common. It is your side of the aisle through its crazed, violent (mostly peaceful) rhetoric that nearly got President Trump killed so the Deep State gravy train could carry on to enrich its politicians while crushing the peasantry. Someday you may see the forest for the trees but I doubt it.
This lady is one of the smartest, most insightful writers today so Mark you probably should not read this because it will upset your "sensibilities."
Here is an article that the USCCB should be forced to read at gunpoint about their "Christian" approach to illegal aliens. This is from the Mayor of Yuma who has to deal with the problems and who is not an idiot opinion writer from a liberal rag.
And the Dem Propaganda Machine aka the MSM media whom the leftists here worship and willingly believe will never want to read this:
TJM, You are beating a dead horse now. We all know how you and other republican pundits feel. TMI!
Father McDonald, just trying to show them the evil and misery they are supporting. If you prefer leftwing lies, so be it.
TJM is an expert when it comes to lies.
For the record, I would like to point out that TJM’s comments today demonstrate clearly why it is impossible to have an intelligent, reasoned conversation with him. Taking me as an example of an interlocutor who has attempted to have such a conversation, he makes it perfectly clear that his comments and the links he provides are either (a) just intended to “pull my chain” (Feb. 1 @8:30 p.m.) and/or (b) reflect what he is convinced is the truth and ANY questioning of them or any other point of view is based on “leftwing lies” (Feb. 2 @9:33 a.m.).
For one recent example of my attempts to have an intelligent, reasoned conversation with TJM, see the thread on the Hays Code (January 28) and the series of questions I ask him in a sincere, good faith attempt to ascertain where exactly he stands on various immigration issues but to which he has offered no response (specifically, my reply at 10:51 p.m. on January 31 to his comment at 10:27 a.m. on the same date).
As for intellectual honesty, I am fine with investigating Chuck Schumer for any alleged threatening remarks he made about the Supreme Court, just as I was fine with investigating Hunter Biden and, as I have said many times, just as I would have been fine with a Jack Smith prosecuting Obama or any other Democratic president had they engaged in the kind of egregious conduct Trump was alleged to have engaged in regarding the obdurate retention of classified documents and the events of, and surrounding, January 6, 2021. I am not the one lacking intellectual honesty. Once again, TJM needs to look in the mirror for that—unless he tells us that, if indeed Obama or any other Democratic president had engaged in such conduct, he would have regarded any prosecution of them for it as a “witch hunt” and “lawfare” just as he regards the prosecutions against Trump as such.
Mark J.
Pretty rich coming from a priest who votes for “abortion is healthcare!”
You’ve become tedious, ignoring the forest for the trees, and much like Mark Thomas, you breezily ignore facts which punch holes in your cult-like delusions on modern “liberalism.” You really give new meaning to the phrase “those that can do, do, those that can’t do teach.”
Speaking of punching holes in “delusions” USCCB anyone?
The hits to liberal delusions keep coming:
The Dems just elected publicity hog, David Hogg (who was NOT at Parkland when the shootings occurred) and this is what he had to say about his future:
" I’m never planning on having kids. I would much rather own a Porsche and have a Portuguese water dog and golden doodle. Long term it’s cheaper, better for The environment and will never tell you that it hates you or ask you to pay for college."
A real "braintrust." He just shared with us the reason Dems need to import future voters!
The Dems are advocating violence and sound like they are the real Insurrectionists. Should they be thrown in jail for 4 years, without bail and no due process of law? Of course, when the Dems advocate violence it's different. Reasons!
Some of us can both teach and do, as I have. You can clearly do neither. With every post you give us increasing reason to disbelieve your claim that you were a hot shot international lawyer “in the big leagues.” If there is one thing that I am very good at it is in seeing the big picture; all you see are the talking points sent to you by MAGA HQ or their rightwing blog surrogates.
I will no longer engage with you on this Blog!
I will, however, correct the lie/falsehood you propagate in your comment. You say that David Hogg “was NOT at Parkland when the shootings occurred.” This is a LIE that was debunked ages ago. I would expect a diligent lawyer to have a greater respect for the truth and to at least fact check whatever rightwing source you got this notion from:
And it is confirmed with an apologetic retraction from one of the sources you like to link (I respect that journalist for their honesty):
If you originally got the falsehood in this source, how come you missed the retraction?
But, of course, telling lies and falsehoods is accepted nowadays as “freedom of speech.” God help us!
Thanks. You should no longer engage with a blog that seeks the Truth and not fake leftwing Dem truths. Take Fake K and Mark Thomas with you Girlie man. Go back to England to defend English girls who have bet let down by "men" like you. Winston Churchill and Lady Thatcher, you are not!
Father McDonald,
I feel bad for you and me! Corrupt posters like K, Mark the pretend lawyer, and Mark Thomas, the ignorant papalotor, over time have chased away the most insightful and interesting commentors here: Bee, John Nolan, Gene, Jerome Merwick, etal.
Mark, the pretend lawyer, can't handle the truth, so he is running to the National Anti-Catholic Reporter to post so they will ooh and ahh at his nonsense
Once again TJM dissembles or demonstrates his lack of reading comprehension. I did not say I would no longer engage on the Blog but that I would no longer engage with HIM on the Blog. I made one exception, to correct his propagation of the lies/falsehood about David Hogg not being at Parkland at the time of the shooting. Notice he has not responded to that post. It is TJM, it seems, who cannot handle the truth.
As for driving people away from the Blog, why on earth would anyone want to remain when he has essentially taken it over with his pro-Trump/MAGA propaganda?
I have been a contributor on this Blog for about 12 years (previously as Anonymous 2) . People like TJM who try to drive others who disagree with them away have no effect on me. If all he wants is an echo chamber, he should seek it elsewhere—there are plenty of them out there.
Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher were not bullied. Nor will I give in to the bully tactics of TJM (straight out of the playbook of his hero SuperTrump). We are made of sterner stuff. God willing, then, I will still be around here long after TJM has lost interest in this Blog.
I became friends with Gene, and we met several times for lunch before the pandemic. I plan to contact him again very soon to renew that friendship. I would be happy to do the same with TJM, if he were local, but I suspect he would have no interest in meeting with and talking to someone like me.
Mark J.
Mark J,
Now you are sounding a little bit hysterical. Why would you want to have lunch with someone you will not respond to on this blog? I suspect you have ZERO interest nor nothing in politically in common with either Winston or Lady Thatcher other than using them as rhetorical crutch.
By the way, soy boy Hogg in a very confusing interview laid the basis for people assuming he was not at the school when the shooting occurred and I hereby acknowledge he was there, but unlike the "brave" Hillary Clinton, he was not in the line of fire, as she alleged, in Bosnia. He is a rank, nasty little opportunist, and evokes the image of a young, Adolf Hitler, all he needs is to pencil on the moustache. If the DNC thinks that brainless twit (I know he went to Harvard but what is that worth anymore) then they are dreaming. Like the Bourbons, the DNC has learned nothing and forgotten nothing.
What frosts you and your kind is the Donald Trump, who could have lived a life of ease and comfort, entered the arena to take on braindead politicians, both Democrat and Republicans alike, to make life better for the little guy, and during his first term that occurred, whether or not the New Yori Slimes wants to acknowledge that inconvenient fact. I have not yet concluded whether our ruling class is most like the French Aristocrats on the eve of the French Revolution or the "perpetuals" as the French like to refer to their venal bureaucracy. Either way, I think Oliver Cromwell had it right:
"Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.
Your country therefore calls upon me to cleanse this Augean stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in this House; and which by God's help, and the strength he has given me, I am now come to do.
I command ye therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place.
Go, get you out! Make haste! Ye venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.
In the name of God, go!
Mark J,
It looks like British indifference to its own citizens matches that of the late Biden Regime:
Mark J,
Here is an article written by a law professor who has not bought into the usual groupthink:
I guess young men and women prefer to serve under real man than a vegetable:
More indicia of Biden corruption. I wonder how a senile grifter can enter into a valid contract?
You have to have a heart of stone not to laugh:
Here is a reality check for liberals who adore illegal immigration. This is the perspective of the mayor of Yuma, Arizona who tells the real story of the costs and burdens to US citizens created by illegal aliens coming over unchecked:
As night follows day, the Hypocrites of Martha's Vineyard weight in on illegal aliens:
Last post of the day. More evidence of Democrat "tolerance, civility, rationality." Sounds like insurrection to me. Perhaps they should be thrown into a DC Gulag for 4 years without due process of law, no?
I guess the resident lefties are in mourning that decency is being restored by SuperTrump (that will trigger them; I guess they are still trying to figure out how Biden adds value to Hollyweird)
TJM thinks it “a little bit hysterical” (in what sense I am unsure, perhaps both) that I would what to have lunch with someone to whom I would not respond on this Blog. If he were as aware of the “big picture” as he claims, he would know that social media can poison relationships because the “personas” people adopt and project on such media are frequently artificial and do not accurately reflect who they are in person. Call it an act of faith for want of a better term! For example, Gene and I used to have some very adversarial exchanges on the Blog and yet, as I said, we had good conversation with one another in person. I think this was after we both realized we had each perhaps said some things on the Blog that we regretted. As MLK Jr. said, “let’s build bridges, not walls.”
Mark J.
I am sure we would get along. I like Brits, my son-in-law is a British citizen and his family are all fantastic. His first cousin is an intimate of Prince William. FYI, I was considered one of the nicest lawyers at the Firm because GASP I treated the staff with respect and would actually speak to them in a friendly manner. A pretty low bar, but that is life in a large law firm.
I remember Gene with fondness. He always made some great comments, and I will never forget when he posted "Kavanaugh? He lies all of the time!" I laughed and laughed!
I am responding to you now because you are already projecting a different persona, as hopefully I am too. I wish you did live locally (or vice versa) because I really would enjoy getting to know you better. I do believe that making an in-person, human connection is so important. In fact, following a friend and colleague, whom I name, it is at the center of my argument in chapter 8 of my book (a chapter that largely addresses how we can improve political conversation in the Republic). Of course, many others have written about this and made a similar point.
In this Jubilee Year of Hope, my hope is that, even though we are likely unable to meet in person, we can already improve the quality and tone of our exchanges on the Blog.
The only respect in which I would beg to differ from your comment is regarding Father Kavanaugh, who was my parish priest for a few years. Perhaps you could try to be kinder in your comments about him as well. Like Father McDonald, who was also my parish priest before Father Kavanaugh (in a different parish, though), he is a very likeable and decent person as well.
I can relate to your comments about the large law firm. When I was consulting with the business immigration law group at the large law firm in Atlanta, I noticed that they acted similarly.
I am glad to know about the British connection in your family!
Mark J.
Mark J,
I am sorry I did not get to you sooner. I appreciate your remarks very much. Your writing style reminds me of my son-in-law's late father, whom I was close to, a very charming man. I attended his funeral many years ago at Douai Abbey where he attended Douai College what we Americans would call grade school and high school. He was a fantastic Rugby player.
One of my closest friends is to the left of Karl Marx and be get along splendidly focusing on the loves we share for music, art, and architecture.
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