This is a picture to let the general population at a California high school know who can use the bathroom in the school.
My questions, Dear Abby, are: Is this a one person at a time bathroom? Or is it a large public bathroom with multiple stalls, urinals, sinks, and vending machines?
I am a priest and our church buildings have single bathrooms that allow one person at a time to enter, male or female, handicapped or not.
Confused on Hilton Head.
"Dear Abby, Dear Abby, you won't believe this:
My mind is so dull I don't know where to piss.
My bladder is bursting, I may spring a leak!
Please answer me, Abby, don't wait till next week!
Signed..... I'm Worried
"Dear Worried, Dear Worried you have no complaint,
You are what you are and you ain't what you ain't
So listen up buster, and listen up good,
Stop wishing for bad luck and knocking on wood.
Signed dear Abby.
Well Dems are always confused. This is an amusing read, Father McDonald:
On another bender, K? I think your bishop will be very interested in seeing how a pastor spends his time!
Well since K is so confused, this will enlighten him as to why normal people are abandoning the Dems:
TJM. Thank you for that addition to the conversation at hand. I look forward to many, many more of the same kind.
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