Not since the so-called “insurrection” of four years ago, on January 6, has Washington experienced something like this kind of breaking news:
Washington, D.C., will now be home to 5 cardinals and one ex- cardinal, Cardinals Donald Wuerl, Wilton Gregory, ex-Theodore McCarrick, the three emeriti, Christophe Pierre, the apostolic nuncio, and now McElroy. Cardinal Sean O'Malley, the retired archbishop of Boston, has indicated he intends to spend about half his time at the Capuchin College in D.C.,
Just when you think things can't get any worse....
New York should be coming up soon too. My money is on Card. Tobin…
Why has not Cupich been replaced? He turned 75 in March. I guess he has more damage to do before he goes!
The photo of McElroy confirms what I think of which team he plays for!
Maybe McKnight to Chicago…
And the clown show continues
The tone deafness of Rome concerning this appointment while disappointing is not surprising. Two years before the McCarrick scandal came to light, McElory was informed by Richard Sipe of the criminal behavior of McCarrick and did nothing with the information. He is now a successor to McCarrick in Washington. The whole thing stinks to high heaven.
The gift that will keep on giving for years to come.
We have a lot of evil men running things now, but they will be gone soon, and will receive their "reward."
McElroy, one of McCarrick's buddies, to ADW just means it will continue to be driven into the ground in the most corrupt, scandalizing ways possible.
This isn't a bit suprising. One can only hope that as this erudite leftist ideologe prances to the D.C. Archbishop's chair, it will be part of the last gasp of the self-hating Catholicism that has been a train-wreck/dumpster fire since 1964. (My apologies to the train wrecks and dumpster fires of the world--metaphors increasingly fail me).
Once Francis goes to his “reward” I expect the Church will revive some. His appointments have escalated institutional collapse
I will be interested to see who replaces Archbishop Schnurr of Cincinnati.
I appreciated the remarks that Cardinal McElroy issued during yesterday's press conference in Washington, D.C. He highlighted that we are rooted in Jesus Christ. We are called to conversion and holiness.
Cardinal McElroy also highlighted our need to protect the unborn.
Cardinal McElroy made clear his determination to promote the Holy Gospel/Culture of Life. I pray for Cardinal McElroy's holy success.
May the Blessed Virgin Mary, dear Saint Joseph, as well as all the Angels and Saints, please pray that Cardinal McElroy will achieve holy success.
Mark Thomas
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