
Thursday, October 3, 2024


 These are screen shots of the Vatican Webcam feed of St. Peter’s Square, just a moment before the Mass began. 

I was speaking with a priest who just returned from Rome this past Saturday night after a nine day vacation.  He said he had never seen Rome so packed with tourists, packed he said!

Yet, not even the tourists are showing up to attend a papal Mass, because, quite frankly, papal Masses under Pope Francis are blah and the pope isn’t the celebrant for some odd reason beyond my comprehension.

I am not sure if it is the synod or the pope that Romans and Roman tourists find so boring and uninspiring. I know that in 2013 and 2016 I distributed Holy Communion at papal Masses with Pope Francis and the piazza was packed. So this is rather remarkable and should seen a message to the cardinals as they continue to prepare for the next Conclave. 

Here are the screenshots:


Tom Makin said...

Pope Francis is uninspiring and his agendas are completely out of touch. Read the room Francis. You are a dud and your cabal is the same.

rcg said...

Would it be fair to say that the endless cycle of synods is really dismantling the authority of the magisterium and clergy? That its purpose is to establish a sort of congress to change teaching to suit modern situations? What need do we have of a Papal Mass, or any Mass, if we can forgive ourselves and speak to our god on equal terms?

William said...

Vox populi, vox Dei!

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

RCG, in a sense, yes. But…Pope Francis has consolidated authority under his papacy where the post-Vatican II term, subsidiarity, was promoted, where decisions of governance were made at the lowest level and only moved up when necessary, At is concerns the Universal Church, local bishops make decisions. Where it concerns the parish, the parish pastor does in areas where the bishop need not be consulted. This pope micromanages things and allows various dicasteries to do the same. Think about the micromanagement of parish bulletins by the Dicastery of Worship. Or Pope Francis calling parishioners throughout the world to offer pastoral solicitude, and not consulting with the local bishop before doing so. Think about the blessing o same sex unions not even talking about it with the Synod on synods or other bishops of the world. In short, things are in chaos at the Vatican, bishops have been undermined as well as Magisterial teachings on the Magisterium and the next pope has a mess of colossal proportions to clean up. God save us!