
Thursday, October 17, 2024


 It appears that this Dutch Cardinal would agree with the common sense recommendations of the Real Presence Coalition and certainly this Cardinal as pope would not pit himself, liturgically, against the great liturgical pope, Pope Benedict XVI and his astute and pastoral allowance for those who think the TLM is superior to the Novus Ordo, to celebrate it exclusively. That’s synodal to say the least!!!!

From Rorate Caeli (press title for full interview):

Dutch Cardinal: Don't repeat our mistakes! Those among our churches where truth is proclaimed and liturgy is well celebrated are full. Put Christ at the Center!

 Cardinal Eijk, of Utrecht (primate of the Netherlands), in an interview with Catholic periodical COMMUNIO:

The church must speak with one voice

Cardinal Eijk on mission, secularization and the World Synod

The Church in the Netherlands was once regarded as very progressive. Disillusionment and collapse followed. Cardinal Willem Jacobus Eijk warns in an interview: Don't repeat our mistakes! In an extremely secularized society, the Archbishop of Utrecht is counting on a new missionary awakening.

By Willem Jacobus Eijk, Benjamin Leven, Lambert Hendriks

COMMUNIO: The Netherlands is considered one of the most secular societies in Western Europe. How Christian are the Netherlands still?

Read more »


Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

The "survey" of the Real Presence Coalition was not a true or fair survey. It was a push-poll, designed to elicit responses the coalition wanted to recieve.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

You mean like the survey Pope Francis took of bishops to find results to curtail SP and insult Pope Benedict with TC, speaking of clubbing Catholics to include a retired pope with a papal directive?

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

No. I suspect you may not have read much, if any, of either survey. (I've read both.) I also suspect you wouldn't know a push-poll if it walked up and punched you in the mouth.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

TJM masquerading as FRMJK??

Nick said...

Fr. MJK,

Did you read the unpublicized results of that secretive survey on TLM, which many say did not support the resulting action (Traditionis traditores)?

If so, you have more sway in Rome than I thought.


Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

Nick, I read both surveys. I did not read what "many" (oooooo, sounds SO ominous!) say did not support the resulting action.

Mark Thomas said...

Cardinal Eijk has favored many things that Rorate Caeli has despised. That is why I am surprised that New Catholic has, in positive fashion, promoted Cardinal Eijk.


-- Cardinal Eijk is on board with Vatican II.

-- Cardinal Eijk favors the Holy Mass of Pope Saint Paul VI.

-- Cardinal Eijk has praised and supported the Synod.

-- Cardinal Eijk has not feared the collapse of the Church in Netherlandands, as well as throughout the West.

-- Cardinal Eijk has downplayed the TLM's future in Netherlands.

-- Cardinal Eijk has insisted that the TLM will not play an important role in regard to the Church in Holland's re-evangelization.

-- Cardinal Eijk has viewed Pope Francis favorably.

Again, given all of the above, I am surprised that Rorate Caeli has cast a favorable light upon Cardinal Eijk.


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

Speaking of Cardinal Eijk...

Earlier this year, The Catholic World Report had published a "review of God Is Alive in Holland, a short book-length interview with Cardinal Willem Jacobus Eijk, Archbishop of Utrecht and Primate of the Netherlands, conducted by the Italian journalist Andrea Galli."

From the article in question:

"Meanwhile, the Dutch experience demolishes the balderdash we often hear in the mainstream media about how the legalization of recreational marijuana will stop drug trafficking, and that smoking a joint is about as harmful as drinking a glass of chardonnay with dinner."

"Cardinal Eijk notes that eventually the marijuana smoker builds up tolerance to THC and needs something stronger, leading to the explosion of ecstasy and crystal meth use in Holland."

"Meanwhile, Mexican drug traffickers often get their supplies in the Netherlands."


Cardinal Eijk has exhorted us to learn from mistakes that have abounded throughout Netherlands.

In light of the above, the following is a shame:

Vice President Harris, as well as Donald Trump, have joined the Culture of Death's quest to legalize the "recreational use" of marijuana.

Let us join with Cardinal Eijk's hope that we will resist the mistakes that, in many ways, have wrecked Holland.


Mark Thomas