
Saturday, August 17, 2024


 The parishes that are producing mega vocations to the priesthood and religious life are those that are either conservative/traditional Modern Mass (Novus Ordo) parishes or parishes associated with the the TLM, such as the FSSP and the ICTCSP. And certainly, percentage wise, the SSPX is producing more priestly candidates than any progressive NO parish. 

Parishes with significant numbers of new movement laity, such as charismatics, are also producing more vocations. 

This new mega parish in California is interesting. If it follows the organizational genius of Protestant mega churches, it could succeed but will be less Catholic. It has to be based upon dividing the parish into small groups where community can be experienced as well as Christian education and service. Those groups will have to be lay led and hopefully by laity well trained. The training, I think, is what is lacking. 

The key is to have smaller parishes where you don’t need to divide it up too much into small groups, although small groups have always been a part of Catholic parishes pre and post Vatican II. 

CBS did a good job with this special interest story:


ByzRus said...

Your "man-up" comment of several weeks back has stuck with me and not in a good way. I don't personally view this as the ideal, but, who am I? It looks like they are making an effort to be Catholic. For that, I applaud them. Agree, catholicity could be compromised on this scale. But, "man-up" and make that which will be enforced, regardless of overall viability, work.

ByzRus said...

Watching this, and reflecting upon it, one has to wonder if this will become normative in the U.S. Regional mass centers where laity, like ants, come to the hill then leave in droves. True, it's efficient and it spreads precious resources more reasonably, but, is it truly conducive to community? Time will tell, and father's commentary during the video gives me hope, but, one still has to wonder. Should resources become more stretched, is the answer knock it down and build larger? If more vote with their feet, is it money wasted? Is this the last opportunity to try and get it right, post Council? Are younger people attracted to this model? Will they continue as Catholics, or post-higher education, will they simply disappear as "nones"? Is "man-up" the answer? Just fall into line, case closed?

Regarding "man-up", and as mentioned, this has stuck in my craw. It's an easy out. It requires conformity......blind conformity. While the RC has always been predicated upon conformity, is this conformity based upon Christ, or man made ideology? I've wondered since reading this, why this blog has continued. I've also wondered if the secret police paid someone a visit under the cover of night. If "man-up" is the expectation, then, all must be well, there clearly is no need to continue, there is no longer any to debate really anything. Despite what I mentioned, this cycle regarding architecture, liturgy and vocations seems to have again picked up and is continuing. I suppose I am free to not participate, and I mostly haven't had the time to do so recently, yet, I don't understand.