
Monday, August 19, 2024


 On Sunday, I celebrated the 7 AM Mass at St. Gregory the Great Church in Bluffton. That Mass has no music or singing-just a spoken Mass. Then I drove to St. Anthony Mission in Hardeeville for their 8:30 AM Mass. That Mass has a cantor who strums a guitar to lead the singing. Then I went back to HII but left again to go to Savannah for the Traditional Latin Mass at 1 PM at Sacred Heart Church. That Mass is completely sung, including the priest’s parts and there is a professional Schola which is expert in Gregorian Latin Chant. I offered the 1 PM Mass for the happy repose of the soul of my brother, Johnny, who died two weeks ago of cancer. August 20th he would have been 76 years old. BTW, as an itinerant “retired” priest, I clocked 143 miles on my car on Sunday!

Saint Gregory the Great Church in Bluffton, SC:

Saint Anthony of Padua Mission, Hardeeville, SC:

Sacred Heart Church in Savannah, Georgia:


ByzRus said...

I'm so sorry for the loss of your brother. Memory eternal. Vichnaya pamyat.

Nick said...

Fr. AJM,

Echoing ByzRus, my condolences. Requiescat in pace.


Sophia said...

Dear Father. May the Divine Comforter console you and the rest of your family as you mourn the death of your brother, Johnny. And may his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, Rest in Peace, Amen!

rcg said...

Fr McDonald, you have my most sincere condolences for the death of your brother. Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine. Et lux perpetua luceat ei.

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald, may our Majestic God grant eternal rest and peace to Johnny, your brother. May God grant peace and comfort to His holy priest, Father McDonald, as well as Father's family. Amen.

TJM said...

May God's Blessings flow to you and your family!

Православный физик said...

May your brother's memory be eternal

George said...

Fr McDonald, you have my condolences and sympathy on the recent death of your brother.Johnny
It is at these times that we can be thankful for the benefits of the gift of our redemption by Christ and our adoption as sons and daughters of God, whose Love and Mercy endures forever.