
Friday, August 16, 2024


The bishops of a country are wringing their hands and write a letter to correct liturgical abuses. It could be any country, some with different liturgical abuses. But it is so common today and so few are wringing their hands because so few care:

Here’s a list that wringing hands are calling out in order to make the liturgy great again! Good luck with that!

  • Deviations from prescribed prayers and rubrics of the Mass, including the Eucharistic Prayer.

  • Irreverent handling of the Eucharist.

  • Priests walking down the aisle while carrying the monstrance during exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and blessing people, “using gestures akin to sprinkling of holy water.”

  • “Inappropriate music,” including secular songs.

  • “Indecorous dance,” including during Eucharistic exposition.

  • Commercializing the liturgy by “taking up too many collections and fundraising right in the middle of liturgical celebrations.” 

  • Using the pulpit “to pursue personal interests.”

  • Incorporating local customs inconsistent with the Catholic faith under the pretext of inculturation. 

  • Failure to wear proper vestments. 

  • Lack of adequate preparation for liturgical celebrations.

  • The “invention of rites,” including the ceremony of child dedication where a youngster is sometimes placed on the altar.

  • The blessing of items not approved by the Church as sacramentals.



Fr. David Evans said...

Only a man can carry off a pink feather boa

ByzRus said...

Regarding RC liturgy, you recently exhorted your readers to "man up" on that which has, evidently, become normative. True, I'm poking the tiger here, but, these letters/exhortations/"pope says" talks just result in nose thumbing. So, manning up seems reasonable.

Nick said...

Ed Condon added, in their Friday Pillar Post, that:

"Reading the list of liturgical abuses, I was of course struck by how many of them I could find on a Sunday in an American parish somewhere, in just about any diocese I can think of, without too much effort at all.

But if the USCCB leadership put out a letter like this, they would be held out for open ridicule by entire sections of the Catholic media, and sneered at by a sizable contingent of their own bishops, I’d wager.

I’d also bet some of the first words you’d hear in response would be “anti-Francis,” despite the pope’s own repeated criticism of many of these same abuses."

I wonder how much of the sneering and accusations (and mindless block quoting telling us we shouldn't be "anti-Francis" on the liturgy) would come from one or two of this blog's regulars.


TJM said...

This will bring joy to Father K:

The Planned Parenthood abortion business has reportedly ended the lives of 25 innocent babies during the Democratic National Convention (DNC), all under the guise of “reproductive healthcare.”

The organization, notorious for its aggressive abortion agenda, took its so-called “services” to a whole new level by offering free medicated abortions, vasectomies, and emergency contraception to attendees and residents in Chicago.

Planned Parenthood Great Rivers of St. Louis led this monstrous operation, proudly announcing on social media that their mobile health clinic would be stationed in Chicago’s West Loop during the DNC, working alongside the Chicago Abortion Fund and other pro-abortion groups.

According to CBS News, “Planned Parenthood said it served between 20 and 30 patients over the two days the mobile clinic was near the DNC.”