
Sunday, August 4, 2024


 I have written this before, but Pope Francis wants to feminize the Church. By that I don’t mean what most Catholics think when we think about the Church. We refer to her as she and Holy Mother. The reason for this is that the Church receives from God the living grace necessary to generate and maintain eternal life, especially for those conceived and born again through Holy Baptism. 

But it appears for Pope Francis, that he wants leadership in the Church, meaning males in Holy Orders, to be more feminine in their pastoral approach. Thus, like a mother, bishops and priests should nurure, cajole and cuddle Holy Mother Church’s errant children.

This is stereotypical of course, because not all mothers are enablers of their children’s bad behavior and some, like fathers do, kick their ridiculously errant children out of the home and tell them to sink or swim.

And certainly Pope Francis knows that Italian mothers can be notoriously harsh with their children, yelling at them, throwing things at them and slamming doors, kitchen cabinets and cooking pans and pots. 

Thus, we see Pope Francis’ ethos as it concerns those who are really miscreants. He coddles them, does not call them out and encourages ministries that enables their immoral, miscreant behavior. Pope Francis even writes hand-written love notes to various ideological ministries of a certain left-leaning Jesuit preist and his enabling ministry. 

John Allen has an interesting piece in Crux this morning about Francis come lately’s semi-condemnation of the sacrilege and blasphemy surrounding the Last Supper in the opening ceremony of the Olympics. 

Until last night, as I write this, Pope Francis has said nothing personally about it. I am surprised he didn’t write a hand-written note to the actors thanking them for sharing their talents on a world stage. 

But on Saturday night, August 3, the Vatican released its own statement. Why? Because Turkey’s leader, I presume a Muslim, asked Pope Francis to do so. You got that right. Turkey’s muslim president, was put out that Pope Francis has been silent in order to appease the LGBTQ++++ ideology of the world and a Muslim secular leader called the Holy Father out on it. He was justly outraged as so many other religious figures, Christian or not, had spoken out! The Turkish President wanted the pope to do his job!

I guess the Turkish president told Pope Francis to man-up and stop acting like a woman. But that too would be stereotypical too, no?

But yes, let’s have some masculinity in the Catholic hierarchy and lets begin at the top. 



William said...

Too little too late, and Jorge Bergoglio and his merry band of sycophants should damn well be ashamed of themselves.

monkmcg said...

Most lay leadership at the parish level is already women. Large numbers of priests and bishops are homosexual (either by orientation or activity). How much more emasculated can we get?

Fr. David Evans said...

Catholics expected nothing, Muslims expected more. Funny that. How we have been ground down to anticipate nothing.

Nick said...

Is it femininity or effeminacy and emasculation? I cannot think of a more effeminate, miserable response to such a gross display. Even silence was better, in my view--taking it as something not even worthy of condemnation because it was self-condemnatory.

But this? To speak out, a week later, with pathetic mewling over taking offense, and defending near-absolute freedom of self-expression, with the only exception being some person being offended thereby? No mention of God whatsoever (a common theme of the past decade), much less what is due to Him? And to be prompted by a Muslim secular leader at that, who doesn't even reverence Jesus Christ as God?


Mark said...

Well, I actually read John Allen’s article, and I saw no references to the feminization of the Church or to Pope Francis being a “girly man” and not being a “Hulk Hogan” pontiff ripping his vestments (sorry couldn’t resist). However, I did read several potential explanations for the Vatican’s original silence and then belated response. So, Father McDonald’s “take” seems very subjective and not reflective of John Allen’s article.

Mark J.

Mark Thomas said...

I appreciate the Holy See's statement in regard to the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris. The Holy See had supported the condemnations of the opening ceremony that the Bishops in France had issued.

As Aleteia noted: "Another sign of Rome's support for the French bishops, is that their statement was immediately relayed by the Holy See's media outlets."

Along that line, America Magazine reported that they had "learned that the Vatican had originally decided not to issue a statement because the French bishops had issued a statement soon after the event in which they denounced the offense to believers in a scene involving a drag queen and some 15 others."

But as Ukraine's Greek Catholic bishops declared, Pope Francis is the "universal voice of truth and justice." Therefore, I appreciate that His Holiness has responded ably in regard to the ceremony in question.


If anything, I hope that the Olympic mockery in question will result in the following: There are Catholics on this blog, as well as elsewhere, who, in horrific fashion, have mocked and trashed the Holy Mass of Pope Saint Paul VI.

Among said folks are those who have mocked said Holy Mass as the "Novus Bogus...Nervous Disorder...Imposter Mass...Bastard Rite."

May the Olympic Ceremony in question spur said folks to renounce their horrific, Satanic determination to attack the Holy Mass.


Mark Thomas

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

"Large numbers of priests and bishops are homosexual (either by orientation or activity)."

Seems to me this type of self-loathing comment is in the same category as JD's "Childless Cat Woman" comment.

monkmcg said...

Fr MK - since I am not a member of the clergy nor a homosexual, this cannot be a "self-loathing" response. Similarly, Mr. Vance does not have purple hair, nor is he a woman (he may own a cat - no idea) so his comment can also nor reasonably be called "self-loathing".

Nick said...

JD Vance is a childless cat woman? Huh? That's about as applicable to JD Vance as, apparently, "homosexual clergyman" is to monkmcg--i.e., not at all.


Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

monk - Indeed, one need not be a cleric or a homosexual to be self-loathing.

It is your comment, not JD's, that indicates self-loathing.

monkmcg said...

Keep your day job Fr. K; you won't make it as a psychiatrist.

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

monk - Your unfounded accusations against "large numbers of priests and bishops" is a clear indication that you'll never make it as an investigator. You'll continue to express your self-induced inner turmoil by lashing against people A) you've never met, B) you've never spoken to, C) who have done you no harm whatsoever, D) who spend their days in various ministries around the world while you sit at a computer lobbing blobs of self-loathing slander.

Enjoy your day.

monkmcg said...

Unfounded: except for the John Jay reports and the various states Attorneys General reports and the ongoing news items that surface at least monthly; and the drag queens in the Vatican; and the same sex blessings. Now we enter into projection (accusing others of what you are doing): A) you have never met me, B) you have never spoken to me, C) I have not harmed you and D) you are on theses Southern Orders comments far more than I am.

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

Monk - Neither the John Jay reports nor state attorneys general indicate "large numbers" of gay bishops and/or priests. That is pure hyperbole on your part, triggered by some deep-seated self-loathing no doubt. Yes, I know you only from this blog. I commented only on what I have seen you post on this blog. You post about some phantom "large number" of gay clergy for with nothing to support the claim.

monkmcg said...

If you read those reports, you find that 70-85% of the abuse was homosexual. Uncle Teddy? Homosexual - There is abundant published research on the numbers of homosexual clergy. Richard Sipe pioneered that line of inquiry and many others have followed.

TJM said...

Speaking of Weird:
For weird characters like Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, now Kamala Harris's running mate, there is no such thing as human nature.

Which is why he and his woke coevals are constantly in for a surprise when they make human beings into their guinea pigs for a Better World.

And this is particularly obvious in matters involving children and their identities. It's very well known that boys, when given Barbie dolls to play with will turn them into guns for cowboy play.

Writer Kira Davis saw what happened when Tim Walz's wokesterly idea of putting tampon and maxipad dispensers in the boys' room of her kids' high school in California.

That of course meant that at taxpayer expense, the improbable specter of tampon and maxipad machines were installed in all public school bathrooms, including the boys' rooms -- and the boys weren't supposed to notice anything amiss.

TJM said...

or weird characters like Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, now Kamala Harris's running mate, there is no such thing as human nature.

Which is why he and his woke coevals are constantly in for a surprise when they make human beings into their guinea pigs for a Better World.

And this is particularly obvious in matters involving children and their identities. It's very well known that boys, when given Barbie dolls to play with will turn them into guns for cowboy play.

Writer Kira Davis saw what happened when Tim Walz's wokesterly idea of putting tampon and maxipad dispensers in the boys' room of her kids' high school in California.

That of course meant that at taxpayer expense, the improbable specter of tampon and maxipad machines were installed in all public school bathrooms, including the boys bathrooms!a