
Sunday, April 2, 2017


I find a common thread from the statements of three cardinals recently, the most stunning of which is the paper that Robert Cardinal Sarah sent to a conference in Germany on Summorum Pontificum.

What is that common thread you ask? Both an implicit and explicit critique of the "spirit" of Vatican II that has become a "disaster" for the Church.

But more importantly, Cardinal Sarah's paper is a very discreet, but nonetheless dire, critique of the Magisterium of Pope Francis who seems to be promoting the "spirit" of Vatican II with some of his moral initiatives throwing the Church, once again, into the chaotic sea of "spirit" of Vatican II tumult. His Holiness' shake up of the Congregation of Divine Worship, which Cardinal Sarah is its Prefect, as well as Pope Francis' initiative to rethink Vox Clara and Liturgiam Authenticum, seem to be in line with the "spirit" of Vatican II which has been a total disaster for the Church according to Cardinal Sarah!

But let's go in the order of the three Cardinals who have sounded an "implied" alarm. One wonders if these cardinals are simply voices calling out in the wilderness or if there are many other cardinals too timid to speak the truth to power? Time will tell:

The First to speak an implied critique of the current state of affairs in the Church is  from Francis Cardinal Arinze. When asked by CRUX if His Eminence would like to see a future African pope, the good Cardinal's answer in my most humble opinion seems to imply that some cardinals, including Cardinal Arinze now believe that "spirit of Vatican II" has made possible two answers to this famous question which until recently always had only one answer! "Is the Pope Catholic?"

This is what Francis Cardinal Arinze said:

“If he [the pope] doesn’t deliver the goods, what do we gain even if he comes from my own village? For me, it’s not important. What matters is that he’s a Catholic!”

The second to speak, later in the week, DARÍO Cardinal CASTRILLÓN, a retired cardinal from South America who has worked to reintegrate the SSPX, implied that the SSPX may be truer to what the Catholic Church should be compared to the vast majority of the Catholic Church after Vatican II which has embraced the "spirit" of Vatican II, which means a "false spirit." 

This is what the good Cardinal says about the post-Vatican II "spirit" of the Council:

"[With Vatican II] There were points without total clarity. Many of the architects of a post-council dealt with those points in a way that was not in line with the Council, which has in itself all its value. They made interpretations that were not in accordance with neither the Council nor the Magisterium."

The third to speak, Robert Cardinal Sarah, current Prefect of the Congregation of Divine Worship delivered a one, two knock out against the spirit of Vatican II. The entire paper delivered in Germany on Friday has this stunning bombshell as it concerns Europe's abandoning of its Catholic roots being SECOND ONLY TO THE CATHOLIC CHURCH HAVING DONE SO FIRST AFTER VATICAN II! Now if that isn't a bombshell statement from a high ranking Cardinal in the Curia, who by the way, is Papabile, I don't know what is!

Here is the bombshell sentence, verbatim, from the good Cardinal:

Political Europe is rebuked for abandoning or denying its Christian roots. But the first to have abandoned her Christian roots and past is indisputably the post-conciliar Catholic Church.

As everyone knows, I am in complete accord with everything Cardinal Sarah wrote in his paper. His is a common sense approach that neutralizes the Liturgy wars but sees the current disaster of the "reformed liturgy" which its reformers deformed, as the foundation of the turmoil in the Church for the past 50 years that has led to moral relativism and the loss of orthodox Catholicism in the majority of clergy and laity in today's Church! There is today, under the current papal magisterium an acceleration of this turmoil which has been recovered.

Cardinal Sarah does not seek to impose the 1962 Roman Missal on the entire Church or to abandon the Vatican II documents, but rather to reorient the reformed Mass to mirror what Sacrosanctum Concilium actually promoted. He states that Pope Paul's committee formed after Vatican II to implement SC went far beyond SC and fabricated a liturgy rather than restoring the Liturgy according to the great organic Tradition of the Liturgy. 

As I have written many times before, what our 2002 Roman Missal could look like if reformed already has an official image and that image is found directly in the Ordinariate's Divine Worship, the Missal. All it takes is giving the normal Latin Rite a Missal like Divine Worship which has reoriented the OF Mass to be more similar to the EF Mass although in a "sacral" English. It recovers many elements of the EF Mass that our reformed Mass abandoned recklessly.

Key to the enrichment of our current 2002 Roman Missal with the ethos and spirituality, devotional qualities of the EF 1962 Missal are three of the simplest things to recover which would take minimal catechesis to implement which the Ordinariate's Divine Worship has recovered for us:

1. The 2002 Roman Missal celebrated Ad Orientem without ad libs or additional non-liturgical secular/banal insertions into the Mass by the celebrant such as "good morning church" greetings or other such silly banalities which draw attention not to the sacred but to the priest and his glib personality.

2.    Kneeling for the Penitential Act, Holy Communion, and the Final Blessing as well as receiving Holy Communion on the tongue.

3. Strict laws on what "hymns" can be sung at Mass and cannot be sung which are hymns that are not intrinsic to the Mass. This means that the official Introit, Offertory and Communion Antiphons cannot be eliminated for banal, silly hymns that invite ridicule and embarrassment and are not orthodox in doctrine or Catholic spirituality and devotional content. 

By devotional content I mean that devotional Catholic hymns like Panis Angelicus, O Lord, I Am Not Worthy, Hail Holy Queen and the like have a Catholic ethos in sound, albeit devotional,filled with sentimentality and non liturgical. Whereas songs, often sung today at Mass, like Amazing Grace, How Great Thou Art, Just a Closer Walk With Thee and the like, clearly have a Protestant devotional sound that is not appropriate in the Catholic Mass, the sound and sentimentality! 


TJM said...

This story will depress the "liberals" who post here:

Note the age of these priests, boys!

TJM said...

When I was a little boy playing Mass, I celebrated it with far more dignity than these juvenile delinquents.